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[ABC2023A]Go Global with Flutter Apps

[ABC2023A]Go Global with Flutter Apps

ABC 2023 Autumnの講演資料"Go Global with Flutter Apps"です。
#abc2023a #日本Androidの会 #flutterjp

Kenichi Kambara

November 23, 2023

More Decks by Kenichi Kambara

Other Decks in Technology


  1. About me •Mobile App Development •Speeches (e.g. 15 Int’l/100+ Domestic)

    •Writings (e.g. 8 Dev Books) •[Of fi cial] Evangelist at NTT TechnoCross •[Private] iplatform.org ਆݪ ݈Ұ (X:@korodroid) NEW
  2. RTLݴޠͷ࿩ऀ  • Arabic: 310 million speakers/26 countries • Urdu:

    101 million speakers • Hebrew: 9 million speakers • and some more… LingoHub: https://lingohub.com/academy/best-practices/rtl-language-list
  3. Deep dive 2 (Layout)  on LTR on RTL Row(

    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ BlueArea(), GreyArea(), ], ), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ BlueArea(), GreyArea(), ], ),
  4.  on LTR on RTL 㲔 㲔 Deep dive 2

    (Layout): ݁Ռ چόʔδϣϯ
  5. Deep dive 3 (Text)  Column( children: [ Text( “Text1",

    ), Text( “Text2", ), ], ), on LTR on RTL
  6. Deep dive 3 (Text)  Column( children: [ Text( “TextAlign.left",

    textAlign: TextAlign.left, ), Text( "TextAlign.right", textAlign: TextAlign.right, ), ], ), on LTR on RTL
  7. Please let me know if you have any requests such

    as technical speeches, technical writings and so on. Facebook:http://fb.com/kanbara.kenichi X:@korodroid LinkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/korodroid Thank you so much