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Flutter Recap from I/O 2023 + α

Flutter Recap from I/O 2023 + α

日本Androidの会2023年5月定例会(Google I/O 2023関連)の発表資料「Flutter Recap from I/O 2023 + α」です。
#jag2305 #jag #googleio #io2023

Kenichi Kambara

May 24, 2023

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  1. Flutter Recap from I/O 2023 + α 2023.05.24 ਆݪ ݈Ұ

    (@korodroid) ೔ຊAndroidͷձ 2023೥5݄ఆྫձ
  2. About me Kenichi Kambara (@korodroid) •Mobile App Development •Speeches (e.g.

    14 Int’l/100+ Domestic) •Writings (e.g. 8 Dev Books) •[Of fi cial] Evangelist at NTT TechnoCross •[Private] iplatform.org New
  3. Agenda •Flutter Topics from I/O 2023 •Flutter 3.10 Summary +

    α Source: Google I/O 2023 Keynote / Developer Keynote / Flutter Session What’s new in Flutter 3.10, Announcing Dart 3(Medium)
  4. Reference  •What's new in Dart and Flutter 

 •What’s new in Flutter 3.10 
 https://medium.com/ fl utter/whats-new-in- fl utter-3-10-b21db2c38c73 •Announcing Dart 3 
 https://medium.com/dartlang/announcing-dart-3-53f065a10635 •Introducing Impeller - Flutter's new rendering engine 
  5. Please let me know if you have any requests 

    such as technical speeches, technical writings and so on. http://www.linkedin.com/in/korodroid Thank you so much http://fb.com/kanbara.kenichi @korodroid