My big-oh take on performance, web scale, capacity planning and sizing. These slides also address key relationships between concurrency, hit-rate and average response time in web apps.
you name it automated -ve rspec hdd - hacker driven development broke/hacked a lot of things printers, browsers, web apps, voip gateways, video servers, IM servers speed of execution was super important
least surprise extensions in C almost like writing ruby rb_raise, rb_call, etc 1.8.7 interpreter “purer” than 1.9.2 the VM complexifies the code paths harder to do code walkthroughs
that make you go doh when you get it majority of performance issues poor choice of data structures algorithms capped speed of light => don’t blame rails that it’s slow
sport capacity planning, sizing, scalability questions sinatra, jQuery, backbone.js, couchdb, redis & C++ recently experimenting with dynamodb running on all 7 regions of AWS so you can say => send me 10K users from singapore integrations with new relic, copper egg & scoutapp
aget '/async' do delay = params[:delay].to_i rescue 0 EM.add_timer(delay/1000.0) do body "#{delay} ms" end end each request still takes 1 second but you gain concurrency because of multiplexing => hit-rate is no longer 1/second