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2020年6月7日に開催された「なごやデザイナーLT会 Vol.3.5」で発表した資料のうちの1つです。

Keisuke Watanuki

June 07, 2020

More Decks by Keisuke Watanuki

Other Decks in Design


  1. そもそも、OOUIって何? - オブジェクト指向UIを指す - Object-Oriented User Interface - 名詞→動詞の順番で操作する -

    メール→送信する - モードレス - 特定のモードに閉じ込められない - いつ、どんな順番で、何をやっても良い
  2. 普通に設計してるとタスクベースに出来上がる - 必要な機能一覧、って絶対に作る - 検索出来るようにしたい - データの削除をしたい - ↑まさに動詞(タスク)をベースに考えている -

    要件を満たすって考え方だとタスクベース化する - タスクベースなUIは制作サイドの怠慢 - あくまで、あえて強い言葉を使うならだけど
  3. Eddard Stark 9:35 AM Important news [Urgent] If the wrong

    ears heard what I'm about to tell you, off comes my head. And who would mourn poor... Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen 9:00 AM DRAGONS Catlyn Tully 8:51 AM I propose a trade On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, I will trade your boy's life for Robb's. A son for a son. Jon & Alliser Yesterday Re: Winter is coming! You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. Didn't have enough to feed them... Tyrion Lannister Yesterday Re: Resumé I drink and I know things. Bran Stark Yesterday Hello? How long have you been hiding out there? Robb will be looking for you. To say goodbye. Sansa Stark Yesterday …regrets Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, "don't go, you idiot." Arya Stark Yesterday My list Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Cersei Lannister Yesterday Thinking about you Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with… Ser Jaime Lannister 04/22/2017 Nice try! People have been swinging at me for years and they always seem to miss. Petyr Baelish 04/22/2017 Small Council Meeting Council business. We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark. Varys 04/22/2017 Lady Stark Everyone's well aware of your enduring... fondness for Lord Stark's wife. If the Lannisters were behind the... Sort by Date When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground! Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it. DT 9:00 AM Inbox Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen DRAGONS noname@nope.com To: Mailboxes Inbox Sent Flagged Drafts (38) Mailboxes Smart Mailboxes Today 109 Trash Junk Sent 1 Drafts 18 Flagged 21 Inbox Inbox (1,000 messages) Search
  4. Eddard Stark 9:35 AM Important news [Urgent] If the wrong

    ears heard what I'm about to tell you, off comes my head. And who would mourn poor... Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen 9:00 AM DRAGONS Catlyn Tully 8:51 AM I propose a trade On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, I will trade your boy's life for Robb's. A son for a son. Jon & Alliser Yesterday Re: Winter is coming! You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. Didn't have enough to feed them... Tyrion Lannister Yesterday Re: Resumé I drink and I know things. Bran Stark Yesterday Hello? How long have you been hiding out there? Robb will be looking for you. To say goodbye. Sansa Stark Yesterday …regrets Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, "don't go, you idiot." Arya Stark Yesterday My list Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Cersei Lannister Yesterday Thinking about you Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with… Ser Jaime Lannister 04/22/2017 Nice try! People have been swinging at me for years and they always seem to miss. Petyr Baelish 04/22/2017 Small Council Meeting Council business. We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark. Varys 04/22/2017 Lady Stark Everyone's well aware of your enduring... fondness for Lord Stark's wife. If the Lannisters were behind the... Sort by Date When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground! Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it. DT 9:00 AM Inbox Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen DRAGONS noname@nope.com To: アクション 削除する アーカイブする フラグを立てる 返信する 閲覧する 作成する Inbox (1,000 messages) Search
  5. Eddard Stark 9:35 AM Important news [Urgent] If the wrong

    ears heard what I'm about to tell you, off comes my head. And who would mourn poor... Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen 9:00 AM DRAGONS Catlyn Tully 8:51 AM I propose a trade On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, I will trade your boy's life for Robb's. A son for a son. Jon & Alliser Yesterday Re: Winter is coming! You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. Didn't have enough to feed them... Tyrion Lannister Yesterday Re: Resumé I drink and I know things. Bran Stark Yesterday Hello? How long have you been hiding out there? Robb will be looking for you. To say goodbye. Sansa Stark Yesterday …regrets Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left? I want to scream at myself, "don't go, you idiot." Arya Stark Yesterday My list Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Ilyn Payne... the Hound. Joffrey... Cersei... Cersei Lannister Yesterday Thinking about you Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake with… Ser Jaime Lannister 04/22/2017 Nice try! People have been swinging at me for years and they always seem to miss. Petyr Baelish 04/22/2017 Small Council Meeting Council business. We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark. Varys 04/22/2017 Lady Stark Everyone's well aware of your enduring... fondness for Lord Stark's wife. If the Lannisters were behind the... Sort by Date DT 9:00 AM Inbox Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen DRAGONS noname@nope.com To: 返信するための 入力エリアなりなんなりが出る アクション 削除する アーカイブする フラグを立てる 返信する 閲覧する 作成する Inbox (1,000 messages) Search
  6. OOUIをタスクベースに変えるとツラさが分かる - 人が関心があるのはオブジェクト - 今回で言えば、メール - 初めから頭の中でタスクが決まっている訳じゃない - 新着メールチェック -

    過去のメールを参照したくなった - 検索して、あるメールにフラグ - さっきの新着メールに戻って返信 - ↑くらいの行き当たりばったり、よくあるでしょう?
  7. ちなみに - タスクベースでも成立するのは一部のケースだけ - 銀行のATMとか - なぜなら口座オブジェクトしか存在しないから - OOUIに変えるだけでミスが減る -

    ただし、操作が覚えやすくなるわけじゃない - どう操作しても目的が達成できるようになる - 5分じゃ具体的な作り方までいけなかった……