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DevFest Pisa 2024 - Is Your Model Private?

Luca Corbucci
June 02, 2024

DevFest Pisa 2024 - Is Your Model Private?

Luca Corbucci

June 02, 2024


  1. What’s the color of the cat? An attacker wants to

    know If a sample was used to Train the model In a Membership Inference Attack,
  2. What’s the color of the cat? 0 45 90 0

    1 2 4 0 20 40 0 1 2 4 The model will be more confident when we query it with the image that was in the training dataset
  3. Differential Privacy (An intuition using databases) Suppose you have two

    databases That differs in one single instance
  4. Differential Privacy (An intuition using databases) You query both of

    them and you have two different results You can infer something about the missing instance
  5. Differential Privacy Differential Privacy allows you to query the databases

    adding some randomisation to the answer. (An intuition using databases) You will have (more or less) the same output regardless of the presence of one sample
  6. Differential Privacy (A slightly more advanced definition) P[A( ) =

    O] ≤ P[A( ) = O] eϵ Given two databases which differ in only one instance:
  7. P[A( ) = O] ≤ P[A( ) = O] eϵ

    tells us how much these two probabilities are similar eϵ is called “privacy budget” and represents an upper bound on how much we can leak information ϵ How to interpret the ϵ Given two databases which differ in only one instance:
  8. Differential Privacy (A more relaxed definition) P[A( ) = O]

    ≤ P[A( ) = O] +δ eϵ The parameter quantifies the probability that something goes wrong. The algorithm will be differentially private with probability 1 -δ δ Given two databases which differ in only one instance:
  9. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] 98
  10. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1)
  11. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1)
  12. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1) 97.19888273257044
  13. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1) 97.19888273257044 >>> df[df["Disease"] == "Diabetes"].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_2) 94.0943263602294
  14. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1) 97.19888273257044 >>> df[df["Disease"] == "Diabetes"].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_2) 94.0943263602294 What’s the privacy cost here?
  15. Example We want to query our database to know how

    many patients have Diabetes >>> df[df["Disease"] == “Diabetes”].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1) 97.19888273257044 >>> df[df["Disease"] == "Diabetes"].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_2) 94.0943263602294 >>> int(df[df[“Disease"] == "Diabetes"].shape[0] + rnd.laplace(loc=0, scale=sensitivity/eps_1)) 95 Am I removing DP when I round the result?
  16. Differential Privacy P[A( ) = ] ≤ P[A( ) =

    ] eϵ The outputs of the two neural networks will be similar regardless of the presence of in the dataset
  17. SGD def sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each sample

    x_i in the batch: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t = average of gradients M = M - lr * g_t Return M
  18. SGD DP-SGD def sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each

    sample x_i in the batch: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t = average of gradients M = M - lr * g_t Return M def sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each sample x_i: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t = average of gradients M = M - lr * g_t Return M
  19. SGD DP-SGD def dp_sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each

    sample x_i: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t(x_i) = clip_gradient() g_t = average of clipped gradients + Noise M = M - lr * g_t Return M def sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each sample x_i in the batch: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t = average of gradients M = M - lr * g_t Return M
  20. SGD DP-SGD def dp_sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each

    sample x_i: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t(x_i) = clip_gradient(C) g_t = average of clipped gradients + Noise M = M - lr * g_t Return M def sgd(): for each batch L_t: for each sample x_i in the batch: g_t(x_i) = compute_gradient(M, x_i) g_t = average of gradients M = M - lr * g_t Return M This can be Gaussian Noise 𝒩(0, σ2C2I)
  21. Differentially Private NN are just a wrapper away * *

    if you carefully choose your privacy parameters model, optimizer, train_loader = privacy_engine.make_private_with_epsilon( module=model, # the model you want to train with DP optimizer=optimizer, data_loader=train_loader, epochs=EPOCHS, target_epsilon=EPSILON, # privacy budget target_delta=DELTA, max_grad_norm=MAX_GRAD_NORM, # clipping value )
  22. A few notes on the privacy parameters Choosing the is

    a tradeoff between the utility of the model and the privacy we want to guarantee ϵ
  23. A few notes on the privacy parameters If we set

    a low we will need to introduce a lot of noise during the training Choosing the is a tradeoff between the utility of the model and the privacy we want to guarantee ϵ ϵ
  24. A few notes on the privacy parameters If we set

    a low we will need to introduce a lot of noise during the training This will degrade the model performances! Choosing the is a tradeoff between the utility of the model and the privacy we want to guarantee ϵ ϵ
  25. References 1) Evaluating and Testing Unintended Memorization in Neural Networks

    https:// bair.berkeley.edu/blog/2019/08/13/memorization/ 2) Scalable Extraction of Training Data from (Production) Language Models https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.17035 3) Membership Inference Attacks against Machine Learning Models https:// arxiv.org/abs/1610.05820 4) A friendly, non-technical introduction to differential privacy https:// desfontain.es/blog/friendly-intro-to-differential-privacy.html 5) Deep Learning with Differential Privacy https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.00133 6) Opacus https://opacus.ai/ 7) Tensorflow Privacy https://github.com/tensorflow/privacy
  26. References 8) A list of real-world uses of differential privacy

    https://desfontain.es/blog/ real-world-differential-privacy.html 9) Improving Gboard language models via private federated analytics https://research.google/blog/improving-gboard-language-models-via- private-federated-analytics/ 10) Learning with Privacy at Scale https://docs-assets.developer.apple.com/ ml-research/papers/learning-with-privacy-at-scale.pdf