all along, throughout, whole + time How long ( question word) Definite time : Since: calendar (a) Calendar ( day, month, year): since Monday, since Sunday, since January, since February, since 2018, since 2012 Watch time: since 4 o’clock, since 6 o’ clock Stages of life: since birth, since childhood, since marriage, since youth, occasions: since holi, since Deewali, since birthday , since joining, since marriage, since his father death part of each day time: since morning, since evening, since noon, since night, since midnight, since dusk, since dawn etc. Indefinite time : for ( the amount of time) time is not specific here. For an hour, for two days, for three week, for two months, for four years And some other time expressions are Throughout the day, the whole night, the whole day, all along these day, all along the week, all month, all day,