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Laplace Litepaper

Laplace Litepaper

Overview of the Laplace social learning platform.

Ledgerback Research

October 17, 2020

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  1. Laplace A social learning and scholarly crowdsourcing (i.e., a research

    repository) platform designed for engaging solidarity economy actors, citizens, scientists, students, and teachers that combines elements of platform cooperativism, Web 3 technologies and designs, open science, citizen science, and alternative EdTech.
  2. Outline 1. Intro 2. Problem Statement? a. Solution 3. Gateway

    a. Learning Experience (includes tutoring) b. ResearchHub c. Blogging (maybe just for tutorials and instructions?) d. Forums? (not our own) 4. Improvement over status quo (or just changes) (maybe also offering specialized training?) 5. Models a. Biz Model i. Data Broker (can also sell to job recruiters) ii. Learning Analytics iii. Extensible Ecosystem iv. Advertising v. Subscriptions (subscribe to a particular teacher or category) vi. Membership Fees? b. Stakeholders & Governance Model c. Social Models i. (reaction model and participation model) 6. Possible Tech Stack 7. Ecosystem Examples a. Potential Partners
  3. Outline 1. Intro 2. Problem Statement? a. Solution 3. Gateway

    a. Learning Experience (includes tutoring) b. ResearchHub c. Blogging (maybe just for tutorials and instructions?) d. Forums? (not our own) 4. Improvement over status quo (or just changes) (maybe also offering specialized training?) 5. Models a. Biz Models b. Stakeholders & Governance Model c. Social Models i. (reaction model and participation model) 6. Possible Tech Stack 7. Ecosystem Examples a. Potential Partners 8. Future Directions/Roadmap
  4. 1. Introduction - Laplace is a gateway to social learning

    and scholarly crowdsourcing based on an open university model. - Laplace acts as a gateway to 4 services: - Learning Experience - Tutoring? - ResearchHub - Blogging? - Forums? (not our own) - Laplace aims to combine Web3 and Platform Cooperativism (W3PC) aspects together into one overarching digital service and platform ecosystem and counteract X issues and provide a niche for alternative-oriented actors - Laplace’s primary business model is - Laplace aims to increase or help self-taught and self-driven learners attain more knowledge (and push for lifelong learning) and share that attinment with others, and also allow learners to share their thoughts with each other and develop their own learning paths (learners can aslo demand new courses via polling? Or initiative via Decidim) - Additionally, provide a space for organizations and collectives to provide their education and training programs to employees and the general public
  5. Problem Statement • MOOC and Lessons ◦ The Business Model

    of most MOOC platforms is unsustainable and do not practice a cooperative model (business, governance, etc.) ◦ There is a monopoly on certification/accreditation ◦ There are verification concerns with certificates and credentials and credentials are managed by institutions rather than the recipient themselves ◦ Most MOOC providers will require course creators to fork over their copyright to their courses ◦ MOOC providers may also be selling user data to third parties without compensating users and for learning analytics to develop new applications not available to users for inscpection or remuneration ◦ Itnermediaries generally control these services and act as brokers or rent-seekers taking value from users ◦ It is hard for cooperatives to share their educaitonal and trinaing materials with each other and to peek or glean from more traditional organizations or startups? • ResearchHub ◦ Most researchhubs (e.g., SSRN, ResearchGate) do not practice a cooperative model (business, governance, etc.) ◦ Nor do they provide much means in terms of social interaction among users, and between different kinds of users (e.g., scholar-to-citizen) ◦ Not all articles are open-access ◦ Avoidance of metrics that are not truly designed for advancing knowledge ◦ Not designed to encourage participation and creation of metadata • Industry 4.0 • University Model based on Nathan Schneider’s view • Platform Model and Relational Dynamics (between stakeholders and technology governance) • Student data with EdTech
  6. 3.1. Laplace Gateway: ResearchHub - The Researchhub is a social

    research repository where users can upload, share and discuss scholarly work, with means of improving social interaction. -
  7. 3.1. Laplace Gateway: ResearchHub - Users on the ResearchHub can:

    - Upload papers (or for now, include links) and add metadata (e.g., tags) - Include their comments, key takeaways, summaries, issues, post-review and commentaries - State preferences and react to content - View the metrics of the site - Paper page: - Will include tab for reproducibility - Include the following tabs: - Further Study (let people submit new RQs based on paper) - Research Questions (RQs associated with paper) - Methods (describes the methods used) - Key Takeaways - Summaries - External Links (DOI, Datasets) - Metascience (funding, reproducibility, knowledge gaps) (most can go in metadescription/ category page) - Stats (views, comments, summaries, Citizen Q’s) (this will be in metadescirption) - Comments - Citizen Q’s - The Researchhub will have categories for major areas of study - Users can also add new areas of study by creating a new category and having the category approved by the rest of the users
  8. 3.1. Laplace Gateway: ResearchHub - Social - Users will have

    profile pages which others can review - Users can also see trending posts which are popular and new posts - Users can react to posts in multiple ways - Users will also have a participation ranking - Metrics - Users can develop their own metrics and have them voted on to be on the service - Related projects: - Scholarlyhub - Researchhub - SSRN - ResearchGate
  9. 3.1. Laplace Gateway: ResearchHub - Citizen Q&A - Citizens can

    post questions on papers and scholars can answer - Will need identifiers for scholars and citizens - Will be on the paper’s page as a tab - Metascience - Knowledge Gaps - Section on category pages for listing gaps in body of knowledge - Literature Review - Section on a lit. rev. curated by the users - Citation Graph / Scholarly Network - Can also map out relations between knowledge and scholars to identify knowledge gaps - API - Can also develop an API for people to take metadata extracted from hub and analyze it or import it to other areas - Developers can also add new metascience programs (e.g., bibliometrics) to the hub as well through an API integration?
  10. 3.1. Laplace Gateway: ResearchHub - Citizen Research Question (RQ) Generation

    (maybe call section “further study”) - Citizens can also generate RQs for further study based on papers in addition to asking Qs
  11. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - Open University Model -

    Governance - User Types (maybe require bloggers to be pool of participants in user research for students and teachers?) - Experience - Open Curriculum - Decentralized Certificates - Peer Assessment (select previous students in course (who should be higher up on learning path) and X number of teachers randomly to review work of students) - Peer Tutoring - Discussion Forums (maybe use Consider.it here?) - Analytics or Visualization Dashboards? - Maybe give to users? - Allow developers to develop analytical tools with data as long as users also get to use the tools - Tech Stack
  12. 3.2.1. Open University Model - “Open Curriculum: learners mix educational

    resources, activities, and/or packages for different disciplines to meet their needs. This places learners in charge of their own learning and ensures that they will learn what they need to meet their personal desires and requirements. - Open Learning: instructors, experts and/or peers will, through various activities, generate and share new ideas and new understanding during the learning process. This provides learners with opportunities for self-determined, independent and interest-guided learning. - Open Assessment: instead of the “monopoly” on formal evaluation of learning results, previously led by accredited education providers, assessment of what learners have learned is carried out by their instructors, others and peers during the learning process via peer to peer or crowd-sourced assessment with “on-demand accreditation” for learners. - Open Platform: supports a dynamic and interactive open education community by creating and maintaining an engaging, intuitive and stable user interface for educators and learners. Cloud–based provision and the use of open standards makes it easier for different platforms and services to exchange information and data.” - UBI: redistribution of % of fees garnered on platform goes back to users
  13. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - Governance: - Learner-Users (LUs)

    shall vote on users who can become Teacher-Users (TUs) (and any other kind of user except for Worker-User (WU)) and teach courses and learning paths on the service - Every user is a LU till voted on in another capacity. - DCRC acts as a steward for the service and ensure compliance with constitutional document - All users can propose updates to the governance structure and tech stack and constitutional doc which must be approved by DCRC
  14. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - User Types - Learner-Users

    (LUs) - LUs are the standard users on the service who take courses, make learning paths and circles, and tutorials - LUs can create circles - Teacher-Users (TUs) - TUs are users who are voted in as teachers and can teach courses on the platform - Certificate-Users (TUs) - CUs are users who create and issue certificates to other users - Teaching-Assistant-Users (TAUs) - TAUs are tutors - Learning-Path-Users (LPUs) - LPUs are LUs who have had their Learning Paths (LPs) approved for use in course offerings - Course-Developer-User (CDU) - CDUs are users who develop courses for teachers if no available course exists - Consortium-Users (CUs): Users who create and join circles - Software-Developer-User (SDU) - SDUs are users who develop analytical tools and data science methods based on data on platform for suer benefit and may be develoepd for cross-platform uses - Researcher-User (RUs) - RUs are users who conduct research on the platform or use the data on the platform for research - Greader-Users (GUs) - GUs are LUs who grade other LU’s work
  15. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - User Types - Learner-Users

    (LUs) - LUs are the standard users on the service who take courses, make learning paths and circles, and tutorials - LUs can create circles - Teacher-Users (TUs) - Certificate-Users (TUs) - Teaching-Assistant-Users (TAUs) - Learning-Path-Users (LPUs) - LPUs are LUs who have had their Learning Paths (LPs) approved for use in course offerings - Course-Developer-Users (CDUs) - CDUs are LUs who develop courses for TUs and other LUs (for self-study) - Consortium-Users (CUs) - CUs are LUs who create circles to organize learners and TUs - Greader-Users (GUs) - GUs are LUs who grade other LU’s work
  16. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - Experience (should also have

    ecnouraging posts to keep people in hihg spirits? (maybe use moodlight for reviews of courses)) - Open Curriculum - LUs can develop their own curriculums (descirbed as learning paths) by - LUs can develop own courses by picking and choosing modules from courses - CDUs can develop courses and offer them to teachers to teach - Open Teaching - Any LU can add themslves to the ballot to become a teacher on the platform - Maybe UBI for TUs? - Decentralized Certificates - Updateable certs issued on the blockchain - Badging - Users can receive badges for accomplishing certain actions - Learning Games - Games deisgned to help learn more?
  17. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - Experience (should also have

    ecnouraging posts to keep people in hihg spirits? (maybe use moodlight for reviews of courses)) - Peer Assessment (select previous students in course (who should be higher up on learning path) and X number of teachers randomly to review work of students) - LUs can decide which coursework is public or private - Peer Tutoring: - Any LU can become a TAU if voted in and can offer tutoring services (tutoring will be done over Jitsi or some discussion app off-platform?) - Discussion Forums (maybe use Consider.it here?) - Peers can interact with each other in courses and see previous comments from old cohorts - Public and Private coursework - LUs can decide which coursework is public or private
  18. 3.2. Laplace Gateway: Learning Experience - Tech Stack: - Discourse

    for forums or Piazza - Academic Mgmt Software (preferably Open Source and compliant with industry data standards?) for - Course building and mgmt - Disqus for comments on posts - Dashboards - Users can have a dashboard on their profile summarizing their activity - Visaulziation - Visaulization of what is happening in course - Related Projects - P2P University
  19. 3.3. Laplace Gateway: Blogging - Blogging for: - Tutorials; -

    Citizen Science; - Instructables; and - Coursework. - Primarily for citizens - Related Projects: - Dev.to - Instructables.com - Hackster.io
  20. Social Models - Reaction model - Users (on the Hub)

    can react in multiple ways beyond binary signals (upvote or downvote) - Newsworthy? (Should this be popular or should people push attention here?) - Quality? (substantive and writing) - Improvement? (can post be improved?) - Novelty? - Helpful? - Utility? (would you use the paper?) - Participation model - Users (on the Hub) will receive reputation points for participation on platform - Assessment model: - Non-guided courses: - Users can choose from 3 different assessment models: - GUs - Former Students - Sortition (5 random users; pick the median) - Guided course: - Teacher can choose 3 different assessment models: - Teacher; - GUs; - Former Students. - Badging model - Users receive badges for completing certain tasks (with a time deadline?) - Reward model - Users who complete actions that promote the platform (e.g., create courses) will receive redeemable credits toward some costly endeavor (e.g., grading and teacher-guided courses) - Interaction model - Users can interact with each other by following, commenting, adding content, Q&A, creating and joining circles, rating and reivweing, voting on matters - Basic Income model - % of Fees collected on TXs is redistributed to TUs and Supporter-Users (SUs) - Training Model - TUs who get good ratings are also eligible for specialized training of their choosing (must be reasonable though)
  21. Social Models - Challenges Model - Users can create challenges

    for: - Themselves to complete (self-imposed) - To be judged by themselves or the public - Other users to complete (public-imposed): - Tags/Topics - Users can suggest new tags and have them voted on - Course demand - If there is a waitlist for courses or there are not enough assessors or tutors for courses, then can issuea challenge to make more offerings or can auction off extra spots (e.g., VCG mechanism) - Mastery Model - Users who complete tasks for a course and ?have good reviews? Will also receive mastery points that can go towards a certificate program or course completion and towards rankings - `users with higher rankings are given priority for assessing other student’s work?` - Recommednations - Users can make customre commednations based onc ontent to other content across the platform and the web (via linking) - Gamification (achievements, points, rankings) - User-generated Content (Learnign Pathways, Courses, Tutorials, Skills, etc.) - Notification System (notify people about topics, users and courses they follow) - Course Petition System - Public Metrics system - Platform Adoption System (refer to governance)
  22. Individual Model - Personalized Learning and ?Recommendations? - Offer products

    and skills to other users - Personalized Feed based on interests (with access still to main feed) - Personalized Diagnostic Tests
  23. Business Models 1. Data Broker: a. Selling data on user

    behalf to third parties b. Customers pay for access to API (# of requests per datetime) 2. Learning Analytics a. Researchers can use data to help with research without paying for API access in exchange for helping users better understand their learning analytics 3. Extensible Ecosystem a. Developers who develop apps for use with Laplace can also sell them to users? b. Developers who develop apps for use with Laplace that users vote on to add to service will be compensated by Laplace 4. Advertising a. Advertisers pay to advertise on platform in general b. Users can vote on whether an advertiser can have access to user analytics? 5. Subscriptions: a. LUs can subscribe to a particular teacher (for all courses offered) b. LUs can subscribe to access all courses except for teacher-guided 6. Course Development: a. CDUs who develop courses which become official will receive a % of each TX from a guided course taught by a teacher and redeemable credits for actions on the platform 7. Tutoring a. TAUs who provide tutoring can be compensated by other LUs based on an hourly rate (e.g., paying for 1 hour of tutoring) or for a service (e.g., using timebanking) 8. Membership Fees? a. Users have to pay a membership fee to access courses beyond the first 5 free courses and obtain additional functionality 9. Access-based
  24. Business Models - Contests: - Users can vote on third-party

    contests to be hosted on the site (and use-value has to be made available to the platform or users for non-commercial use) - This can be done so that developers who develop tools that the users desire can be rewarded - Textbook-teaching: - Users can teach OER books as well or their own textbooks - Marketing - Can also be a palce for developers to test and market their solutions for on-demand use on Laplace; or marketing of tech in general - Ledgerback Members - Members receive discoutns on courses and can use progress or partiicpation on platforms to pay for member services or go towards their annual dues, and as part of their labor provided - Membership - Dynamic Course Pricing - Discounts up to X percentage from off-platform courses - Learning Paths: - Can offer discounted price to take a customized course in a learning path (course developers receive a
  25. Stakeholder & Governance Model 1. Stakeholders a. Internal i. Hub-Users

    ii. Course-Users iii. Blogging-Users iv. Worker-Users v. Consortium-Users b. External i. Developer-Users ii. Advertiser-Users iii. Staffing(e.g., Job Recruiter)-Users iv. Supporter-Users v. Advisor-Users (users who help advise on governance) 2. Governance a. Model: i. Multistakeholder (Leaning) 1. Staff 2. Internal Stakeholders 3. External Stakeholders b. Interaction i. Users are rewarded for taking costly action for participating in governance and administration with redeemable credits ii. Users vote on the following matters: 1. Teachers 2. Certificate Programs (Certifier and Certificate) 3. Learning Paths (to become official learning paths) 4. Courses (to become official courses) 5. New apps and integrations
  26. Types of data and analysis - Data - interrelated/associated data

    - Preferably work well with graph database - Analytics: - Learning analytics - Co-citation networks - Motivations/Questions: - Determine what kind of learner a user is - Determine the user’s learning styles - Can we make visualizations that make it easier for users to do sense-making? - How engaged is the teacher in the course? - Are users developing their own identity? - Are users getting check-ins that help? - How good was the peer feedback? - Do users prefer making their work public or private (and what assessment method do they prefer?) - What is the drop-out rate? - Do people fulfill their challenges (Self-imposed (user completes task) vs. public-imposed (member of public completes task);)
  27. Data Standards - JSON-LD (or just linked data in general)

    - Credentials - Credential Engine - Badges - Openbadges - Technology - IMS LTI standard - Interoperable Learner Records - Ontologies: Occupations and Job Descriptions • Skills • Credentials
  28. Self-created 1. API for extensible programs a. Purpose: for other

    developers to access data and develop analytical tools that can be integrated with Laplace 2. API for data streaming a. Purpose: for third-parties to purchase and use data used on Laplace 3. Certificate DApp a. Purpose: Ethereum DApp for creating, issuing and revoking certificates 4. Consortium DApp a. Purpose: Ethereum DApp for communities to register as communities on Laplace 5. Website (Full Stack) 6. Dashboards 7. Course Customizer/Builder 8. Social Login and Web3 Login 9. Peer Assessment DApp a. Peer Prediction Mechanism Smart Contract 10. Blockchain-related a. Peer Assessment b. Peer Feedback
  29. Externally-imported 1. Video storage a. YouTube API 2. Academic Mgmt

    System a. Moodle b. edX c. OLAP 3. ML programs? (recommender system; user-adapted learning?) 4. Forum a. Consider.it b. Piazza c. Discourse 5. Aragon (for creation of Consortium and Member-Communities?) 6. Bookmarking 7. Wikisurveys a. Allourideas API 8. Wiki (for knowledge gaps?) 9. Bibliometrics a. Citation Graph b. Altmetrics 10. Visualizations (for content on platform; can use visualization to summarize topically or temporally comments or activity or for sense-making) a. Probably preserve for the forum? 11. Comments a. Disqus 12. Login a. Social Login via OAuth b. Web3 login with wallets 13. …
  30. Externally-imported 1. Democratic Governance a. Decidim 2. Web 3 Data

    Storage a. IPFS JavaScript API (or use with Django) b. DAT protocol c. Sia 3. Mutual Credit Commission System (for timebanking?) 4. Timeflow (for timebanking?) 5. Reshuffle for surveys? 6. CiteNL 7. Tethne: Bibliographic Network Analysis in Python 8. Stripe (for payments) 9. Coinbase (for payments) 10. eLearning Frameworks: a. Adapt 11. Semantic Scholar API 12. Web 3 Libraries a. Web3.js b. Web3data.js c. ethers.js 13. Network Visualization a. Cytoscape b. GraphViz c. NetworkX/NetworkViz d. RawGraphs e. Dash/Plotly
  31. Externally-imported 1. Recommender System 2. Databases a. OrbitDB b. replikativ/datahike:

    A durable datalog implementation adaptable for distribution. c. tonsky/datascript: Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS d. GrapheneDB e. Neo4js i. https://neo4j.com/cypher-graph-query-language/ 3. Reinforcement learning ANN to help students through courses 4. Hypothesis (for social annotation) 5. Algolia (for search) 6. Meili (for search) 7. Fathom (for peer assessment and credential issuing?) 8. https://writefreely.org/ 9. Learning Record Store (LRS) a. Learning Locker Documentation b. Apereo OpenLRW (Learning Record Warehouse) 10. Decentralized Identity a. 3Box 11.
  32. Externally-imported 1. Authoring Tool a. https://h5p.org/presentation 2. Computer adaptive testing

    a. Concerto 3. Learning Record Store a. https://www.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/grassblade-lrs-experience-api/ b. Annulab 4. App connector a. Zapier | The easiest way to automate your work 5. Appointment Scheduler a. EasyAppointments 6. CRM a. CiviCRM? 7. eCommerce a. Course Merchant 8. Web 3 Memberships a. Unlock Protocol 9. Blogging a. Forem 10. API development: https://api-platform.com/ 11. Graph database: a. TerminusDB
  33. Roadmap 1. Development of Laplace Slidedeck or Litepaper a. Formulation

    of models for gateway b. Consider making an outreach survey for how people want their thoughts put into Laplace 2. Development of Laplace Version 1.0 3. Creation of mock-up of Laplace and work on an MVP 4. Recruitment of worker-members, advisors, contributors, and investors a. Marketing of Laplace to relevant parties 5. Full release of Laplace to the public for use 6. Development of an API for Researchers, Developers, Staffers, etc. 7. Once Laplace hits 500+ members, will transition ownership and governance to members of Laplace and Ledgerback will become a steward
  34. Potential Partners 1. Metaliteracy Collaborative 2. Radical Open Access Collective

    3. Victor Shnayder 4. Decentralized Science 5. P2P Models 6. La Scuola Open Source 7. Co-operative College 8. Idelcoop 9. Blockchain Education Network and university blockchain programs 10. Co-operative Schools Network 11. Athens 12. Protoschool 13. Terry Heick 14. Fathom Network 15. Qualichain 16.
  35. Potential Partners 1. Learning Economy 2. ScienceAtHome 3. Trusted Learner

    Network 4. ODEM | Education & Employment Marketplace 5. RISD Co-Works 6. Interaxis 7. Token Engineering Community 8. cadCAD 9. Campus Credit Cooperative 10. Coop4edu 11. Democraticjobs.coop 12. New Economy Foundation
  36. Potential Advisors and Consultants 1. Devlin Peck 2. Edorble 3.

    Julian Davis 4. Patrick Ocheja, 5. Brendan Flanagan, 6. Hiroaki Ogata
  37. Traditional Competitors 1. Yuanfudao 2. Qooper 3. Udemy 4. Coursera

    5. EdX 6. Skillshare 7. O'Reilly Media - Technology and Business Training 8. Packtpub 9. OpenBadges 10. BrightHive 11. T3 Innovation Network 12. Civitas Learning 13. Create Courses Online | #1 E-learning Software Platform (easygenerator) 14. Motive.io: Home 15. Zoola 16. https://lrs.io/home 17. https://www.watershedlrs.com/ 18.
  38. References and Background Information 1. MOOCs and Open Education: Implications

    for Higher Education A white paper 2. Age of Digital Diplomas 3. 15 Ideas For Cooperative Platforms – The Internet of Ownership a. “Platforms for online courses are often cost effective, can be accessed from anywhere, and allow for a flexible learning experience. Additionally, verticalized and category-specific education websites are huge opportunities for developing cooperative platforms.” 4. Un panel de visualización para la Inteligencia Colectiva Controvertida. Analíticas de aprendizaje para la mejora de creación de ideas en grupos de discusión | Ullmann | RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 5. Collective intelligence for the common good: cultivating the seeds for an intentional collaborative enterprise 6. Debate Hub 7. Best Free Online Discussion Tools to Engage your Students 8. Parlay Ideas: Future of Discussions 9. IBIS: A Tool for all Reasons 10. Open BlockChain 11. (PDF) Effects of Anonymity in Group Discussion on Peer Interaction and Learning Achievement ) 12. People 13. QualiChain 14. Consider.it 15. A Blockchain-based decentralised university | John Domingue | TEDxOpenUniversity 16. Coronavirus is driving education onto blockchain 17. Is decentralization a panacea for development? 18. Qualichain Diploma Verification - BRAINS 2020 19. CI Dashboard
  39. References and Background Information 1. Learning Experience Plattform - Wunschdenken

    oder bereits gelebte Realität? 2. Valamis is a Forerunner in Digital Transformation of Learning 3. Digital Transformation of Learning [Latest eLearning Trends 2019] 4. How Digital Learning Platforms Can Drive Competency-Based Education 5. Whitepaper on Digital Learning Market in India DigitalEd | Shaping the world through online learning 6. Building a digital platform in the API economy (or just need for an API) 7. New Research Finds Digital Learning Platforms Are a Cost-Effective Way to Improve User Proficiency of Mission-Critical IT Systems 8. 6 Steps To Creating A MOOC Or A COOC 9. MOOCs: from Academia to Corporate DoceboElearning 10. DigitalEd | Shaping the world through online learning 11. A Distributed Basic Income - The GoodDollar White Paper 12. AI in Corporate Learning: Actionable Guide on Employee Training [NEW] 13. Peer Prediction Mechanism by Trinary • A podcast on Anchor 14. EDUCATION 15. https://twitter.com/samoore_/status/1320361210194366464 16. Co-op schools: Is the future of education co-operation? 17. Decentralized vs. Distributed Organization: A Framework for the Future of Blockchain and Machine Learning and for Avoiding Digital Platform Dystopia by Jean-Philippe Vergne
  40. References and Background Information 1. What Is the Problem? Crowdsourcing

    Research Questions in Science by Susanne Beck, Tiare-Maria Brasseur, Marion Poetz, Henry Sauermann 2. The Promise of Peer-to-Peer Credentials 3. Graph Visualization Tools 4. Understanding Dropouts in MOOCs 5. What’s Wrong With MOOCs, and Why Aren’t They Changing the Game in Education? 6. 8 Characteristics Of Education 3.0 - 7. The Difference Between Pedagogy, Andragogy, And Heutagogy 8. A Comprehensive Framework For Student Motivation 9. YOUR DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO AI IN CORPORATE LEARNING 10. Ethical EdTech 11. https://openbadges.org/build 12. Position Paper: Of Gold Standards, Blockchain & The New Learning Economy 13. (PDF) Managing lifelong learning records through blockchain 14. Blockchain Revolution in Education and LifeLong Learning: Preparing for Disruption, Leading the Transformation 15. Colorado Lab - Learning Economy 16. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1903/1903.09300.pdf 17. APPLYING SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY PRINCIPLES TO INTEROPERABLE LEARNING RECORDS 18. T3 INNOVATION NETWORK Developing an Open, Public-Private Data Infrastructure for the Talent Marketplace OCTOBER 2018 19. Oh, Hey Blockchain, Meet the US Education System
  41. References and Background Information 1. How to use BookRoll 2.

    EJ1250560 - Using the BookRoll E-Book System to Promote Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement for University Students, Educational Technology & Society, 2019-Oct 3. Manuals&FAQ (bookroll) 4. ETS_22_4_03.pdf (bokoroll) 5. ET&S - 22_4 6. ScienceAtHome 7. xAPI (Tin Can): Everything You Need to Know in 2020 8. White Paper on Interoperable Learning Records 9. WHAT EVERY LEADER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT STUDENT SUCCESS ANALYTICS 10. https://media.civitaslearning.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/02/Research_and_Practice_Assessment_Journal_2014.p df?_ga=2.63903403.527849524.1586194412-733748640.1559678883 11. https://www.watershedlrs.com/blog/learning-analytics/what-is-a-learning-analytics-platform/ 12. https://www.watershedlrs.com/resources/webinar/visa-learning-hub-ecosystem/ 13. The Trusted Learner Network 14. Making Sense of Credentials: A State Roadmap and Action Guide for Transparency 15. Credential Finder Widget 16. Details for Advanced Customer Service and Sales 17. Linked Data Fact Sheet 18. https://www.imsglobal.org/sites/default/files/Badges/OBv2p0Final/index.html#LinkedData 19. https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot4-paris/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/BlockcertsAlignment.md 20. https://uto.asu.edu/sites/default/files/tln-principles_v3.pdf 21. https://www.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/learning-record-store/
  42. References and Background Information 1. What is a Learning Record

    Store? Learn More about LRS 2. 30 Killer Resources For Gamifying eLearning 3. The Experience Api And The Learning Record Blockchain 4. https://www.devlinpeck.com/xapi-lrs#choosing-lrs 5. Learning Experience Platform Enhances Employee Onboarding 6. Definition Of A Learning Experience 7. All About Analytics And Reporting 8. Usage Of Blockchain Technology In eLearning 9. All About Analytics And Reporting 10. LearnDash integration 11. https://elearningindustry.com/future-proof-business-need-employee-learning-experience-platform-lxp 12. https://elearningindustry.com/personalised-learning-lxp-deliver-impact-roi 13. https://elearningindustry.com/free-ebooks/personalized-learning-guide 14. https://www.gamefulpedagogy.com/getting-started-with-gameful-course-design/ 15. https://www.scirra.com/ 16. http://revolutionarylearning.net/researchcase-studies/technology-tools/ 17. http://revolutionarylearning.net/games-for-mental-health-part-5-working-with-the-nightmare-of-anxiety-neverending-nigh tmares/ 18. https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker 19. https://learn.filtered.com/lxp?hsCtaTracking=fb395bd3-c5a1-4dcf-9eb6-0f6da558cc8f%7Cdbaa371d-743e-4fdc-b6b5-823d0c 8fda39 20. https://ai.umich.edu/faculty/create-a-mooc/ 21. https://ai.umich.edu/faculty/use-our-software/ 22. https://timezy.com/open-source-scheduling-software/
  43. References and Background Information 1. The Best Open Source Scheduling

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