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QA 蝦米 QA?我的扣超讚的啊

QA 蝦米 QA?我的扣超讚的啊

Speaker: Lawrence Tsai, YT Chen
Event: LINE TECH FRESH 畢業分享會

LINE Developers Taiwan

June 19, 2024

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  1. 01 02 03 04 Development Process Job Responsibility 專案分享:Test Case

    ⾃動分類 Introduction 05 專案分享:Release 流程優化 CONTENT
  2. Lawrence Tsai Education • M.S. in Management Information Systems @

    NTU • B.S.S. in Journalism & Communication @ CUHK Experience • 2023 LINE Taiwan | TECH FRESH @ LINE TRAVEL • 2022 Dcard | QA Intern @ EC TECH FRESH @ LINE
  3. YT Chen Education • M.S. in Computer Science @ NTUT

    • B.B.A in Finance @ TKU Experience • 2023 | TECH FRESH @ LINE Taiwan • 2022 | Backend Engineer Intern @ thingnario • 2020-2021 | Data Engineer @ iiNumbers TECH FRESH @ LINE
  4. Software Development Life Cycle 1 ANALYSIS 2 DESIGN 3 DEVELOPMENT

    4 TESTING 5 DEPLOYMENT 6 MAINTENANCE Business Designer Developer QA Operations Technical Support
  5. Development Process for QA 1 ANALYSIS 2 DESIGN 3 DEVELOPMENT

    4 TESTING 5 DEPLOYMENT 6 MAINTENANCE Test Requirement Analysis Automation Script Development E2E Testing Stress Testing CUJ Testing Test Case Writing Performance Monitoring Regression Testing Continuous Development (CD) Continuous Integration (CI)
  6. Test Case & Test Run Test Case Test Run Test

    Case 1 2 3 Test Case 3 明確的⽬的&可執⾏的步驟 預期結果 vs 實際結果? 清楚涵蓋特定的功能或問題點 ⼀系列的多 Test Cases 組合 根據某種具體的使⽤者場景所定義 記錄測試點以評估軟體品質
  7. Manual Testing Job Responsibility 確認⾴⾯上有「LINE 購物」的 logo Test Case 1

    2 確認⾴⾯上有「搜尋框」的元素 Test Run 3 DEVELOPMENT 4 TESTING Test Case Logo 取⾃網路 Automation
  8. 寫 Test Case 也會有技術債? Epic:⾸⾴標題 Banner 確認⾴⾯上有「LINE 購物」的 logo 2000~3000

    筆 確認⾴⾯上有「搜尋框」的元素 確認「搜尋框」旁是「相機」的 icon 確認⾴⾯上有「購物⾞」的 icon 確認跳轉⾴⾯可以導購成功 確認商店⾴⾯上有「專屬推薦」 Epic:??? Test Case Solution: 舉辦 workshop 讓⼤家⼀起償還歷史共業 🥳
  9. 架構圖 testrail- backup build-pipeline TestRail Cloud Preprocess & Modeling GitHub

    Actions Test Cases (TC) Test Runs (TR) Prediction Result Request Export Pull Data Upload Upload
  10. 建立模型 P N P • True Positives (TP) • False

    Negatives (FN) N • False Positives (FP) • True Negatives (TN) Baseline • Text preprocessing:TF-IDF • Model:Naive Bayes classifier Optimized • Text preprocessing:TF-IDF • Model:Random Forest classifier Performance = Naïve Bayes Classifier
  11. 模型效能 0.54 0.63 0.85 0.89 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 標完的資料 標完的資料 + Test Run 資料 Baseline Optimized
  12. Release Calendar • 公司有多個團隊及產品 • 每個產品有 Maintenance、Resolved 等不同狀態 • 需要有

    Calendar 記錄更新時間、Release 的產品、 Release 版號等訊息⽅便統⼀管理
  13. 架構圖 Trigger Jenkins Deployment Manifests Pull Changes Sync Cluster Status

    Pull Image & Update Containers Trigger Python code Logo 取⾃ Flaticon、網路 Update Calendar