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Bring your brand voice into UX: A starter guide

Bring your brand voice into UX: A starter guide

Livinda Christy Monica

October 29, 2019

Other Decks in Design


  1. 3 Key Learning Points 01 ⏤ Understanding brand 02 ⏤

    Developing brand voice 03 ⏤ Bring brand voice into UX
  2. Defining Brand A brand is the unique story that consumers

    recall when they think of you. This story associates your product with their personal stories, a particular personality, what you promise to solve, and your position relative to your competitors. 📙 Lean Branding, Laura Busche
  3. A strong brand stands out in a densely crowded marketplace.

    People fall in love with brands, trust them, and believe in their superiority. How a brand is perceived affects its success, regardless of whether it’s a start-up, a non-profit, or a product. 📙 Designing Brand Identity, Alina Wheeler
  4. Brands have 3 primary functions Navigation Reassurance Engagement help consumer

    choose from a bewildering array of choices communicate the intrinsic quality of the product or service and reassure customers that they have made the right choice use distinctive imagery, language, and associations to encourage customers to identify with the brand
  5. Brand Identity The collection of all elements that a company

    creates to portray the right image to its consumer. ⏤ 99designs
  6. Essential Elements in Defining Brand • Your mission • Your

    values • Your brand personality • Your unique positioning • Your brand voice
  7. What is Brand Voice? A unique and distinctive element of

    your brand’s communication with customers. It remains consistent throughout all the content that you create.
  8. Why Does It Matter? • helps differentiate a company and

    its unique values from competitors • makes a brand more familiar, therefore creating trust
  9. Nike Brand Voice Dream With Us ⏤ Commercial Nike is

    a huge brand which has developed a marketing strategy based on the idea of being a hero; somebody who can change the world, who can do better, and be a champion. The voice: driven, encouraging, hard-working, tenacious
  10. Coca Cola Brand Voice The friendly and passionate tone of

    voice ⏤ Commercial Coke is described as something that brings family and friends together, encourages sharing and bring happiness. The voice: welcoming, affable, joyous
  11. Apple Brand Voice Revolutionary ⏤ Commercial Apple encourage us to

    think differently, to dream big, and do big. The voice: creative, innovative, focused
  12. Developing Brand Voice 1 ⏤ Define your why “People don’t

    buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” 📙 Start With Why, Simon Sinek
  13. Developing Brand Voice Check these questions: • what does your

    company do? • why did your company start? • why do people want to follow you or use your product?
  14. Developing Brand Voice 2 ⏤ Differentiate from the crowd “When

    you write like everyone else, you’re saying, “Our products are like everyone else’s.” (Jason Fried)
  15. Developing Brand Voice Check these questions: • I want the

    brand to make people feel …………………. • I dislike brand voices that sound ………………… • Three characteristics that describe my brand: ……..,...........,.......
  16. Developing Brand Voice 3 ⏤ Decide who your people are

    “Your target audience represents your brand.”
  17. Developing Brand Voice Create Persona • What does she care

    about? Where does she work? • What does he look like? What does he do for fun? • What does she love about this brand? Why does it speak to her? • How would it make her life better?
  18. Developing Brand Voice 4 ⏤ Develop your personality “People relate

    to people, and if your brand feels like ‘people’, they will relate to you too.”
  19. Developing Brand Voice E.g: Hostess Airbnb • warm and welcoming

    • wearing jeans and sneakers (nothing fancy) • excitedly connecting people together • telling stories of places she’s been
  20. Developing Brand Voice 5 ⏤ Dedicate the content’s mission “Your

    personality should reflect your values. Your values should be easily found in your mission statement.”
  21. Developing Brand Voice Airbnb’s Content Mission: to explore different ways

    of living through storytelling of our community, helping people feel inspired to travel and that they can feel at home wherever they go.
  22. Bring Brand Voice Into UX Brand voice should be incorporated

    in every stage: journey maps, flowcharts, sitemaps, storyboards.
  23. Bring Brand Voice Into UX sign-up flow CTA buttons onboarding

    flow partnership transactional emails notifications upgrade flows upgrade flowhelp section

    2 PRODUCT PRINCIPLE 3 Concepts Vocabulary Verbosity Grammar Punctuation Capitalization
  25. Case Study TAPP A regional bus service web experience with

    updates per route and region. Riders can find routes, pay fares, and manage their account.
  26. Case Study TAPP The purpose of the TAPP experience is

    an extension of the purpose of the regional transit system itself: move people around the region, and therefore through the online experience in a way the public finds efficient, trustworthy, and accessible.
  27. Case Study TAPP The TAPP voice chart uses those principles

    as the headings for the principles columns (See table 1.1): Efficient, Trustworthy, and Accessible.
  28. Table 1.1: The TAPP Voice Chart EFFICIENT TRUSTWORTHY ACCESSIBLE Concepts

    Waste no source Every ride on time Rides for every ride Vocabulary Fast, save time, save money regular, on time Available, easy, ready Verbosity No adjectives or adverbs except to ensure rider success Enough words to have accurate information Enough words to have unambiguous information Grammar Simple sentences or phrases Complete sentences Simple sentences or phrases Punctuation Use periods, commas Use periods, commas Avoid semicolons, dashes Capitalization Title-case titles, headings, buttons Title-case titles, headings, buttons Title-case titles, headings, buttons
  29. TAPP By creating versions of the content that align to

    different product principles, each of which are a part of the brand, we’re exercising the content. That’s what the voice chart is for.
  30. Further Reading: • Designing Brand Identity (Alina Wheeler) • Strategic

    Writing for UX (Torrey Podmajersky) • Lean Branding (Laura Busche)