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Kubernetes 101

Kubernetes 101

An introduction to containers and overview of Kubernetes - key definitions, concepts, and architecture.

Presented at Women Techmakers Berlin.

Lora Vardarova

February 27, 2018

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  1. Containers: History XXXX Mid 2000s 2013 One application on one

    physical server Virtual Machines (VMs): multiple apps on a single server Hello Docker
  2. Further Resources: • Operating System Containers vs. Application Containers •

    Docker Documentation • 5 Docker Best Practices You Should Follow • Docker Cheat Sheet
  3. Kubernetes: History 20XX Mid 2014 21.07 2015 10.02 2018 Borg

    - Google’s cluster manager Kubernetes announced by Google Kubernetes v1.0 was released Kubernetes v1.9.3 was released
  4. Kubernetes: In a Nutshell An open-source platform, designed to automate:

    • deploying, • scaling, • operating application containers. Source: kubernetes.io
  5. k8s

  6. Kubernetes: Why should you choose it? Developer velocity Why is

    high velocity important? • Reduced risk • Cost efficiency • Security
  7. etcd Kubernetes Master API Server Controllers kubelet kube-proxy docker Node

    Pod Container Pod Container kubelet kube-proxy docker Node Pod Container Pod Container Kubernetes Cluster = Labels = Service Scheduler
  8. Further Resources: • Kubernetes Basics • Kubernetes 101: Pods, Nodes,

    Containers, and Clusters • The Tale of Kubernetes • Hello Minikube • Kubernetes The Hard Way