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The Dragon and the Warden

Luke Scribner
April 28, 2024

The Dragon and the Warden

This was my final project in Andy Cung's Storyboard Foundations Track through First Story Academy.
Featuring original characters I created for a Dungeons and Dragons setting.

Luke Scribner

April 28, 2024


  1. Scene 1 Duration 17:00 Panel 10 / 17 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Drahn, a large Dragonborn man, walks down an alley with a subtle sense of urgency.
  2. Scene 1 Duration 17:00 Panel 11 / 17 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Drahn, a large Dragonborn man, walks down an alley with a subtle sense of urgency.
  3. Scene 1 Duration 17:00 Panel 12 / 17 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Drahn, a large Dragonborn man, walks down an alley with a subtle sense of urgency.
  4. Scene 1 Duration 17:00 Panel 15 / 17 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: *CHNK* Action Notes ARROW suddenly strikes the ground in front to Drahn.
  5. Scene 1 Duration 17:00 Panel 16 / 17 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes ARROW suddenly strikes the ground in front to Drahn.
  6. Scene 3 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes VINES erupt from the arrow.
  7. Scene 3 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes VINES erupt from the arrow.
  8. Scene 3 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes VINES erupt from the arrow.
  9. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  10. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  11. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog SFX: Whooshing Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  12. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: HRRG!!! Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  13. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: HRRG!!! Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  14. Scene 5 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: HRRG!!! Action Notes Drahn tries to escape, but is entangled and brought to the ground.
  15. Scene 7 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes JASON GREENBRIAR, a young ranger, approaches.
  16. Scene 7 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes JASON GREENBRIAR, a young ranger, approaches.
  17. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 1 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason unsheathes his SWORD,...
  18. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 2 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason unsheathes his SWORD,...
  19. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 3 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason unsheathes his SWORD,...
  20. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 4 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason unsheathes his SWORD,...
  21. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 5 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes and slams it into the ground.
  22. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 6 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes and slams it into the ground.
  23. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 7 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: CLANG!!! Action Notes and slams it into the ground.
  24. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 8 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy humming Action Notes A glow travels along the ground from the sword to Drahn.
  25. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 9 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy humming Action Notes A glow travels along the ground from the sword to Drahn.
  26. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 10 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy humming Action Notes A glow travels along the ground from the sword to Drahn.
  27. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 11 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy humming Action Notes A glow travels along the ground from the sword to Drahn.
  28. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 12 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy humming Action Notes A glow travels along the ground from the sword to Drahn.
  29. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 13 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Dialog sfx: Magical energy surge Drahn: Grrrgghhh!!! Action Notes Flash of light as the glow makes a circle around Drahn.
  30. Scene 9 Duration 14:00 Panel 14 / 14 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Flash of light as the glow makes a circle around Drahn.
  31. Scene 11 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: My sword demands the truth from you.
  32. Scene 11_A_0 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: My sword demands the truth from you. Action Notes Zoom out as Jason steps closer.
  33. Scene 11_B Duration 06:00 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Do you know who I am?
  34. Scene 11_B Duration 06:00 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Do you know who I am?
  35. Scene 13 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: You're a Wildwarden. A protector of the land.
  36. Scene 14 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: So, you recognize it.
  37. Scene 14 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason:..That. Action Notes Jason ta
  38. Scene 15 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: I saw it three years ago. A division of Wildwardens was called upon to defend the village of Red Falcon's Rest-
  39. Scene 15_A Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: -from a clan of Dragonborn Raiders...
  40. Scene 16 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason:..all bearing that mark.
  41. Scene 17 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Were you there that day?
  42. Scene 18 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn:GRRRGHHH!!!! SFX: Magical Hum Action Notes Drahn strains as the truth circle flashes.
  43. Scene 19 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Then you remember what happened.
  44. Scene 20 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Your clan seemed to have been done with that village.
  45. Scene 20 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Ready to raze it and move onto the next score, I presume?
  46. Scene 20 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn:...Yes. All of us went in.
  47. Scene 20 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: We caught the Wildwardens and the villagers by surprise, and-
  48. Scene 21 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: -burned everything!
  49. Scene 21 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: -burned everything!
  50. Scene 21 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: -burned everything!
  51. Scene 21_A_0 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: I was pinned under rubble... Action Notes A scene of a burning village fades in.
  52. Scene 21_B Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: and watched as your clan slaughtered the villagers and killed my fellow Wardens. Action Notes A scene of a burning village fades in.
  53. Scene 22 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Alexander Wyldfire. Action Notes Jason puts the sword back at Drahn's neck...
  54. Scene 22 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Cynthia Riverstone... Action Notes ..and rotates it.
  55. Scene 22_B Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason:...And my mother, Madalynn Greenbriar.
  56. Scene 24 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: WHO DID YOU KILL THAT DAY?
  57. Scene 24 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: WHO DID YOU KILL THAT DAY?
  58. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: Grrgh! Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  59. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: My... Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  60. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ... Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  61. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ... Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  62. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: My brothers! Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  63. Scene 25 Duration 07:00 Panel 7 / 7 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: My brothers! Action Notes The truth circle flashes again.
  64. Scene 26_A Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: They will be ave- Action Notes Zoom out as Jason readies his sword.
  65. Scene 26_B Duration 04:00 Panel 1 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: They will be ave- Action Notes Zoom out as Jason readies his sword.
  66. Scene 26_B Duration 04:00 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: What? Action Notes Jason lowers his weapon.
  67. Scene 26_B Duration 04:00 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: What? Action Notes Jason lowers his weapon.
  68. Scene 27_A_0 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: We served the dragon that spawned us. Action Notes Fade in the image of a silhouetted dragon.
  69. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 1 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: All the spoils of our raids went to her.
  70. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 2 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: But when I saw what we did to that village, and its people...
  71. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 3 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ...and how much my brothers reveled in the spilling of their blood...
  72. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 4 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: I knew the next place we went to would meet the same fate. Action Notes The background image slowly changes...
  73. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 5 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: We would leave a trail of destruction across the land. Action Notes The background image slowly changes...
  74. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 6 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ... Action Notes The background image slowly changes...
  75. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 7 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ... Action Notes To Drahn killing one of his brethren.
  76. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 8 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ...So I put a stop to it that night. Action Notes To Drahn killing one of his brethren.
  77. Scene 27_B Duration 09:00 Panel 9 / 9 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ...So I put a stop to it that night. Action Notes To Drahn killing one of his brethren.
  78. Scene 28 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason checks to see if the truth spell is still active.
  79. Scene 28 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: Kill me if you must, Greenbriar...
  80. Scene 28 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: Kill me if you must, Greenbriar...
  81. Scene 29 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: ...But know this:
  82. Scene 29 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: It allows the Dragon to know where I am.
  83. Scene 29 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: If I stay in one place for too long, she'll follow me there,
  84. Scene 29 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 / 6 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: and she'll destroy everything in her path to get to me.
  85. Scene 30 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: And if you kill me, the mark will pass on to you.
  86. Scene 30 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: And if you kill me, the mark will pass on to you.
  87. Scene 31 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: There's nowhere in the world you'd be able to hide from her.
  88. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  89. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  90. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  91. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  92. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  93. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  94. Scene 33 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 / 8 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason tightens his grip on the sword
  95. Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes The vines fall off Drahn, and the truth circle vanishes.
  96. Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes The vines fall off Drahn, and the truth circle vanishes.
  97. Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: We'll need to alert the City Guard. Action Notes The vines fall off Drahn, and the truth circle vanishes.
  98. Scene 37 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: And I'll send word to the Wildwardens- Action Notes Jason puts his sword away.
  99. Scene 37 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: -for reinforcements. Action Notes Jason puts his sword away.
  100. Scene 37 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 / 3 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Then, we'll head for the Valley. Action Notes Jason puts his sword away.
  101. Scene 39 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Well, we're not going to fight a dragon here, are we?
  102. Scene 39 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 / 2 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: And we certainly can't do it alone.
  103. Scene 41 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: Thank you, Greenbriar. Action Notes Drahn stands up.
  104. Scene 41 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 / 4 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Jason turns to face his new ally.
  105. Scene 41_A Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Jason: Call me Jason. Action Notes Jason extends his hand.
  106. Scene 42 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 / 1 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: Thank you, Greenbriar.
  107. Scene 43 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Action Notes Drahn clasps Jason's hand.
  108. Scene 43 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: I'm Drahn. Action Notes They shake.
  109. Scene 43 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: I'm Drahn. Action Notes They shake.
  110. Scene 43 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 / 5 Duration 01:00

    Dialog Drahn: I'm Drahn. Action Notes They shake.