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Test-driven FaaS with Docker

Luca Milan
November 30, 2017

Test-driven FaaS with Docker

Break out monolithic applications into a plenty of functions can make us lose sight of their "health status": fixing bugs, identifying leaks, running root cause analysis of problems becomes really complicated and expensive for the team.

This session will allow you to take advantage of Docker tecnology to create a local environment where the main AWS components are emulated offline in order to facilitate the development phase and make the integration tests painless and effective.

Luca Milan

November 30, 2017

More Decks by Luca Milan

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Agenda ❏ Introduction ❏ The Serverless paradigm ❏ FaaS explained

    ❏ Testing in a FaaS world ❏ Demo ❏ Q&A
  2. Next Service-Full Cloud Data Code Events No more server concerns,

    but only events, data and code in a fully managed way.
  3. Understanding AWS lambda costs Factors involved ❏ Number of executions

    ❏ Memory usage ❏ CPU time Cost components ❏ Invocations ❏ GB-s
  4. Automate integration tests and deployments just like any other piece

    of software test locally commit code build (packaging) deploy to test stage run automated tests promote to production development