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Modular and Bulletproof User Interfaces @ WebCa...

Modular and Bulletproof User Interfaces @ WebCamp Zagreb 2015

Working with bigger projects is often a challenge from the design standpoint. It’s important to optimise the design phase so that we can easily keep track of different interface elements across the site. Building an interface inventory is often the first step, with style guide and pattern libraries following the design process — serving as the project foundation. The final deliverable is always HTML and CSS, in form of building blocks and components that will allow you to easily build new templates and test for different use–case scenarios while your design remains bulletproof — even with future updates.

Lucijan Blagonić

October 04, 2015

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  1. About me A (front–end) designer. Also gamer. 
 And stargazer.

    ABBA fan. 
 Not necessarily in that order. Working with Emanuel in a small design studio — Blagonić Brothers.