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Flutter Bloc 을 제품개발에 야무지게 적용하기

Flutter Bloc 을 제품개발에 야무지게 적용하기

Future 2024 행사에서 진행한 세션 발표자료입니다.

LY Corporation Tech

October 11, 2024

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  1. 목차 1. Bloc을 선택한 이유 2. 일회성 동작 처리 3.

    코드 작성 피로도 줄이기 4. widget build 최적화 5. Bloc test 개선하기
  2. 리뉴얼 + 다양한 기능 추가 예정됨 프로덕트 규모 커짐 개발자

    수 증가 보다 효과적 구조 고민 https://techblog.lycorp.co.jp/ko/how-to-ux-research-and-renewal-for-overseas-users
  3. 비즈니스 로직 분리 용이 높은 인지도 (유지보수⇧, 참고자료⇧) bloc_test 용이

    규모가 커진 앱에 적합하다고 판단 https://engineering.linecorp.com/ko/blog/flutter-architecture-getx-bloc-provider
  4. status: initial counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap LoadData()

    status: success counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0
  5. status: initial counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap LoadData()

    status: success counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap IncrementA()
  6. status: initial counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap LoadData()

    status: success counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 status: success counterA: 1 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap IncrementA()
  7. status: initial counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap LoadData()

    status: success counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 status: success counterA: 1 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap IncrementA() onTap IncrementA()
  8. status: initial counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap LoadData()

    status: success counterA: 0 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 status: success counterA: 1 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 status: success counterA: 2 counterB: 0 counterC: 0 onTap IncrementA() onTap IncrementA()
  9. File> Manage> IDE Settings> Export Settings File> Manage> IDE Settings>

    Import Setting Live templates(schemes) 선택
  10. 팀원들과 공유하세요 1석 3조 코딩 피로도 감소 일관된 코딩 컨벤션

    작업 속도 향상 https://github.com/hohoins/flutter_bloc_abc_studio/tree/main/live_templates