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Numbers Are Our Friends: Making the Case for We...

November 04, 2011

Numbers Are Our Friends: Making the Case for Web Analytics

Incorporating numbers and data into your design process is much simpler than you think. IAs and UX designers are already "web analysts”: Our in-depth knowledge of user behaviour provides us the ability to glean vital, actionable insights from analytics data that others, such as marketers and business analysts, might miss.

This talk will remove mystique around the ‘web analytics’ process and speak to common misconceptions IAs have with this area of practice. Through tips and examples of tactical applications of web analytics data in a ‘UX friendly’ context, we will show that analytics is an efficient tool for gaining rapid insight into user behaviour and improving the value of our designs.

We will illustrate ways analytics data can be brought into play with familiar IA and UX processes and provide examples of how metrics extend the life of our early research. We will show how personas help drive search analysis, audience targeting drives useful segmentation, and internal search data informs content strategy. This talk aims to show IAs and UX professionals why web analytics should be on their radar and how it can help them find a common language with their business and marketing counterparts.


November 04, 2011

Other Decks in Design


  1. “What are we contributing to the business? Are we seeing

    things through and making sure that what we are doing is worth something?” - Joe Megibow Expedia's VP of global analytics and optimization
  2. Three main things you need to do: 1. Define goals

    and metrics. 2. Educate yourself. 3. Make some allies.
  3. "Numbers are an abstraction, but when we give them context,

    they have the strength, significance and nuance of language." - Livia Labate
  4. Determining the Right Content 5% 13% 20% 28% 35% About

    Academics Student Life Library Institute Alumni % Content % Visits Credit: Tim Hart via Avinash Kaushik: http://strottrot.com/u/6
  5. Proves the value of my work Helps me to make

    better design decisions Analytics data...
  6. Resources Lynne J. Polischiuk [email protected] @lynneux Lou Rosenfeld ‘Search Analytics

    for Your Site’ www.rosenfeldmedia.com Questions? Avinash Kaushik @avinash kaushik.net Book: Web Analytics 2.0 Livia Labate @livlab livlab.com/thinkia/ Ceci n’est pas une KPI slides: http://www.slideshare.net/livlab/ceci- nest-pas-une-kpi-interaction-10 Joshua Porter @bokardo bokardo.com/ Book: Designing for the Social Web