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Process Viewer

Process Viewer

Presentation on the process Viewer application.

mahesh meniya

June 03, 2012

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  1. Process Viewer Using C++, MySQL Developed By Mahesh Meniya &

    Vimal Moliya MCA Students Project Guide Mr. Amit Kothari (Asst. Prof., MEFGI, Rajkot)
  2. Contents • What is process ? • Overview of application

    • Learning Objectives • User interaction • Application functions • Application Architecture • Technology used • Database Structure • Class Diagram • Sample coding • User Interface • Future Enhancement • What is process ? • Overview of application • Learning Objectives • User interaction • Application functions • Application Architecture • Technology used • Database Structure • Class Diagram • Sample coding • User Interface • Future Enhancement
  3. What is process ? In computing, a process is an

    instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. A process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently. A computer program is a passive collection of instructions; a process is the actual execution of those instructions. Several processes may be associated with the same program; for example, opening up several instances of the same program often means more than one process is being executed. In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. A process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently. A computer program is a passive collection of instructions; a process is the actual execution of those instructions. Several processes may be associated with the same program; for example, opening up several instances of the same program often means more than one process is being executed.
  4. Overview Process Viewer provides facilities like view running process with

    their memory consumption, process start-time, kill selected process, view the fully qualified path from where .exe file is resides and more important it manage user wise history for further usage. Process Viewer is multi threaded application that provides various useful functions for processes and application running in user system. “ Process Viewer provides facilities like view running process with their memory consumption, process start-time, kill selected process, view the fully qualified path from where .exe file is resides and more important it manage user wise history for further usage.
  5. Learning Objectives C++ OOPS Funda • Inheritance • Exception handling

    • Virtual function • Friend function • Operator overloading (<< for Display O/P) • Namespace • Run Time Type Identification (RTTI) • Method Overloading • Template (generic Programming) • Enum • And other general OOPS funda Advanced Funda • Linked List (Data structure) • Multi-Threading • System Programming • Database application • Partially ORM implementation C++ OOPS Funda • Inheritance • Exception handling • Virtual function • Friend function • Operator overloading (<< for Display O/P) • Namespace • Run Time Type Identification (RTTI) • Method Overloading • Template (generic Programming) • Enum • And other general OOPS funda Advanced Funda • Linked List (Data structure) • Multi-Threading • System Programming • Database application • Partially ORM implementation
  6. Application Functions View Processes Shows list of running processes including

    information like process Id, process name and process memory usage and starting time. List will be refresh when new process arrives or terminate. Kill Process User can terminate unwanted process. Process Path User can view full path of executable component though can be also useful in detection and removing spyware , virus or any unwanted process/Application. In process viewer show path where component is loaded. View Processes Shows list of running processes including information like process Id, process name and process memory usage and starting time. List will be refresh when new process arrives or terminate. Kill Process User can terminate unwanted process. Process Path User can view full path of executable component though can be also useful in detection and removing spyware , virus or any unwanted process/Application. In process viewer show path where component is loaded.
  7. Application Functions History Process viewer manage user-wise process log as

    a history. Application doesn’t require user authentication it work on system authentication So, There is no need for remember username and password. User can view only his/her history for particular time interval. It displays process name, process start-End Date&Time. So user can let know which process had start and when it was terminated. Run in Background This application can also run in background. User can also back from background mode. History Process viewer manage user-wise process log as a history. Application doesn’t require user authentication it work on system authentication So, There is no need for remember username and password. User can view only his/her history for particular time interval. It displays process name, process start-End Date&Time. So user can let know which process had start and when it was terminated. Run in Background This application can also run in background. User can also back from background mode.
  8. Technology Used MySQL, the most popular Open source, relational database

    management system, is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation. Pthread The POSIX thread libraries are a standards based thread API for C/C++. It is most effective where the process flow can be scheduled to run on another processor thus gaining speed through parallel or distributed processing. Pthread
  9. Class Diagram Class Diagram for - 1. Process Module 2.

    Database Module 3. Threading Module 4. User-Interface Module Class Diagram for - 1. Process Module 2. Database Module 3. Threading Module 4. User-Interface Module
  10. Class diagram for Process Module 1. p_data contain data about

    process 2. p_operation Manage process In linked list 3. view_process display info. Of processes 4. kill_process manage operation for kill process 1. p_data contain data about process 2. p_operation Manage process In linked list 3. view_process display info. Of processes 4. kill_process manage operation for kill process
  11. Class diagram for Database Module 1. database Interact with database

    2. Field_value Container class for field & value 3. dttime container class for process date&time 4. user manage user data 5. Datatype enum for datatype 1. database Interact with database 2. Field_value Container class for field & value 3. dttime container class for process date&time 4. user manage user data 5. Datatype enum for datatype
  12. Class diagram for Threading Module 1. p_thread Base class for

    threading 2. th_refresh Derived class from p_thread refreshes linked list 3. t_state enum for thread state 1. p_thread Base class for threading 2. th_refresh Derived class from p_thread refreshes linked list 3. t_state enum for thread state
  13. Class diagram for user interface Module 1. menu Class for

    create menu 2. console Class for various console releted function 3. window class for window 1. menu Class for create menu 2. console Class for various console releted function 3. window class for window
  14. Future Enhancement • Create new task using Application • Set

    priority for Process • Improve User Interface
  15. References & Resources • Programming with ANSI C++ (Bhushan Trivedi)

    • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) (http://msdn.microsoft.com) • Threading using pthread (https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads) • Stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com) • Our Own Ideas • Programming with ANSI C++ (Bhushan Trivedi) • Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) (http://msdn.microsoft.com) • Threading using pthread (https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads) • Stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com) • Our Own Ideas
  16. Thanks to, We would like to thanks Marwadi Education Foundation

    providing such platform to develop and present our project – ”Process Viewer”. Thank you. We would like to thanks Marwadi Education Foundation providing such platform to develop and present our project – ”Process Viewer”. Thank you.