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Git version control

Git version control

Getting started with Git and Github.

mahesh meniya

August 09, 2013

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  1.  The management of changes to documents, programs, and other

    information stored as computer files.  A system that maintains versions of files at progressive stages of development.  The management of changes to documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files.  A system that maintains versions of files at progressive stages of development.
  2. Benefits of Version Control  Allows a team to share

    code  Maintains separate “production” versions of code that are always deployable  Keeps track of all old versions of files  Prevents work being overwritten  Have a backup.  Know your history.  Revert code.  Allows a team to share code  Maintains separate “production” versions of code that are always deployable  Keeps track of all old versions of files  Prevents work being overwritten  Have a backup.  Know your history.  Revert code.
  3. Key terms • Repository a (shared) database with the complete

    revision history of all files under version control • Working copy your local copies of the files under version control you want to edit • Branch a copy of a set of files under version control which may be developed at different speeds or in different ways • Checkout to copy the latest version of (a file in) the repository to your working copy • Repository a (shared) database with the complete revision history of all files under version control • Working copy your local copies of the files under version control you want to edit • Branch a copy of a set of files under version control which may be developed at different speeds or in different ways • Checkout to copy the latest version of (a file in) the repository to your working copy
  4. • Merge to combine multiple changes made to different working

    copies of the same files in the repository • Commit to copy (a file in) your working copy back into the repository as a new version • Merge to combine multiple changes made to different working copies of the same files in the repository • Commit to copy (a file in) your working copy back into the repository as a new version
  5. What is Git Git is a free distributed revision control,

    or software source code management project with an emphasis on being fast. “Git is a free distributed revision control, or software source code management project with an emphasis on being fast. “
  6. git is fast and lightweight free/open source distributed simple git

    is fast and lightweight free/open source distributed simple
  7. git basic Remote repository Remote repository Local repository Local repository

    push fetch Working Directory Working Directory Index(cache) Index(cache) add Local repository Local repository commit pull checkout