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Introduction to Dagger 2

Introduction to Dagger 2

An introduction covered with example codes to demonstrate the need and how to use in the simplest way possible the dependency injection framework "Dagger".

Marcello Galhardo

January 24, 2017

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  1. public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { private Presenter presenter; @Override

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); presenter = new Presenter(); } } public class Presenter { private Repository repository; public Presenter() { repository = new Repository(); } } Activity.java / Presenter.java
  2. public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { private Presenter presenter; @Override

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); presenter = new Presenter(); } } public class Presenter { private Repository repository; public Presenter() { repository = new Repository(); } } Activity.java / Presenter.java
  3. public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { private Presenter presenter; @Override

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Api api = new Api(); Cache cache = new Cache(); Repository repository = new Repository(api, cache); presenter = new Presenter(repository); } } Activity.java
  4. public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { private Presenter presenter; @Override

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Api api = new Api(); Cache cache = new Cache(); Repository repository = new Repository(api, cache); presenter = new Presenter(repository); } } Activity.java
  5. Dagger 2 • No Reflection; • Code generated at build

    time; • Easy to debug; • Easy to maintain the dependency graph.
  6. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  7. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  8. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  9. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  10. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  11. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  12. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  13. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  14. MainModule.java @Module public class MainModule { private static final int

    CACHE_SIZE_10_MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024; private static final int TIMEOUT = 20; @Provides public Presenter providesPresenter(Repository repository) { return new Presenter(repository); } @Provides @Reusable public Repository repository(Cache cache, Api api) { return new Repository(cache, api); } @Provides @Singleton public Cache providesCache() { return new Cache(CACHE_SIZE_10_MB); } @Provides @Reusable public Api providesApi() { return new Api(TIMEOUT); } }
  15. MainApplication.java public class MainApplication extends Application { private MainComponent component;

    @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); component = DaggerMainComponent.builder().build(); } public MainComponent getComponent() { return component; } }
  16. MainApplication.java public class MainApplication extends Application { private MainComponent component;

    @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); component = DaggerMainComponent.builder().build(); } public MainComponent getComponent() { return component; } }
  17. MainApplication.java public class MainApplication extends Application { private MainComponent component;

    @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); component = DaggerMainComponent.builder().build(); } public MainComponent getComponent() { return component; } }
  18. MainApplication.java public class MainApplication extends Application { private MainComponent component;

    @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); component = DaggerMainComponent.builder().build(); } public MainComponent getComponent() { return component; } }
  19. Activity.java public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { @Inject Presenter presenter;

    @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MainApplication application = getMainApplication(); MainComponent component = application.getComponent(); component.inject(this); } }
  20. Activity.java public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { @Inject Presenter presenter;

    @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MainApplication application = getMainApplication(); MainComponent component = application.getComponent(); component.inject(this); } }
  21. Activity.java public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { @Inject Presenter presenter;

    @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MainApplication application = getMainApplication(); MainComponent component = application.getComponent(); component.inject(this); } }
  22. Activity.java public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity { @Inject Presenter presenter;

    @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MainApplication application = getMainApplication(); MainComponent component = application.getComponent(); component.inject(this); } }
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