humanities and the language of syphilis S Y P H I L I S C O L L E C T I O N S Y M P O S I U M M A R C A L E X A N D E R , U N I V E R S I T Y O F G L A S G O W
01.02 Life 01.03 Health and Disease 01.04 People 01.05 Animals 01.06 Plants 01.07 Food and drink 01.08 Textiles and clothing 01.09 Physical sensation 01.10 Matter 01.11 Existence and causation 01.12 Space 01.13 Time 01.14 Movement 01.15 Action 01.16 Relative properties 01.17 The supernatural
of Aiax: vvritten by Misacmos, to his friend and cosin Philostilpnos. Harington, John, Sir, 1560-1612. At London: Imprinted by Richard Field [and Eliot's Court Press], dwelling in the Black-friers, 1596.
discovery of the French pox comprising the opinions of most ancient and modern physicians, with the author's judgement and observations upon the rise, nature, subject, causes, kinds, signs, and prognosticks of the said disease : together, with several nice questions, and twelve different ways and methods of curing that disease, and the running of the reins by Gideon Harvey. Harvey, Gideon, 1640?-1700
to nothing; a percentage of it will change how we account for particular works of literature; some may change how we understand the sweep of literary history. But there are no monsters, or fascists, under any of these beds. None of these questions is going to endanger the ways that literature spurs all of us to think. [...] The machine-driven projects of distant reading will humbly supplement — usually by just a little, and perhaps one day by a great deal — what we know about literature, just as historical data and biographical data have done all along. Selisker, Scott. 2012. The Digital Inhumanities? Los Angeles Review of Books, 5 November 2012. stephen-marches-literature-is-not-data
S E D • BYU Corpora: • SAMUELS Tagger: • Sketch Engine: • Historical Thesaurus of English: • You may wish to consider… • Apache Hadoop: • JMP ( or Tableau (http:// for desktop visualisation • Open Corpus Workbench: • You may also be interested in Moretti’s distant reading (Moretti, Franco. 2005. Graphs, Maps, Trees. London: Verso.)