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OCR with Go

OCR with Go

Lightning Talk feita na GopherCon Brasil 2018 falando um pouco sobre um side project para extrair informações da Nota Fiscal Paulistana usando OCR e expondo os dados em uma API escrita em Go.

- Tesseract [ http://marvelcinematicuniverse.wikia.com ]
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Marco Antônio Singer

September 29, 2018

More Decks by Marco Antônio Singer

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  1. Optical character recognition Optical character recognition (also optical character reader,

    OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo (for example the text on signs and billboards in a landscape photo) or from subtitle text superimposed on an image (for example from a television broadcast) - Wikipedia
  2. package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/otiai10/gosseract" ) func main() {

    client := gosseract.NewClient() defer client.Close() client.SetImage("path/to/image.png") text, _ := client.Text() fmt.Println(text) // Hello, World! }
  3. { "source": "path/to/document", "labels": [ { "name": "Número da Nota",

    "x": 1900, "y": 260, "h": 30, "w": 450 }, { "name": "Razão Social", "x": 250, "y": 590, "h": 45, "w": 1040 }, ] } payload.json
  4. func DetectDocumentText(source string) (*vtypes.TextAnnotation, error) { ctx := context.Background() client,

    _ := vision.NewImageAnnotatorClient(ctx) defer client.Close() return client.DetectDocumentText( ctx, vision.NewImageFromURI(source), nil, ) }
  5. func DetectDocumentText(source string) (*vtypes.TextAnnotation, error) { ctx := context.Background() client,

    _ := vision.NewImageAnnotatorClient(ctx) defer client.Close() return client.DetectDocumentText( ctx, vision.NewImageFromURI(source), nil, ) }
  6. for _, page := range ta.Pages { for _, block

    := range page.Blocks { for _, label := range labels { for _, paragraph := range block.Paragraphs { for _, words := range paragraph.Words { for _, symbols := range w.Symbols {
  7. for _, page := range ta.Pages { for _, block

    := range page.Blocks { for _, label := range labels { for _, paragraph := range block.Paragraphs { for _, words := range paragraph.Words { for _, symbols := range w.Symbols {
  8. { "source": "path/to/document", "labels": [ { "name": "Número da Nota",

    "x": 1900, "y": 260, "h": 30, "w": 450, "text": "00000086", "confidence": 0.99, }, { "name": "Razão Social", "x": 250, "y": 590, "h": 45, "w": 1040, "text": "PayPal do Brasil Serviços de Pagamento LTDA", "confidence": 0.97, }, ] }
  9. { "source": "path/to/document", "labels": [ { "name": "Número da Nota",

    "x": 1900, "y": 260, "h": 30, "w": 450, "text": "00000086", "confidence": 0.99, }, { "name": "Razão Social", "x": 250, "y": 590, "h": 45, "w": 1040, "text": "PayPal do Brasil Serviços de Pagamento LTDA", "confidence": 0.97, }, ] }
  10. { "source": "path/to/document", "labels": [ { "name": "Número da Nota",

    "x": 1900, "y": 260, "h": 30, "w": 450 }, { "name": "Razão Social", "x": 250, "y": 590, "h": 45, "w": 1040 }, ] } payload.json
  11. { "source": "path/to/document", "labels": [ { "name": "Número da Nota",

    "x": 1900, "y": 260, "h": 30, "w": 450, "text": "00000086", "confidence": 0.99, }, { "name": "Razão Social", "x": 250, "y": 590, "h": 45, "w": 1040, "text": "PayPal do Brasil Serviços de Pagamento LTDA", "confidence": 0.97, }, ] } curl -d @payload.json http://localhost/detect
  12. Goals • Accept other formats (e.g. PDFs) • Create new

    templates • Scale support • Extract data as table (e.g. product's list)