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PHP 5.3

PHP 5.3

Presentation given at Austin, Texas for English360 - Cambridge

Mariano Iglesias

September 24, 2010

More Decks by Mariano Iglesias

Other Decks in Programming


  1. PHP 5.3 PHP 5.3 The “ The “OMG it's finally

    here OMG it's finally here” release ” release
  2. PHP 5.3 is... PHP 5.3 is... • 1.2 times faster

    than PHP 5.2 1.2 times faster than PHP 5.2 • 3.5 times faster than PHP 5.0 3.5 times faster than PHP 5.0 • 4.5 times faster than PHP 4 4.5 times faster than PHP 4 • 29.25 times faster than PHP 3 29.25 times faster than PHP 3 WTF times 2!! WTF is this doing here?
  3. So? Don't Hello World me! So? Don't Hello World me!

    • Against PHP 5.2: Against PHP 5.2: – Drupal: 30% faster Drupal: 30% faster – Typo3: 30% faster Typo3: 30% faster – Wordpress: 15% faster Wordpress: 15% faster – E360: I don't know, let's ask E360: I don't know, let's ask Diego Diego
  4. Bottom line Bottom line • PHP 5.3 is PHP 5.3

    is faster faster! ! – Ruby fans, deal with it Ruby fans, deal with it P.S: Could be much faster with Lighty, or NGiNX, just sayin'
  5. Ok so PHP 5.3 is fast Ok so PHP 5.3

    is fast That's boring... Let's move on to the That's boring... Let's move on to the fun fun stuff stuff
  6. Can I hear some drum rolls? Can I hear some

    drum rolls? no /play drums in open office :(
  7. Circular reference cleaning Circular reference cleaning • For frameworks, that's

    like what TIVO did for TV For frameworks, that's like what TIVO did for TV • Or like what Facebook did for stalking ex girlfriends Or like what Facebook did for stalking ex girlfriends • Or even what Or even what GIT GIT did for source code collaboration did for source code collaboration PS 1: Notice how subtle I was to introduce GIT PS 2: I should also point out how Apple is not in this list
  8. How does this unbelievably new and so How does this

    unbelievably new and so unheard of magic work, really? unheard of magic work, really? • Ok so variables are zval Ok so variables are zval – Real variables Real variables – References through References through refCount refCount $a = 'Linux rocks'; $b = $a; xdebug_debug_zval($a); unset($b); xdebug_debug_zval($a); $c = &$a; xdebug_debug_zval($c); a: (refcount=2, is_ref=0)='Linux rocks' a: (refcount=1, is_ref=0)='Linux rocks' a: (refcount=1, is_ref=1)='Linux rocks' I'm not ashamed to say it: I want to marry xdebug
  9. Namespaces Namespaces All hail the separator All hail the separator

    \ I'm sure a JAVA dev is having a heart attack right now
  10. Thou shalt organize thy code Thou shalt organize thy code

    namespace e360\acme class AwfulClass { public function __construct() { throw new \Exception(“Your code never works”); } } $sucks = new \e360\acme\AwfulClass(); echo get_class($sucks); → e360\acme\AwfulClass
  11. Late static binding Late static binding PHP 5.2: PHP 5.2:

    self self: Not right! Mariano sad : Not right! Mariano sad class Repository { public static function commit() { static::_doIt(); } protected static function _doIt() { echo 'SVN commit :('; } } class GIT extends Repository { protected static function _doIt() { echo 'GIT commit :)'; } } GIT::commit(); → SVN commit :( PHP 5.3: PHP 5.3: static static: Yay! Mariano happy! : Yay! Mariano happy! → GIT commit :)
  12. The OMG factor The OMG factor • Ladies and gentleman,

    let me introduce you to: Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to: – Lambdas Lambdas – Closures Closures
  13. Lambdas Lambdas $lines = array_filter( explode(“\n”, file_get_contents('developers.txt')), function ($line) {

    $line = explode(',', $line); return ($line[1] != 'CDC'); } ); Closures Closures function getDevs($byeByeCompany = 'CDC') { return array_filter( explode(“\n”, file_get_contents('developers.txt')), function ($line) use($company) { $line = explode(',', $line); return ($line[1] != $byeByeCompany); } ); }
  14. As if all that wasn't enough... As if all that

    wasn't enough... • ?: operator ?: operator • mysqlnd mysqlnd • phar phar require_once('phar:///home/www/e360/git.phar/switch.php'); $div = $options['div'] ?: false;
  15. The future (PHP 5.4) The future (PHP 5.4) • Yeah,

    Unicode created a whole discussion regarding PHP 6 Yeah, Unicode created a whole discussion regarding PHP 6 • But already in trunk... But already in trunk... TRAITS TRAITS!! !!
  16. Traits Traits • Multiple inheritance? NOP Multiple inheritance? NOP •

    Interfaces? NOP Interfaces? NOP • What is it then? What is it then? Horizontal Horizontal reuse reuse … … Say What? Say What?
  17. trait e360Serializer { protected function serialize() { // ... }

    protected function deserialize() { // .... } } class Item extends AppModel { use e360Serializer; // ... } class ItemPdf extends Item { use e360JSONSerializer; public function serializable() { return true; } // ... } trait e360JSONSerializer { use e360Serializer; protected function serialize() { // ... } protected function deserialize() { // .... } abstract public function serializable(); }