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EDB Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ
September 13, 2024

EDB Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ

September 13, 2024


  1. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Postgres: the Data and

    AI Platform for the 21st Century Marc Linster, Ph.D. Technical Fellow September 12 2024

    WITH LOOP LANDSCAPE, HERO, AND TITLE Postgres has won the database race 2023: 45.5% 2024: 48.7% Stack Overflow Survey 2023/2024
  3. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Save as much as

    80% Compared to Oracle license and Support The Postgres Economic Advantage Oracle ROI Migration Calculator: https://www.enterprisedb.com/calculator/o racle-migration-calculator
  4. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Every Datatype Documents, Key

    Value Pairs Tables and relations XML Geographic AI/Vector

    Example SELECT DISTINCT product_type, data->>'brand' as Brand, data->>'available' as Availability FROM json_data JOIN product ON (product.product_type=semi_structured_objects.object->>'name') WHERE semi_structured_objects.object->>'available'=true; product_type | brand | availability ---------------------------+-----------+-------------- AC3 Phone | ACME | true ANSI SQL JSON No need for programmatic logic to combine SQL and NoSQL in the application – Postgres does it all
  6. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Can use Spatial AND

    Traditional analysis tools -- Interesting cities within 150 KM of Boston with the 10 lowest medium home prices select name , medium_hval, location from interesting_cities where (select ST_Distance (ST_Transform (location, 3587), ST_Transform( ( select location from interesting_cities where name = 'Boston'), 3587) ) ) < 150000 ORDER BY medium_hval limit 10; Spatial Query ANSI SQL
  7. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Native Oracle Compatibility in

    EDB Postgres Advanced Server PostgreSQL Transparent Data Encryption Advanced Replication Advanced Security Advanced SQL Oracle Compatibility • Security - Password policy management, session tag auditing, data redaction, SQL injection protection, procedural language code obfuscation, TDE • Performance - Query optimizer hints, SQL session/system wait diagnostics • Developer Productivity - Over 200 pre-packaged utility functions, user-defined object types, autonomous transactions, nested tables, synonyms, advanced queueing • DBA Productivity - Throttle CPU and I/O at the process level, over 55 extended catalog views to profile all the objects and processing that occurs in the database • Oracle Compatibility - Offers compatibility for schemas, data types, indexes, users, roles, partitioning, packages, views, PL/SQL triggers, stored procedures, functions, and utilities
  8. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. New Developments • Custom

    solutions • Micro services • COTS Migrations • Lift and shift from Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Informix, Sybase • Application modernization Data marts, Transaction Systems, IOT, Edge Solutions • Data marts, ODS, OLTP, IOT, Edge • Open source • Standards based Cloud Transformations • Every cloud (AWS, Google, Azure, private) • Every platform (DbaaS, IaaS, K8s) • Every operating model (Fully- managed, self-managed) Wide Range of Use Cases
  9. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Large Developer Community •

    407 + contributors to Postgres 16 • 111 companies actively contributing to Postgres 16
  10. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Next Stop: AI Innovation

    1785 1885 1900 1950 2020 First Wave: • Water Power • Textiles • Iron Second Wave: • Steam Power • Railroads • Cotton Third Wave: • Electricity • Chemicals • Internal Combustion Engine Fifth Wave: • Digital Network • Software • New Media Sixth Wave: • Artificial Intelligence • Sustainability • Robotics • Genomics Fourth Wave: • Aviation • Electronics • Petro- chemicals
  11. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Vectors - The data

    type for Postgres to power AI solutions 1
  12. © EnterpriseDB Corporation 2024 — All Rights Reserved. Image source:

    https://media5.datahacker.rs/2020/03/Picture36-1-768x712.jpg 16 What is vector?
  13. <-> Euclidean distance <#> negative inner product <=> cosine distance

    + element-wise addition - element-wise subtraction * element-wise multiplication cosine_distance inner_product l2_distance (Euclidean distance) l1_distance vector_dims (number of dimensions) vector_norm Each vector takes 4 * dimensions + 8 bytes of storage Vectors can have up to 16,000 dimensions. 19 Vector operators Vector functions Vector Data Type
  14. PostgreSQL and Vector Data Extension Available: https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector PGVector is an

    extension for PostgreSQL that enables vector similarity search within a PostgreSQL database. It allows you to store and query high-dimensional vectors efficiently, making it suitable for applications such as similarity search, recommendation systems, and natural language processing (NLP). Store your vectors with the rest of your data. Supports: • exact and approximate nearest neighbor search • L2 distance, inner product, and cosine distance • any language with a Postgres client Plus ACID compliance, point-in-time recovery, JOINs, and all of the other great features of Postgres
  15. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. How Vectors Power Gen

    AI Applications 1. Store AI Data AI Data Store Vector Database 2. Make it Retrievable 3. Submit Chat Message 4. Receive Chat Response Search AI Data Retrieve Relevant AI Data Augmente d Prompt Input Encoder-only LLM A.k.a.: Retrieval Augmented Generation = RAG Generate Response Decoder-only LLM
  16. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Transactions Postgres enhanced for

    enterprise distributed workloads Analytics Extending Analytics to Postgres operational workloads AI AI for Postgres, Postgres for AI. Keeping Postgres close by as you transform Intelligence observability through single pane of glass The EDB Postgres AI Data Platform
  17. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Postgres: #1 database for

    developers and DBAs Futureproof Data and AI Platform for the 21st Century
  18. ©EDB 2024 — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Swing by Stand 114

    for exclusive insights and live demos!