Mark Roberts, Tech Lead of the JavaScript Video SDK Team at Twilio, explains WebRTC and how Twilio's Programmable Video APIs make it easy to build video apps using cross-platform client-side SDKs along with REST APIs for server-side control.
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Access Tokens grant your apps access to Twilio services 2. Used by Programmable Voice, Video, Chat, Sync, etc. 3. Encode client identity & product- specific capabilities
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Access Tokens grant your apps access to Twilio services 2. Used by Programmable Voice, Video, Chat, Sync, etc. 3. Encode client identity & product- specific capabilities 4. Mix-and-match capabilities from different products in the same Access Token
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Create Access Tokens in the Twilio Console during development. 2. Vend Access Tokens from an application server in production.
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. Create Access Tokens in the Twilio Console during development. 2. Vend Access Tokens from an application server in production. 3. Helper libraries for Node, PHP, Python, Java, C#, etc.
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. GET /v1/Rooms Get the list of Rooms created in your account. 2. GET /v1/Rooms/{RoomNameOrSid} Get a particular Room by name or SID.
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1. GET /v1/Rooms Get the list of Rooms created in your account. 2. GET /v1/Rooms/{RoomNameOrSid} Get a particular Room by name or SID. 3. POST /v1/Rooms Create a new Room.
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • UniqueName The name of the Room to create • EnableTurn “true” or “false” • Type “peer-to-peer” or “group” • MaxParticipants Number of Participants that can connect to the Room at a time
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • RecordParticipantsOnConnect Whether or not to start recording Participants • StatusCallback A URL that Twilio sends webhook requests to on Room events
INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Production Check-list 1. Room Type: P2P or Group? 2. Access Tokens & Room Security 3. Network Conditions 4. Capture Dimensions
TWILIO Kat King 9:20 AM 9:50 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM BREAK 1:00 PM 1:40 PM 2:20 PM 3:00 PM 3:40 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM CHAT FUNDAMENTALS Randy Beiter SYNC FUNDAMENTALS Andres Jaan Tack NOTIFY FUNDAMENTALS Ankita Bhosle VIDEO FUNDAMENTALS Mark Roberts SMS: BEYOND THE BASICS Kenny Hoxworth POWER UP WITH ADD-ONS Edward Kim & Hiral Patel CONTACT CENTER ARCHITECTURE Matthias Damm & Charles Oppenheimer TASKROUTER FUNDAMENTALS Jen Li & Justin Witz AUTHY FUNDAMENTALS Marcelo Jabali GROUP PHOTO (OUTSIDE) AWARD CEREMONY