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Clarence and Sumo Rexcellent Adventure
August 14, 2019
Clarence and Sumo Rexcellent Adventure
August 14, 2019
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Sc. TITLE Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 1
Sc. 017 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE: Sumo..isn't it incredible? CLARENCE
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 160
Sc. 018 Pnl. A Dialog SUMO: its kinda crummy CLARENCE
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 161
Sc. 018 Pnl. B Dialog SUMO: my uncle makes t-rexes
outta old car parts and they're way bigger! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 162
Sc. 018 Pnl. C Dialog SUMO: my uncle makes t-rexes
outta old car parts and they're way bigger! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 163
Sc. 018 Pnl. D Dialog SUMO: grrrrrr CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 164
Sc. 018 Pnl. E Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 165
Sc. 018 Pnl. F Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 166
Sc. 018 Pnl. G Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 167
Sc. 018 Pnl. H Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 168
Sc. 018 Pnl. I Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 169
Sc. 018 Pnl. J Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 170
Sc. 018 Pnl. K Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 171
Sc. 018 Pnl. L Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 172
Sc. 018 Pnl. M Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 173
Sc. 018 Pnl. N Dialog SUMO: rawwwr!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 174
Sc. 018 Pnl. O Dialog CLARENCE: but thats what makes
it so much cooler CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 175
Sc. 018 Pnl. P Dialog CLARENCE: He was probably in
like 4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 176
Sc. 018 Pnl. Q Dialog CLARENCE: gasp! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 177
Sc. 019 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE: dinosaur 4th grade CLARENCE
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 178
Sc. 019 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 179
Sc. 019 Pnl. C Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 180
Sc. 019 Pnl. D Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 181
Sc. 019 Pnl. E Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 182
Sc. 019 Pnl. F Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 183
Sc. 019 Pnl. G Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 184
Sc. 019 Pnl. H Dialog PRESTON: Hey there! CLARENCE "Clarence
and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 185
Sc. 019 Pnl. I Dialog PRESTON: Hey there! CLARENCE "Clarence
and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 186
Sc. 019 Pnl. J Dialog PRESTON: Hey there! CLARENCE "Clarence
and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 187
Sc. 019 Pnl. K Dialog PRESTON: Hey there! CLARENCE "Clarence
and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 188
Sc. 019 Pnl. L Dialog PRESTON: I'm Preston the Dinosaur!
CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 189
Sc. 020 Pnl. A Dialog PRESTON: and I'm in the
4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 190
Sc. 020 Pnl. B Dialog PRESTON: and I'm in the
4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 191
Sc. 020 Pnl. C Dialog PRESTON: and I'm in the
4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 192
Sc. 021 Pnl. A Dialog PRESTON: and I'm in the
4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 193
Sc. 021 Pnl. B Dialog PRESTON: and I'm in the
4th grade CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 194
Sc. 021 Pnl. C Dialog PRESTON: at CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 195
Sc. 021 Pnl. D Dialog PRESTON:Dinosaur school! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 196
Sc. 021 Pnl. E Dialog PRESTON: Where we do dinosaur
things! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 197
Sc. 021 Pnl. F Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 198
Sc. 021 Pnl. G Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 199
Sc. 021 Pnl. H Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 200
Sc. 021 Pnl. I Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 201
Sc. 021 Pnl. J Dialog PRESTON: hahaha CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 202
Sc. 021 Pnl. K Dialog PRESTON: GRRRRR!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 203
Sc. 021 Pnl. L Dialog dinokid: AH! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 204
Sc. 021 Pnl. M Dialog PRESTON: RAWRRR!!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 205
Sc. 021 Pnl. N Dialog PRESTON: RAWRRR!!! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 206
Sc. 021 Pnl. O Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 207
Sc. 021 Pnl. P Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 208
Sc. 021 Pnl. Q Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 209
Sc. 022 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE: he was just like
us. CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 210
Sc. 022 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE: HUH? CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 211
Sc. 022 Pnl. C Dialog CLARENCE: sumo look! CLARENCE "Clarence
and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 212
Sc. 022 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 213
Sc. 022 Pnl. E Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 214
Sc. 022 Pnl. F Dialog CLARENCE: He really was just
like us!! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 215
Sc. 022 Pnl. G Dialog CLARENCE: i have to poke
it, i have to poke it, i have to poke it! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 216
Sc. 022 Pnl. H Dialog CLARENCE: i have to poke
it, i have to poke it, i have to poke it! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 217
Sc. 022 Pnl. I Dialog CLARENCE: i have to poke
it, i have to poke it, i have to poke it! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 218
Sc. 022 Pnl. J Dialog CLARENCE: i have to poke
it, i have to poke it, i have to poke it! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 219
Sc. 022 Pnl. K Dialog CLARENCE: i have to poke
it, i have to poke it, i have to poke it! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 220
Sc. 022 Pnl. L Dialog SUMO: I dunno man, that
sigh says you're not even supposed to get near it CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 221
Sc. 022 Pnl. M Dialog CLARENCE: oh im pretty sure,
that just means your foot CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 222
Sc. 022 Pnl. N Dialog CLARENCE: oh im pretty sure,
that just means your foot CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 223
Sc. 022 Pnl. O Dialog SUMO: that makes sense CLARENCE
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 224
Sc. 022 Pnl. P Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 225
Sc. 022 Pnl. Q Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 226
Sc. 022 Pnl. R Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 227
Sc. 023 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 228
Sc. 023 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 229
Sc. 023 Pnl. C Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 230
Sc. 023 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 231
Sc. 023 Pnl. E Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 232
Sc. 023 Pnl. F Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 233
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 234
"Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 235
Sc. 025 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 236
Sc. 025 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 237
Sc. 025 Pnl. C Dialog Clarence: see no harm done
CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 238
Sc. 025 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 239
Sc. 025 Pnl. E Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 240
Sc. 025 Pnl. F Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 241
Sc. 026 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 242
Sc. 026 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 243
Sc. 026 Pnl. C Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 244
Sc. 026 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 245
Sc. 026 Pnl. E Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 246
Sc. 026 Pnl. F Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 247
Sc. 026 Pnl. G Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 248
Sc. 026 Pnl. H Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 249
Sc. 026 Pnl. I Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 250
Sc. 026 Pnl. J Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 251
Sc. 026 Pnl. K Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 252
Sc. 026 Pnl. L Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 253
Sc. 026 Pnl. M Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 254
Sc. 026 Pnl. N Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 255
Sc. 026 Pnl. O Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 256
Sc. 026 Pnl. P Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 257
Sc. 026 Pnl. Q Dialog CLARENCE: oh no sumo noo!!
dont! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 258
Sc. 027 Pnl. A Dialog CLARENCE: oh no sumo noo!!
dont! CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 259
Sc. 027 Pnl. B Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 260
Sc. 027 Pnl. C Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 261
Sc. 027 Pnl. D Dialog CLARENCE: blahh oh no all
my gutss ahh CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 262
Sc. 027 Pnl. E Dialog CLARENCE: blahh oh no all
my gutss ahh CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 263
Sc. 027 Pnl. F Dialog CLARENCE: blahh oh no all
my gutss ahh CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 264
Sc. 027 Pnl. G Dialog CLARENCE: blahh oh no all
my gutss ahh CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 265
Sc. 027 Pnl. H Dialog CLARENCE: blahh oh no all
my gutss ahh CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 266
Sc. 027 Pnl. I Dialog Justin: heheh CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 267
Sc. 027 Pnl. J Dialog Justin: hehe its a dino!
CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 268
Sc. 027 Pnl. K Dialog Justin: hehe its a dino!
CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 269
Sc. 027 Pnl. L Dialog SUMO: RAWRR! CLARENCE "Clarence and
Sumo's Rexcellent Adventure" 1037-090 Page 270
Sc. 027 Pnl. M Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 271
Sc. 027 Pnl. N Dialog CLARENCE "Clarence and Sumo's Rexcellent
Adventure" 1037-090 Page 272