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Hide and Pam
September 22, 2021
Hide and Pam
September 22, 2021
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Scene 1 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 2 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Seth " Alright
coming right at you Pascal!"
Scene 2 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Seth " Alright
coming right at you Pascal!"
Scene 3 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Pascal " Oops!"
Scene 3 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Pascal " Oops!"
Scene 3 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Pascal " Oops!"
Scene 4 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 4 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 4 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 5 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Seth " Oh
no Pam!"
Scene 5 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Seth " Oh
no Pam!"
Scene 6 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 6 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 6 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 6 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog Pam " Hi
Scene 6 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog Pam " Whats
Scene 7 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Seth " Oh
thats a volley ball, we're playing a game!"
Scene 7 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Seth " Oh
thats a volley ball, we're playing a game!"
Scene 8 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 8 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Pam " Game?"
Scene 9 Panel 1 / 7 Dialog Seth " yeah"
Scene 9 Panel 2 / 7 Dialog Seth game is
a fun way to show your skills in a competitive way
Scene 9 Panel 3 / 7 Dialog Seth game is
a fun way to show your skills in a competitive way
Scene 9 Panel 4 / 7 Dialog Seth game is
a fun way to show your skills in a competitive way
Scene 9 Panel 5 / 7
Scene 9 Panel 6 / 7
Scene 9 Panel 7 / 7 Dialog Seth Try hitting
the ball
Scene 10 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 10 Panel 2 / 5 Dialog Pam " Like
Scene 10 Panel 3 / 5 Dialog Pam " Like
Scene 10 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog Pam " Like
Scene 10 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog Pam " Like
Scene 11 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 11 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 11 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 12 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 12 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 12 Panel 3 / 4
Scene 12 Panel 4 / 4
Scene 13 Panel 1 / 11 Dialog Pascal " Seth!
Here let me give you a hand"
Scene 13 Panel 2 / 11
Scene 13 Panel 3 / 11 Dialog Seth Wow
Scene 13 Panel 4 / 11 Dialog Seth you're a
Scene 13 Panel 5 / 11
Scene 13 Panel 6 / 11
Scene 13 Panel 7 / 11 Dialog Seth Why don't
we try some other games
Scene 13 Panel 8 / 11 Dialog Seth Why don't
we try some other games
Scene 13 Panel 9 / 11 Dialog Seth Why don't
we try some other games
Scene 13 Panel 10 / 11 Dialog Seth itll be
Scene 13 Panel 11 / 11 Dialog mom hello
Scene 14 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 14 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 15 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 15 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 15 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 15 Panel 4 / 5
Scene 15 Panel 5 / 5
Scene 16 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog Pascal " Ah!"
Scene 16 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 16 Panel 3 / 4
Scene 16 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Pascal ow
Scene 17 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 17 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Pam Did i
Scene 18 Panel 1 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 2 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 3 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 4 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 5 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 6 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 7 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 8 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 9 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 10 / 11
Scene 18 Panel 11 / 11 Dialog Pam " Did
I win?"
Scene 19 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 19 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 19 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 20 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 20 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 20 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 20 Panel 4 / 5
Scene 20 Panel 5 / 5
Scene 21 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Pam " Did
I win?"
Scene 21 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Pam " Did
I win?"
Scene 21 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Pam " Did
I win?"
Scene 22 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Seth Lets try
one more game
Scene 22 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Seth a game
of wits!
Scene 23 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 23 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 23 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 23 Panel 4 / 5
Scene 23 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog Pam " What?"
Scene 24 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 24 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 24 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog seth " one,
two, three etc "
Scene 24 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog seth " one,
two, three etc "
Scene 25 Panel 1 / 6
Scene 25 Panel 2 / 6
Scene 25 Panel 3 / 6
Scene 25 Panel 4 / 6
Scene 25 Panel 5 / 6
Scene 25 Panel 6 / 6
Scene 26 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 26 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 26 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 27 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog Pam " Pascal
do I just stand here?"
Scene 27 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog Pascal " Its
hide and seek you gotta hide and not get caught"
Scene 27 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog Pam " not
get caught, got it "
Scene 27 Panel 4 / 4
Scene 28 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog seth " one,
two, three etc "
Scene 28 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog seth " one,
two, three etc "
Scene 28 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog seth " one,
two, three etc "
Scene 28 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Seth Ready or
not here i come
Scene 29 Panel 1 / 1 Dialog seth " lets
Scene 30 Panel 1 / 7
Scene 30 Panel 2 / 7
Scene 30 Panel 3 / 7
Scene 30 Panel 4 / 7
Scene 30 Panel 5 / 7 Dialog Seth Where oh
where can my brother be
Scene 30 Panel 6 / 7 Dialog Seth Where oh
where can my brother be
Scene 30 Panel 7 / 7 Dialog Seth There you
Pascal oh darn
Scene 31 Panel 1 / 6 Dialog Seth i don't
see the twins anywhere
Scene 31 Panel 2 / 6
Scene 31 Panel 3 / 6
Scene 31 Panel 4 / 6 Dialog tWINS hI
Scene 31 Panel 5 / 6 Dialog Seth have you
two seen where Pam went? "
Scene 31 Panel 6 / 6 Dialog Pascal " uhh
mumble mumble"
Scene 32 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 32 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 32 Panel 3 / 4
Scene 32 Panel 4 / 4
Scene 33 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 33 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 33 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 33 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog Pascal "Did Pam
know to stay inside the yard"
Scene 33 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog Seth " I
mean its common sense...
Scene 34 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Seth but i
guess her sense isn't so common
Scene 34 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Seth Pam, I
accept your challenge
Scene 34 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Seth Pam, I
accept your challenge
Scene 35 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 35 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 36 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Pascal " There
the tracks lead to that smokey mountain"
Scene 36 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Pascal " There
the tracks lead to that smokey mountain"
Scene 36 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Pascal " There
the tracks lead to that smokey mountain"
Scene 37 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 38 Panel 1 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 2 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 3 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 4 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 5 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 6 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 7 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 8 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 9 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 10 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 11 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 12 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 13 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 14 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 15 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 16 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 17 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 18 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 19 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 20 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 21 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 22 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 23 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 24 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 25 / 26
Scene 38 Panel 26 / 26
Scene 39 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 40 Panel 1 / 6
Scene 40 Panel 2 / 6
Scene 40 Panel 3 / 6
Scene 40 Panel 4 / 6
Scene 40 Panel 5 / 6 Dialog Seth Look fresh
Scene 40 Panel 6 / 6
Scene 41 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 41 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Pascal Uh oh...
Scene 41 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Pascal Uh oh...
Scene 42 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Pascal " Its
hard to see
Scene 42 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Pascal " Its
hard to see
Scene 42 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Seth The tracks
stop here. Pam?
Scene 43 Panel 1 / 9 Dialog Seth and pascal
PAM Pam!
Scene 43 Panel 2 / 9
Scene 43 Panel 3 / 9
Scene 43 Panel 4 / 9
Scene 43 Panel 5 / 9
Scene 43 Panel 6 / 9 Dialog PAM!
Scene 43 Panel 7 / 9 Dialog Pam you found
Scene 43 Panel 8 / 9 Dialog PAM but you
havent caught me!
Scene 43 Panel 9 / 9
Scene 44 Panel 1 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 2 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 3 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 4 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 5 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 6 / 7
Scene 44 Panel 7 / 7
Scene 45 Panel 1 / 1 Dialog Seth PAM games
over you win!
Scene 46 Panel 1 / 1 Dialog PAM im not
falling for that
Scene 47 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Pascal Pam you're
goin to lose the ultimate game...
Scene 47 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Pascal the game
of life
Scene 48 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog Pam What?
Scene 48 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog Pam What?
Scene 48 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog Pam What?
Scene 48 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Pam What?
Scene 49 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 49 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog Twins Ahhhhh
Scene 49 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog Seth Ugh
Scene 49 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog Seth i know!
Scene 50 Panel 1 / 12 Dialog Fancies sling shot
Scene 50 Panel 2 / 12 Dialog Seth "sling shot
Scene 50 Panel 3 / 12 Dialog Seth "sling shot
Scene 50 Panel 4 / 12 Dialog Seth "sling shot
Scene 50 Panel 5 / 12 Dialog Seth "sling shot
Scene 50 Panel 6 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 7 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 8 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 9 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 10 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 11 / 12
Scene 50 Panel 12 / 12
Scene 51 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 51 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 52 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 52 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 52 Panel 3 / 4
Scene 52 Panel 4 / 4
Scene 53 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 53 Panel 2 / 4
Scene 53 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog wee
Scene 53 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog wee
Scene 54 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 55 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 56 Panel 1 / 5 Dialog Seth " Gotchu!"
Scene 56 Panel 2 / 5 Dialog Seth " Gotchu!"
Scene 56 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 56 Panel 4 / 5
Scene 56 Panel 5 / 5
Scene 57 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Seth " Gotchu!"
Scene 57 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Seth " Gotchu!"
Scene 58 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 58 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 58 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 59 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 59 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 59 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 60 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 60 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 60 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 61 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 61 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 62 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 62 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 62 Panel 3 / 5
Scene 62 Panel 4 / 5
Scene 62 Panel 5 / 5
Scene 63 Panel 1 / 6
Scene 63 Panel 2 / 6
Scene 63 Panel 3 / 6
Scene 63 Panel 4 / 6
Scene 63 Panel 5 / 6 Dialog Pam Did I
Scene 63 Panel 6 / 6
Scene 64 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 1 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 2 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 3 Panel 1 / 1
Scene 4 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 4 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 5 Panel 1 / 3
Scene 5 Panel 2 / 3
Scene 5 Panel 3 / 3
Scene 6 Panel 1 / 4 Dialog worker " And
this is the final result of a finely crafted chair" Class " ohhhh"
Scene 6 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog worker " And
this is the final result of a finely crafted chair" Class " ohhhh"
Scene 6 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog worker " And
this is the final result of a finely crafted chair" Class " ohhhh"
Scene 6 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog worker " And
this is the final result of a finely crafted chair" Class " ohhhh"
Scene 7 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog worker" Fancie seal
of quality"
Scene 7 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog worker" Fancie seal
of quality"
Scene 7 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Any volunteers for
Scene 8 Panel 1 / 3 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 8 Panel 2 / 3 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 8 Panel 3 / 3 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 9 Panel 1 / 5
Scene 9 Panel 2 / 5
Scene 9 Panel 3 / 5 Dialog Nevin " oh
Scene 9 Panel 4 / 5 Dialog Nevin " oh
Scene 9 Panel 5 / 5 Dialog Nevin " oh
Scene 10 Panel 1 / 2 Dialog Karen carpenter From
tree to chair, each fancy crafts one chair a day
Scene 10 Panel 2 / 2 Dialog Teacher terry Thank
you Karen carpenter for showing us how chairs are made. This has been such an exciting field
trip. Anyone have any questions? or thoughts?
Scene 11 Panel 1 / 8 Dialog seth one chair
a day?
Scene 11 Panel 2 / 8 Dialog Seth oh actually
i have a thought!
Scene 11 Panel 3 / 8 Dialog Seth oh actually
i have a thought!
Scene 11 Panel 4 / 8 Dialog Seth oh actually
i have a thought!
Scene 11 Panel 5 / 8
Scene 11 Panel 6 / 8
Scene 11 Panel 7 / 8
Scene 11 Panel 8 / 8
Scene 12 Panel 1 / 17 Dialog Seth Each worker
makes one chair a day? thats way too slow!
Scene 12 Panel 2 / 17 Dialog Seth Each worker
makes one chair a day? thats way too slow!
Scene 12 Panel 3 / 17 Dialog Seth Each worker
makes one chair a day? thats way too slow!
Scene 12 Panel 4 / 17 Dialog Seth Not efficient
Scene 12 Panel 5 / 17
Scene 12 Panel 6 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 7 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 8 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 9 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 10 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 11 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 12 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 13 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 14 / 17 Dialog Seth " but
if we created an aseembly line from start to finish we can make productivity double or even triple you're output"
Scene 12 Panel 15 / 17 Dialog Seth making it
Scene 12 Panel 16 / 17 Dialog Seth making it
Scene 12 Panel 17 / 17 Dialog Seth making it
Scene 13 Panel 1 / 4
Scene 13 Panel 2 / 4 Dialog Seth What do
you guys think?
Scene 13 Panel 3 / 4 Dialog worker oh uhh
yeah sure sure
Scene 13 Panel 4 / 4 Dialog worker oh uhh
yeah sure sure
Scene 14 Panel 1 / 2
Scene 14 Panel 2 / 2
Scene 15 Panel 1 / 6
Scene 15 Panel 2 / 6
Scene 15 Panel 3 / 6
Scene 15 Panel 4 / 6
Scene 15 Panel 5 / 6
Scene 15 Panel 6 / 6
Scene 16 Panel 1 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 2 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 3 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 4 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 5 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 6 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 7 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 8 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 9 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 10 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 11 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 12 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 13 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 14 / 15
Scene 16 Panel 15 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 1 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 2 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 3 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 4 / 15 Dialog Seth who wants
to try the first chair of efficiency
Scene 17 Panel 5 / 15 Dialog Seth who wants
to try the first chair of efficiency
Scene 17 Panel 6 / 15 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 17 Panel 7 / 15 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 17 Panel 8 / 15 Dialog Nevin " Me"
Scene 17 Panel 9 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 10 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 11 / 15
Scene 17 Panel 12 / 15 Dialog Nevin ohh..
Scene 17 Panel 13 / 15 Dialog Nevin No no
Scene 17 Panel 14 / 15 Dialog Nevin No no
Scene 17 Panel 15 / 15 Dialog Nevin No no
Scene 18 Panel 1 / 9 Dialog worker " This
is not a chair of quality"
Scene 18 Panel 2 / 9 Dialog worker " This
is not a chair of quality"
Scene 18 Panel 3 / 9
Scene 18 Panel 4 / 9
Scene 18 Panel 5 / 9
Scene 18 Panel 6 / 9
Scene 18 Panel 7 / 9