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Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspect Oriented Programming

this presentation was for ITI intake 35

Mohamed Massoud

April 19, 2015

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  1. What is Aspect Oriented Architecture ?  Open discussion about

    what is the meaning of the aspect oriented programming  What Aspect Oriented is solve  Is it like object oriented or it is working with it
  2. What is aspect oriented programming  It is a software

    development technique it allow us to take common functionality centralize it into single responsible module and then attach these modules which also know as ASPECTS to many places within the application  manage cross cutting concerns ..without aspects it will scattered into the application and it will hard to modify  Logging example and DRY concept
  3. Where aspects can be injected  On Start  On

    Execute  On exceptions  On success
  4. Interceptors  Interceptors are called to class methods /properties 

    Usually involves an inversion of control (IOC) container  No Post compilation changes to assemblies Means you don’t need to run or compile your DLLs to another application to add your aspects
  5. How to Implement interceptors  Managed By External components 

    Dynamic decorators  Can be configured to be in run time or compile time .. This is depending or external components capabilities  IOC containers  Castle Windsor  Ninject  Unitiy  Dynamic Proxies by in memory decorator  To Create interceptors we need to implement dynamic proxy interface then attaching the interceptors to the code