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PRISM course for ITI intake 35

Mohamed Massoud

April 19, 2015

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  1. Course outline  What is Prism  Benefits of using

    Prism  How to get Prism  How is works
  2. What is PRISM  Composite application framework  Break down

    large applications to smaller modules  Targets is WPF ,Silverlight and windows phone  Built on some design patterns Like ???  Built on separation of concern and loose coupling
  3. Benefits  Reuse when you build module you can reuse

    it  Cross platforms that you can reuse modules between Silverlight and WPF  Extensible  Fixable  Replace component in Run time
  4. How to build PRISM application  Shell  Regions 

    Module Modules will contain number of ?  Views (build by MVVM)  BootStrapper it can build by using MefBootstrapper or UnityBootStrapper
  5. Prerequisites for PRISM  XAML  DataBinding  Resources 

    Commands  Dependency Property  Behaviors  MVVM
  6. Hello World Example  Create Shell  Create BootStrapper with

    MefBootstrapper  Initialize shell  ConfigureAggregateCatalog  Add regions to shell  Create hello world module using MVVM and MEF and inject view to the shell region  Inject module to AggregateCatalog
  7. Regions  There is built in regions like content and

    items regions  We can create our custom region  To do that I have to derive from RegionAdapterBase<T>  Implement CreateRegion method  Single Active region  All Active region  Region  Implement Adpat method  Register to bootstrapper
  8. Communicate Between Modules  Loosely coupled events. A module can

    broadcast that a certain event has occurred. Other modules can subscribe to those events so they will be notified when the event occurs. Loosely coupled events are a lightweight manner of setting up communication between two modules; therefore, they are easily implemented. However, a design that relies too heavily on events can become hard to maintain, especially if many events have to be orchestrated together to fulfill a single task. In that case, it might be better to consider a shared service.  Shared services. A shared service is a class that can be accessed through a common interface. Typically, shared services are found in a shared assembly and provide system-wide services, such as authentication, logging, or configuration.  Shared resources. If you do not want modules to directly communicate with each other, you can also have them communicate indirectly through a shared resource, such as a database or a set of web services.
  9. CompositeCommand  Usually global command  Local command register to

    it  When invoke all child commands invoke  Supports enablement