The aim of this work is to determine the effects of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) on the geomagnetic activity influence over the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The QBO consists of a zonal circulation pattern in the equatorial stratosphere that affects the stratospheric polar jet, which is part of the physical foundation that explains the association between geomagnetic activity and NAO. The QBO would act as a "switch" for this association, introducing a non-linear effect in the chain of events that goes from the Sun to the Earth's troposphere, where the NAO occurs. The results obtained confirm that the QBO has a significant
role in regulating this association.
Unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms are used to carry out this investigation and with the latter also have the possibility of predicting the results of NAO, taking into account that geomagnetic activity and the QBO are periodic,