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Learning By Doing with NRE Labs

Matt Oswalt
February 13, 2019

Learning By Doing with NRE Labs

This was my presentation tech covering NRE Labs at Network Field Day 20 (https://techfieldday.com/event/nfd20/)

Video is here:

Matt Oswalt

February 13, 2019

Other Decks in Technology


  1. The Next 30 Minutes Thought Leadering What We’ve Built Peek

    Behind the Curtain Matt Trying Really Hard Not To Speak Too Fast 5
  2. Network Reliability Engineering NrE Familiar terms, inclusive of current skills.

    Existing skill-sets represented right in name. nRe Represents a better way of doing things. Emphasizes the true goal of automation https://juniper.net/us/en/products-services/what-is/nre/ Codify Automate Test Monitor Measure Simplify 8
  3. NRE Labs • Totally browser-based • Free, no login/email •

    Vendor-neutral • Open Source (curriculum too!) • Workflow is King Community platform for learning and teaching automation and Network Reliability Engineering 9
  4. NRE Labs • Introductory to Moderate • Vendor-Neutral • Focused

    on workflows 10 • Deeper “Next Step” • Juniper Focus • Reference, community EngNet
  5. 17

  6. syringe nginx ingress-controller Antidote as Deployed in Kubernetes guacamole Requests

    grpc REST antidote-web guacd Namespace 12-abcdef vqfx Namespace 14-fedcba vqfx jupyter HTTP HTTP HTTP Kubernetes API Server HTTP SSH Lesson Instances Syringe Health Checks 19
  7. Namespace: 12-abcdef linux vqfx3 jupyter Jobs stoneage jupyter-iframe config-vqfx1 Anatomy

    of a Lesson net-vqfx1-vqfx2 vqfx2 vqfx1 linux vqfx3 jupyter vqfx2 vqfx1 net-vqfx1-vqfx2 net-vqfx1-vqfx2 config-vqfx1 config-vqfx1 Networks (CRD) Ingresses NetworkPolicy Services Pods Syringe communicates directly with the Kubernetes API to orchestrate all this on-demand, based on lesson definitions loaded at startup. 20
  8. vqfx1 vqfx2 vqfx3 Pod Network (CNI plugin i.e. Linux Bridge)

    eth0 eth0 eth0 Normal Kubernetes Pod Networking 21
  9. Using Multus for Advanced Network Topologies Pod s Networks (CRD)

    https://github.com/intel/multus-cni 22 Alternatives: • QEMU L2TP • NetworkServiceMesh
  10. 23

  11. Resources • EngNet slack • github.com/nre-learning • antidoteproject.rtfd.io • @NRELabs

    https://labs.networkreliability.engineering Contributions • Use NRE Labs and open issues! • Lesson Contributions - new or existing • Platform enhancements/fixes 24