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Grafos com TinkerPop3 e TitanDB - TDC2016

Grafos com TinkerPop3 e TitanDB - TDC2016

Mike Dias

July 08, 2016

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  1. mother name: hercules age: 30 type: demigod name: alcmene age:

    24 type: human name: jupter age: 5000 type: god father
  2. mother name: hercules age: 30 type: demigod name: alcmene age:

    24 type: human name: jupter age: 5000 type: god father Vertex
  3. mother name: hercules age: 30 type: demigod name: alcmene age:

    24 type: human name: jupter age: 5000 type: god father Edge
  4. mother name: hercules age: 30 type: demigod name: alcmene age:

    24 type: human name: jupter age: 5000 type: god father Property
  5. Apache TinkerPop • Vendor-agnostic graph compute framework • Gremlin -

    graph traversal language • Capacidades OLTP e OLAP
  6. Core API Graph graph = TinkerGraph.open();
 Vertex nosql =

 nosql.property("nome", "NoSQL");
 Vertex tdc2016 = graph.addVertex("evento");
 tdc2016.property("nome", "TDC 2016");
 Edge e = nosql.addEdge("compoe", tdc2016);
 e.property("data", "08/07/2016");
  7. Core API Graph graph = Neo4jGraph.open("...");
 Vertex nosql =

 nosql.property("nome", "NoSQL");
 Vertex tdc2016 = graph.addVertex("evento");
 tdc2016.property("nome", "TDC 2016");
 Edge e = nosql.addEdge("compoe", tdc2016);
 e.property("data", "08/07/2016");
  8. Gremlin lang What are the names of Gremlin's friends' friends?

  9. Titan:db + • Disponibilidade contínua sem ponto único de falha

    • Sem gargalos na leitura ou escrita no grafo • Escalabilidade elástica • Cache de dados frequentemente acessados
  10. Concluindo… • Vários casos de uso resolvidos com Grafos •

    Quando for usar grafos, use TinkerPop3 • Titan transforma Big Data em Big "Graph" Data