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What’s your software saying? Designing interfac...

Michael J. Metts
September 21, 2016

What’s your software saying? Designing interfaces with language

Interface components like buttons, menus, errors, and confirmation messages are built with words, and it’s remarkable how much a consistent voice and tone matter. Are you using an efficient, informative voice, or do you sound more like a quirky, lovable goofball? The appropriate voice builds trust, increases retention, and humanizes interaction.

Michael and Andy will utilize their experience writing and designing for digital products to help you learn the best ways to integrate your team’s voice into the design process in a way that’s clear and consistent. You’ll also learn how to validate your decisions through prototyping and testing.

Michael J. Metts

September 21, 2016

More Decks by Michael J. Metts

Other Decks in Design


  1. What’s your software saying? Michael J. Metts - Senior UX

    Designer, The Nerdery Andy Welfle - Content Strategist, Facebook
  2. Today’s happenings: 1:30 - Opening activity: collaborative meaning 1:40 -

    Why this matters 2:00 - How to do it 2:20 - Discovering and documenting voice 2:45 - Break for delightful treats 3:30 - Designing conversations with tone 4:15 - Wrap-up
  3. Prepare for it to be hard work and prepare to

    make lots of mistakes. It’s not about sprinkling some funnies across your 404 page or your error messages. It’s about thinking long and hard about who you are as a company and what your customers need from you in each interaction. Importantly, it’s about drawing a line so that it’s clear where jazz hands are inappropriate. - Amy Thibodeau How to build and care for your own sassy, quirky, funny interface robot Source: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-build-and-care-for-your-own-chatty-quirky-funny-interface-robot-5d0be81a0f50#.ftb2ahtnn
  4. We help merchants run their businesses faster and more profitably,

    and use content to teach them to be better entrepreneurs over time. We also create repeatable, scalable content systems that let us design and build our products faster. We’re the voice of empathy for our merchants, and advocate for their needs and emotions. We educate our UX and development teams on how to write their own content (the next best thing to cloning ourselves). - Alaine Mackenzie Content Strategy Lead, Shopify
  5. Above: Voice and Tone | MailChimp Content Style Guide: http://styleguide.mailchimp.com/voice-and-tone/

    Right: Shopify's voice and tone guide | Medium: https://medium.com/shopify-ux/shopify-s-voice-and-tone-guide-968539e06777 "ADJECTIVE, but not ADJECTIVE"
  6. "ADJECTIVE, but not ADJECTIVE" • Soft-spoken but not hesitant •

    Funny, but not a cut-up • Humble, but not deferential • Confident, but not braggadocios Michael's Voice
  7. Questions About the User Circumstance: What scenario might cause one

    to see this language? Emotion: What might someone be feeling when they encounter this message?
  8. Questions about the Situation Persona: If we were to personify

    the product/message, who would it be? What would their relationship with the user look like? Goal: Why are we showing something this message? Mood: What feeling should we be expressing to the user?
  9. Source: Nielson Norman Group, "The Impact of Voice and Tone

    on Users' Brand Perceptions: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/tone-voice-users/ Neilson Norman Group:
  10. A/B Test! Funny Serious With
 Headline We got you, boo

    So it looks like your password is not so fresh — how about you work on that? Something went wrong We care about you and your account, so please take a moment to update your password. Without
 Headline So it looks like your password is not so fresh — how about you work on that? We care about you and your account, so please take a moment to update your password.
  11. A/B Test! Funny Serious With
 Headline We got you, boo

    So it looks like your password is not so fresh — how about you work on that? -2.18% CTR Something went wrong We care about you and your account, so please take a moment to update your password. +5.45% CTR Without
 Headline So it looks like your password is not so fresh — how about you work on that? +.47% CTR We care about you and your account, so please take a moment to update your password. +1.2% CTR