it(@"should do stuff", ^{ // This is an example block. Place your assertions here. }); context(@"groups related specifications", ^{ // ... more specs }); });
how many of the nucleotides are different from their equivalent in the other string. GAGCCTACTAACGGGAT CATCGTAATGACGGCCT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ The Hamming distance between these two DNA strands is 7.
alloc] initWithDNAStrands:@"GAGCCTACTAACGGGAT"]; }); it(@"should not be nil", ^{ expect(hamming).notTo.beNil(); }); describe(@"-hammingDistanceWithDNAString", ^{ context(@"with DNA strands of same length", ^{[...]}); context(@"with DNA strands of different length", ^{[...]}); }); }); }); SpecEnd