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Why the WordPress dashboard doesn't work and some of the steps you (WE!) can take to fix it

Kimb Jones
July 14, 2013

Why the WordPress dashboard doesn't work and some of the steps you (WE!) can take to fix it

A look at the WordPress dashboard, its problems and how it could potentially be improved. Warning: contains ironic humour.

Kimb Jones

July 14, 2013

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  1. Why the WordPress dashboard doesn't work and some of the

    steps you (WE!) can take to fix it WordCamp UK Lancaster 2013 Kimb Jones http://makedo.in @mkjones
  2. I'm... • Designer/front-end/UX & Digital • NHS (hospital & charity)

    & WP consultancy • WonderThemes marketplace closed :'( • WordPress evangelist + ardent WP event speaker • Organiser, geek, breaker, fixer • Professional Twitter #complainer Get me: @mkjones + http://mkjones.co.uk WordCamp UK Lancaster 2013 Kimb Jones http://makedo.in @mkjones
  3. BUT

  4. A standard dashboard with a few plugins 15 11 10

    menu options info & feed 'boxes'
  5. A standard dashboard with a few plugins 15 11 10

    menu options info & feed 'boxes' 36 total 'actionable' options
  6. I just want to add a blog post... 36 29

    24 ...but I have to deal with
  7. The problem(s) Confusing/ambiguous labels Media (files? docs?), Tools/Settings (why both?),

    Widgets (what?), Permalinks (you mean pretty links) etc...
  8. The problem(s) Plugins/Themes throw in extra options Needs tighter control

    and better options for developers Does Jetpack REALLY need to be at the top?
  9. The problem(s) Information overload on Dashboard It burns! The problem(s)

    From: Tailoring WordPress to meet your clients' needs by Nathan Roberts @nathan_roberts via: http://slideshare.net/iamnroberts/
  10. ...the more a tool grows the more complex it becomes...

    and WordPress is no different 36 the problem: UI overload
  11. This hurts my brain 1 excerpts below main text 2

    featured image is... somewhere? 3 WYSIWYG is a curse 4 post formats? 5 too many publish options 6 media WTF?
  12. When is a file not a file? 1 files? what

    happend to media? 2 media? gallery? featured?
  13. I feel like I'm going to break something 2 I

    just wanted to add a photo :( 1 whut?
  14. Broken Page Attributes 1 page order, are you kidding? 2

  15. Page Attributes are a MESS: All of this should be

    done BEFORE you start adding content 1 page order, are you kidding? 2 TEMPLATES ROCK! WHY ARE YOU HIDING THEM! 3 try using this with more than 20+ pages
  16. Simplify the dashboard • Only give 'users' (clients, staff) basic

    rights • Use roles like 'Editor', 'Contributor' or roll-your-own • Try and 'hack' the dashboard to show/hide stuff:
  17. Hack it (only works on MultiSite) //dashboard hacks //dashboard menu

    for standard users function hide_menu_items() { if (!is_super_admin()) { remove_menu_page('index.php'); // Dashboard //remove_menu_page('edit.php'); // Posts //remove_menu_page('upload.php'); // Media //remove_menu_page('link-manager.php'); // Links //remove_menu_page('edit.php?post_type=page'); // Pages //remove_menu_page('edit-comments.php'); // Comments remove_menu_page('themes.php'); // Appearance remove_menu_page('plugins.php'); // Plugins //remove_menu_page('users.php'); // Users remove_menu_page('tools.php'); // Tools remove_menu_page('options-general.php'); // Settings remove_menu_page('gf_edit_forms'); // Gravity Forms remove_menu_page('separator1'); // Separator remove_menu_page('separator2'); // Separator remove_menu_page('separator-last'); // Separator } } add_action('admin_init', 'hide_menu_items');
  18. PUNCH IT! //change the order of the menus for standard

    users function custom_menu_order($menu_ord) { if (!is_super_admin()) { if (!$menu_ord) return true; return array( 'edit.php', // Posts 'edit.php?post_type=newsfeatures', // Features 'edit.php?post_type=page', // Pages 'upload.php', // Media 'link-manager.php', // Links 'edit-comments.php', // Comments 'users.php', // Users /* - all items for reference - 'index.php', // Dashboard 'edit.php', // Posts 'upload.php', // Media 'link-manager.php', // Links 'edit.php?post_type=page', // Pages 'edit-comments.php', // Comments 'themes.php', // Appearance 'plugins.php', // Plugins 'users.php', // Users 'tools.php', // Tools 'options-general.php' // Settings */ ); } } add_filter('custom_menu_order', 'custom_menu_order'); add_filter('menu_order', 'custom_menu_order');
  19. Useful plugins • Ryans Simple CMS http://wordpress.org/plugins/ryans-simple-cms/ • Front End

    Editor http://wordpress.org/plugins/front-end-editor/ • CMS Tree Page View http://wordpress.org/plugins/cms-tree-page-view/ • Menu Humility http://wordpress.org/plugins/menu-humility/ • WP Markdown http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-markdown/ • WP CMS Post Control http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-cms-post-control/
  20. Quick fixes 1 don't need admin bar in dashboard 2

    move updates to settings 3 most of these widgets are junk 4 the 'media' problem
  21. Page flow = easier page management • Adds a 'page

    wizard' workflow • Puts 'important' tasks first: ◦ Page hierarchy location ◦ Page ordering is easy ◦ Empowers page templates ◦ Intuitive page management • Good solution for LOTS of pages • Some functions could be ported to other post types (Posts, Products, whatever....)
  22. 4

  23. Phase 2: Clarity Dashboard • Develop a simpler UI/skin for

    WP • Implement a 'wizard' style content walkthrough system • Simpler user role management • Totally separate 'dashboard' for non-Admin users • Mobile/responsive + old browser friendly • Coming... soon? (see: http://wpclarity.com)
  24. Q&A / discussion I was Kimb Jones.... WordCamp UK Lancaster

    2013 Kimb Jones http://makedo.in @mkjones