Go is an open source programming language developed at Google and designed for systems programming. Like C and C++, it is a compiled and statically typed language, with new features: garbage collection, various safety features and built-in concurrent primitives.
After only four years since its 1.0 release, we've seen many new products adopting Go as their main development language (Docker, CoreOS). Others refactored their existing services from dynamic languages to Go, significantly reducing their infrastructure costs.
Go's language specification is simple enough to hold in a programmer's head and has a "batteries included" standard library. With a simplicity approaching Python's, fast compilation times, executables that do not require a runtime and execution speeds approaching those of C++; it's not surprising that "fun" if often associated with the language.
This presentation will introduce the Go language to an audience of programmers; we will quickly review Go's simplified C-like structure, then we'll introduce Go's more advanced features.