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Berlin 2013 - Kale Workshop - Abe Stanway

September 20, 2013

Berlin 2013 - Kale Workshop - Abe Stanway


September 20, 2013


  1. Graphite’s relay agent original graphite backup graphite [statsd.numStats, [1365603422, 82345]]

    pickles [statsd.numStats, [1365603432, 80611]] [statsd.numStats, [1365603412, 73421]]
  2. Graphite’s relay agent original graphite skyline [statsd.numStats, [1365603422, 82345]] pickles

    [statsd.numStats, [1365603432, 80611]] [statsd.numStats, [1365603412, 73421]]
  3. Basic algorithm: “A metric is anomalous if its latest datapoint

    is over three standard deviations above its moving average.”
  4. “[[975, 1365528530], [643, 1365528540], [750, 1365528550], [992, 1365528560], [580, 1365528570],

    [586, 1365528580], [649, 1365528590], [548, 1365528600], [901, 1365528610], [633, 1365528620]]” Use raw timeseries instead of raw graphs
  5. “975 643 643 750 992 992 992 580” “sharpdecrement flat

    increment sharpincrement flat flat shapdecrement” Shape Description Alphabet
  6. “975 643 643 750 992 992 992 580” “sharpdecrement flat

    increment sharpincrement flat flat shapdecrement” Shape Description Alphabet “24 4 4 11 25 25 25 0 1” (normalization step)
  7. Elasticsearch Details Phrase search for first pass scores across shape

    description fingerprints Custom FastDTW and euclidian distance plugins to score across the remaining filtered timeseries
  8. First pass query :match => { :fingerprint => { :query

    => “sdec inc sinc sdec inc”, :type => "phrase", :slop => 20 } } shape description fingerprint
  9. Refinement query {:custom_score => { :query => <first_pass_query>, :script =>

    "oculus_dtw", :params => { :query_value => “10 20 20 10 30”, :query_field => "values.untouched", }, } raw timeseries