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MongoDB - Getting started, Couch, and MongoMapper

December 04, 2011

MongoDB - Getting started, Couch, and MongoMapper

A presentation made to SDRuby on MongoDb. I describe how to get started, using mongomapper, and also a little bit about couchdb.

Link to video presentation: http://sdruby.org/podcast/72


December 04, 2011

More Decks by Mot

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Who am I? • Scott Motte / 25 / Perris,

    CA • mid-level rubyist that prefers merb • spitfiresky.com • twitter.com/spitfiresky • github.com/scottmotte • scott@spitfiresky.com
  2. Leopard Install (0.9.7) • mkdir -p /data/db • wget http://downloads.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-

    osx-i386-0.9.7.tgz • sudo tar xvzf mongodb-osx-i386-0.9.7.tgz -C /usr/local • sudo cp -R /usr/local/mongodb-osx-i386-0.9.7/bin/ /usr/ local/bin
  3. Linux Install (0.9.7) • mkdir -p /data/db • wget http://downloads.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-

    linux-x86_64-0.9.6.tgz • sudo tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-0.9.7.tgz -C /usr/ local • sudo chmod 755 -R /usr/local/mongodb-linux- x86_64-0.9.7 • sudo cp -R /usr/local/mongodb-linux-x86_64-0.9.7/bin/* / usr/local/bin
  4. Running it • sudo mongod run & • mongo (mysql-like

    command line) • use bookstore_development • db.books.save({ title: "Ender's Game", description: 'zero gravity and mind games' }) • db.books.findOne()
  5. Mongo or Couch Mongodb (C++) Couchdb (Erlang) drivers REST bson,

    document, schema-free json, document, schema-free Dynamic queries, indexing map/reduce gridfs (needs an apache/nginx module) attachments RAM http cache Good at the web, faster development time Good at the web, slower development time Update in place (good for high update rates) MVCC (fault tolerant, but requires compacting) master-master replication 50s kid indy kid *http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Comparing+Mongo+DB+and+Couch+DB
  6. Mongodb orms Ruby Python mongo-ruby-driver sudo gem install mongodb-mongo sudo

    gem install mongodb-mongo_ext (c extension) mongo-python-driver easy_install pymongo (c extension auto- installed) active-record-adapter http://github.com/-mongodb/activerecord-mongo-adapter autumn http://autumn-orm.org/ mongorecord http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-activerecord-ruby mongo-mapper http://github.com/jeffjenkins/mongo-mapper mongomapper http://github.com/jnunemaker/mongomapper
  7. Controller class Books < Application def index @books = Book.all

    display @books end def show(id) @book = Book.find(id) raise NotFound unless @book display @book end ...
  8. Validations class Book include MongoMapper::Document key :title, String key :description,

    String validates_presence_of :title #validates_numericality_of #validates_length_of #validates_format_of #more end *http://github.com/jnunemaker/validatable
  9. Callbacks *http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Callbacks.html class Book .. key :description, String before_save :append_signature

    def append_signature self.description << " ~Corner Bookstore" end #after_save #before_validation end
  10. Relationships class Book include MongoMapper::Document key :title, String key :description,

    String has_many :reviews end class Review include MongoMapper::Document key :author, String key :review, String belongs_to :book end
  11. Relationships cont. Finding @book = Book.first @reviews = @book.reviews Displaying

    @reviews.each do |review| review.author end @reviews[0] # return first review Be careful @user.tweets.size #slow Tweet.count(:user_id => @user.id) #fast
  12. Embedded Documents class Review include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument key :uuid, String, :default

    => XGen::Mongo::Driver::ObjectID.new key :author, String key :review, String key :created_at, Time, :default => Time.now.utc before_validation do self.uuid = XGen::Mongo::Driver::ObjectID.new end end *http://groups.google.com/group/mongomapper/browse_thread/thread/178b8c5105ebedd8
  13. Embedded Docs cont. class Reviews < Application .. def create(review)

    @flight = Flight.find(params['flight_id']) @review = Review.new(review) if @review.valid? && @flight.reviews << @review && @flight.save redirect '/wherever’' :message => {:notice => "Review made"} else message[:error] = "Review fail" render :new end end end # in router.rb resources :flights, :identify => :id do resources :reviews, :identify => :uuid end # /flights/:flight_id/comments/new
  14. Additional info • created_at and updated_at are included automatically by

    MongoMapper • _id cannot currently be set with MongoMapper like it can in Couchrest • cannot currently do @doc[‘custom_field’] like in couchrest. • indexing: @doc.ensure_index :login
  15. Conclusion Mongodb is a great trade off of speed, features,

    and schema-less freedom, and it now has its developer friendly orm - mongomapper. Strongly consider using it in a web app you otherwise by default would use mysql. Then put together your models and use script/server or bin/merb -i to test your performance improvements. ~ Scott Motte