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Finding Your Crew

Finding Your Crew

In 5 years of developing online learning communities, P2PU has found a few tips and tricks about what works in learning groups on the web. This talk addresses:
* cohorts / group design
* feedback mechanisms
* measuring learning / community health

Links referenced:


June 17, 2014

More Decks by @mozzadrella

Other Decks in Education


  1. Finding Your Crew Cohorts, Peer Feedback and Measurement in Learning

    Communities Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu
  2. + Hi, I’m Vanessa. BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella

    & @p2pu COMMUNITY DESIGNER EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER PRODUCT MANAGER = Mad Learning Scientist I build learning communities on the web. + + POW!

  3. + Our Lessons Learned We got an agenda! Cohorts! Feedback!

    Measurement! Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu
  4. + What’s a Learning Community? Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Practitioners who do stuff. ! ! Open data agents solve data crimes! Play With Your Music
  5. + What’s a Learning Community? Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Are more than avatars— a sense that there are “butts in seats” ! Hilda, could you share that pickle recipe?
  6. + What’s a Learning Community? Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Give each other feedback to get better. ! ! Have you tried that figure in 2-D perspective?
  7. + P2PU Learning Communities: Technical Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Gentle Intro to Python Got weekly emails from this guy, MOOC-e. It’s cool, though. I had 6,000 other folks with me.
  8. + P2PU Learning Communities: Educational Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Learning Creative Learning I was in one of 450 small groups that self-formed for #lcl

  9. + P2PU Learning Communities: Creative Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu Play With Your Music I made a dubstep mix of “In Your Eyes” & shared with my crew.
  10. +Ideal group size Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu =

    30 - 40 folks / group* Recommendation: design for groups to form sub-communities once they reach 40+ *Source: Ahn, J., Weng, C., & Butler, B. S. (2013). The dynamics of open, peer-to-peer learning: What factors influence participation in the P2P University? Proceedings of the 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
  11. +Assigned versus emergent groups Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu

    Recommendation: assign first, scaffold entry into a learner’s group of choice
  12. + Qualitative data YELLOW: WHO IS YOUR

    SOUND IN YOUR VIDEO RED: YOUR BUDGET IS WAY OFF, BUDDY. Recommendation: design for long-form feedback, prompt folks to revise and resubmit Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu
  13. + Collaboration via peer review Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella &

    @p2pu PROVIDE
 COLLABORATOR Recommendation: design for many: many interactions, aggregate feedback in a way that is actionable
  14. +Love the network graph Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu

    Recommendation: measure the interconnectedness of the group—user’s actions to user—more than hockey stick metrics.
  15. +Community is a continuum Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu

    Observers Champions Attendees Participants *Source: Alex Hillman alex@indyhall.com Recommendation: Give lots of options for how to participate. Measure different gradations of engagement. People are going to have false starts and that’s ok.
  16. +#PWYM Participation Continuum Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu Read

    lessons Posted to G+ Shared a project Gave feedback Applied for a Badge Did not participate Completed the course 20 6 16 63 77 73 114 n = 125 response rate = 2% data is self-reported
  17. + The Way Forward Now you’re vaguely rockin’
 Vanessa Gennarelli

    // @mozzadrella & @p2pu Cohorts • Design for groups of 30-40 (and a way for new groups to break off) • Automatically assign folks and scaffold in/ model emergent groups Feedback • Prime qualitative feedback and make space for iteration • Break feedback into pieces (many:many) and actionable Measurement • Network graph (not hockeystick) • Offer different ways to participate • Community is a continuum—not on or off !
  18. + GET THE LOWDOWN ON PEER LEARNING www.thepeople.p2pu.org • Peer

    learning course examples • Lab reports and how-to’s • Recommendations on tools • Course review and learning support Vanessa Gennarelli // @mozzadrella & @p2pu