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The Birth of the Mechanical MOOC

March 13, 2013

The Birth of the Mechanical MOOC

My slides for our group presentation for Open Education Week with Karen Fasimpaur and Jane Park. Full presentation at http://www.slideshare.net/kfasimpaur/p2-pu-openedwk2013


March 13, 2013


  1. What is P2PU? Free, CC-BY-SA, open to anyone Core values

    Openness Community Peer Learning Facilitated courses on p2pu.org P2PU Labs projects experiment with group size and new tools
  2. The “Solution” Space How can we make a better experience

    that’s low cost & low-friction? Tap all of the open materials out there Build with pre-existing tools Prompt more intimate groups Easy to bootstrap
  3. Results 5,775 initially registered Between 2,733 and 1,650 were engaged

    in the last week Dropoff before course started left some groups half-formed We introduced an intermediary “ready-to-go” step