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How Giant Planets Shape the Characteristics of ...

How Giant Planets Shape the Characteristics of Terrestrial Planets

A colloquium talk I gave at UC Santa Cruz.

Tom Barclay

April 01, 2016

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  1. Tom Barclay NASA Ames Research Center UC Santa Cruz April

    Fool’s Day 2016 How Giant Planets Shape the Characteristics of Terrestrial Planets
  2. Early stage dust grains planetesimals ~ μm ~1-10 km •

    non-gravitational sticking process remains poorly understood Classical Solar Nebular Theory
  3. Early stage dust grains planetesimals ~ μm ~1-10 km Middle

    stage planetesimals planetary embryos ~103 km Kokubo & Ida 2002 Classical Solar Nebular Theory
  4. Early stage dust grains planetesimals ~ μm ~1-10 km Middle

    stage planetesimals planetary embryos ~103 km Late stage embryos planets Classical Solar Nebular Theory
  5. N-body models are widely-used tools to study planet formation “Mercury”

    hybrid symplectic integrator package (Chambers 1999) Dynamical Models
  6. N-body Models Challenges: 1. Models assume perfect accretion (fragmentation increases

    N) 2. N-body systems are chaotic, need lots of simulations This new study addresses these two issues Mercury modified to include state-of-the-art collisions model We performed hundreds of N-body simulations to infer results statistically Chambers (2013) Quintana et al. 2016 (arxiv 1511.03663)
  7. New Collision Model Leinhardt & Stewart 2012 Stewart & Leinhardt

    2012 Collision model maps outcomes of a two-body collisions based on masses and impact geometry in gravity regime
  8. rimp ℓ ℓ B B rimp rtar rtar θ θ

    ℓ = rtar + rimp - B ℓ = 2 rimp vimp vimp (a) (b) New Collision Model Based on model by Stewart & Leinhardt (2012) Mercury N-body integration package modified to include collision model that maps outcomes of a two-body collisions based on masses and impact geometry Outcomes include: -collision with central star, giant planet -perfect accretion -fragmentation -hit-and-run collisions (Asphaug 2006) Chambers (2013) Quintana et al. 2016 (arxiv 1511.03663)
  9. Hundreds of Simulations Sun + Jupiter + Saturn (at present

    orbits) Bimodal protoplanetary disk: 26 embryos (0.1 MEarth ) 260 planetesimals (0.01 MEarth ) Smallest fragments = 0.5 lunar mass Small change in initial conditions in each simulation 2 Gyr simulations, where all bodies fully interact gravitationally and collisionally
  10. Collisions • Shape of the final architecture of planetary systems

    • Alter bulk compositions (e.g. Mercury, Earth-moon) • Affect potential habitability - alter spin and rotation rates (weather) - strip off oceans and atmospheres - wipe out life Timing of final giant collision (eg. Moon forming impacts) is important because you need enough time and enough residual material for Earth-like planets to accrete and retain water and other volatiles
  11. Quantifying Impacts Stewart, Lock and Mukhopadhyay (2015) Qs ~ 107

    J/kg strip 100% atmosphere Qs ~ 108 J/kg strip 100% ocean
  12. Stewart, Lock and Mukhopadhyay (2015) Defining a “Giant Impact” Qs

    >= 2 x 106 J/kg Comparable to MFI and stripping ~50% atmosphere
  13. Properties of giant impacts On average proto-earths receive 3 giant

    impacts Most proto-earths experience their last giant impacts <100 Myr into simulation Last giant impact
  14. The Small Mars Problem N-body models are widely used tools

    to study the late stages of terrestrial planet formation (i.e., SWIFT, Mercury) Simulations typically form a Mars analog that is far too massive
  15. Mars Formed Rapidly Hf/W isotopic evidence from Martian meteorites suggests

    Mars accreted most of its mass within about 5 Myr. Earth continued to grow for an additional 30-100 Myr (Dauphas and Pourmand 2011)
  16. Distribution of final planets We are able to from planets

    that resemble the solar system Mars analogs defined as a planet with 0.05-0.2 Mearth, within 1.25-2 AU, and accreted no more than 10% of mass after 2 Myr Could the Grand Tack be a small number statistics issue? - Mars’ are uncommon but not rare
  17. Generalized Solar System Look at terrestrial planet formation in a

    probabilistic manner. 1. Take best-guess initial conditions for disk that have been successful in broadly reproducing the inner Solar System 2. Run a large number of simulations 3. Infer distribution of physical properties (mass, number, water content, etc.) 4. Consider Solar System as one draw from these distributions Not necessary to always form the Solar System, occasionally forming the Solar System is ok to validate model
  18. Jupiter analogs are likely scarce! Occurrence Rates of Jupiter (RV

    + Transits) ~ 6% (Wittenmyer et al. 2016)
  19. Effect of Giant Planets With no giant planets, more planets

    are formed but inner systems looks similar
  20. 28

  21. The Impact of Giant Planets Without giant planets there are

    more total impacts but fewer giant impacts
  22. 34 With giant planets ejections happen early Two epochs of

    ejection: first primordial material followed by processed material Giant planets only Times of Ejections
  23. 35 Outer disk is ejected first Efficient radial mixing with

    no giant planets Fragments from inner system ejected later Dependence on Initial Semimajor Axis
  24. 36 WFIRST will find plenty of Mars’ but few earths

    If Giant planets are rare, WFIRST finds no FFP WFIRST Detections
  25. Conclusions New N-body model with fragmentation and hit-and-run events Allows

    detailed modeling of planet accretion, erosion, water delivery, bulk compositions, giant impacts that can strip atmospheres/oceans With giant planets: collisions less frequent but have higher energies ~1/3 disk mass ejected Without giant planets: Collisions continue for Gyrs, but lower energy Very little mass ejected