stage planetesimals planetary embryos ~103 km Final stage embryos planets Classical Solar Nebular Theory Solar System terrestrial planets are thought to have formed In Situ HL Tau
5 Myr Mars-size embryos, and the bulk of Mars, forms 3 - 7 Myr Cores of giant planets accrete gas envelopes 30-100 Myr Earth grows, Moon-forming impact
N) 2. N-body systems are chaotic, need lots of simulations Our new study addresses these two issues Mercury modified to include state-of-the-art collisions model We performed hundreds of N-body simulations to infer results statistically Chambers (2013) Quintana et al. 2015 (arxiv 1511.03663)
Bimodal protoplanetary disk: 26 embryos (0.1 MEarth ) 260 planetesimals (0.01 MEarth ) Small change in initial conditions in each simulation After collisions bodies can break into fragments as small as 0.5 lunar masses 2 Gyr simulations, where all bodies interact gravitationally and collisionally
probabilistic manner. 1. Take best-guess initial conditions for disk that have been successful in broadly reproducing the inner Solar System 2. Run a large number of simulations 3. Infer distribution of physical properties (mass, number, water content, etc.) 4. Consider Solar System as one draw from these distributions Not necessary to always form the Solar System, occasionally forming the Solar System is ok to validate model
build statistics Earth-analogs are common (>90%) Mars-analogs not common, but not rare (13%) Small Mars Problem - small number statistics? No theories should be ruled out, as more pieces of the puzzle remain [email protected] (@mrtommyb)