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August 31, 2018





August 31, 2018

More Decks by nakajijapan

Other Decks in Technology


  1. // MARK: - NSTextStorageDelegate extension TextViewController: NSTextStorageDelegate {  func

    textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, willProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) { self.editedRange = editedRange } func textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, didProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) {  } }
  2. // MARK: - NSTextStorageDelegate extension TextViewController: NSTextStorageDelegate {  func

    textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, willProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) { self.editedRange = editedRange } func textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, didProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) {  } }
  3. // MARK: - NSTextStorageDelegate extension TextViewController: NSTextStorageDelegate {  func

    textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, willProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) { self.editedRange = editedRange } func textStorage(_ textStorage: NSTextStorage, didProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) {  } } ⚠ฤूͨ͠ྖҬ
  4. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange }
  5. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange }
  6. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange } վߦͰ෼ׂͨ͠ߦͷ࠷ॳͷҐஔΛऔಘ
  7. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange } վߦͰ෼ׂͨ͠ߦͷ࠷ॳͷҐஔΛऔಘ લ೔͸લ໷ࡇͩͬͨɻ  ࠓ೔͸J04%$ͩʂ ໌೔΋J04%$ͩʂ ໌ޙ೔΋J04%$ͩ
  8. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange } ର৅ͷߦશମΛऔಘ վߦͰ෼ׂͨ͠ߦͷ࠷ॳͷҐஔΛऔಘ
  9. func rangeOfCurrentLine(location: Int) -> NSRange? { let string = internalTextStorage.string

    let endNSRange = NSRange(location: location, length: 0) let lineRange: Range<String.Index> if let endRange = endNSRange.range(string: string) { lineRange = string.lineRange(for: endRange) } else { return nil } let lower = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.lowerBound, within: string.utf16)! let upper = String.UTF16View.Index(lineRange.upperBound, within: string.utf16)! let lineNSRange = NSRange(lower..<upper, in: string) return lineNSRange } ର৅ͷߦશମΛऔಘ վߦͰ෼ׂͨ͠ߦͷ࠷ॳͷҐஔΛऔಘ લ೔͸લ໷ࡇͩͬͨɻ  ࠓ೔͸J04%$ͩʂ ໌೔΋J04%$ͩʂ ໌ޙ೔΋J04%$ͩ
  10. lineRange(for:) Returns the range of characters representing the line or

    lines containing a given range. func lineRange(for range: NSRange) -> NSRange ศ ར
  11. "཮".count // 1 "཮".unicodeScalars.count // 1 "཮".utf16.count // 1 "཮".utf8.count

    // 3 "".count // 1 "".unicodeScalars.count // 1 "".utf16.count // 2 "".utf8.count // 4 ")".count // 1 ")".unicodeScalars.count // 2 ")".utf16.count // 4 ")".utf8.count // 8
  12. let snowy = "❄ Let it snow! ☃" let nsrange

    = NSRange(location: 3, length: 12) if let range = Range(nsrange, in: snowy) { print(snowy[range]) } // Prints "Let it snow!"
  13. let snowy = "❄ Let it snow! ☃" print(snowy.prefix(5)) //

    Prints "❄ Let" print(snowy.suffix(1)) // Prints "☃"
  14. class NSTextView { func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) func insertBacktab(_ sender:

    Any?) func insertNewline(_ sender: Any?) } public protocol NSTextInputClient { public func insertText(_ string: Any, replacementRange: NSRange) } طʹظ଴͞Εͨؔ਺͕༻ҙ͞Ε͍ͯΔ ΧελϚΠζͨ͠จࣈྻΛૠೖ͢Δ
  15. class TextView: NS { override func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) {

    var indent = "" let (spaces, lineRange) = getPrefixStringIfLineHasListTag(regex: TextRegex.insertTab) if useIndentWithSpaceKey { indent = String(repeating: " ", count: indentWidth) if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: self.rangeForUserTextChange) return } indent = "\t" if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertTab(sender) } }
  16. class TextView: NS { override func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) {

    var indent = "" let (spaces, lineRange) = getPrefixStringIfLineHasListTag(regex: TextRegex.insertTab) if useIndentWithSpaceKey { indent = String(repeating: " ", count: indentWidth) if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: self.rangeForUserTextChange) return } indent = "\t" if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertTab(sender) } } Πϯσϯτର৅ͱͳ Δઌ಄෦෼Λऔಘ
  17. class TextView: NS { override func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) {

    var indent = "" let (spaces, lineRange) = getPrefixStringIfLineHasListTag(regex: TextRegex.insertTab) if useIndentWithSpaceKey { indent = String(repeating: " ", count: indentWidth) if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: self.rangeForUserTextChange) return } indent = "\t" if !spaces.isEmpty { super.insertText(indent, replacementRange: NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0)) return } super.insertTab(sender) } } ਌ॲཧʹ೚ͤΔ
  18. class NSTextView { func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) func insertBacktab(_ sender:

    Any?) func insertNewline(_ sender: Any?) } public protocol NSTextInputClient { public func insertText(_ string: Any, replacementRange: NSRange) } ༻ҙ͞Ε͍ͯͳ͍ɻɻɻ
  19. class NSTextView { func insertTab(_ sender: Any?) func insertBacktab(_ sender:

    Any?) func insertNewline(_ sender: Any?) } public protocol NSTextInputClient { public func insertText(_ string: Any, replacementRange: NSRange) } • ΩʔϘʔυʹλϒ͸ແ͍ • λϒϘλϯͰಉ౳ͷػೳΛ࣮૷
  20. UITextViewͷࢠΫϥε let stringRange = lineRange.range(string: text)! text.insert(contentsOf: indent, at: stringRange.lowerBound)

    wFEJUFE3BOHFͰฤूൣғ͕શͯʹͳͬ ͯ͠·͏ wUFYU%JE$IBOHF͸ίʔϧ͞Εͳ͍ wظ଴͞ΕͨҐஔʹΧʔιϧ͕Ҡಈ͞Ε ͳ͍
  21. public protocol UIKeyInput : UITextInputTraits { public var hasText: Bool

    { get } public func insertText(_ text: String) public func deleteBackward() }
  22. func insertTab(rangeForTextChange: NSRange) { var indent = "" let (spaces,

    lineRange) = getPrefixStringIfLineHasList(regex: TextInputRegex.insertTab, rangeForTextChange: rangeForTextChange) if useIndentWithSpaceKey { indent = String(repeating: " ", count: indentWidth) if !spaces.isEmpty { selectedRange = NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0) insertText(indent) selectedRange = NSRange(location: rangeForTextChange.location + indentWidth, length: 0) return } super.insertText(indent) return } indent = "\t" if !spaces.isEmpty { selectedRange = NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0) insertText(indent) selectedRange = NSRange(location: rangeForTextChange.location + 1, length: 0) return } }
  23. func insertTab(rangeForTextChange: NSRange) { var indent = "" let (spaces,

    lineRange) = getPrefixStringIfLineHasList(regex: TextInputRegex.insertTab, rangeForTextChange: rangeForTextChange) if useIndentWithSpaceKey { indent = String(repeating: " ", count: indentWidth) if !spaces.isEmpty { selectedRange = NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0) insertText(indent) selectedRange = NSRange(location: rangeForTextChange.location + indentWidth, length: 0) return } super.insertText(indent) return } indent = "\t" if !spaces.isEmpty { selectedRange = NSRange(location: lineRange.location, length: 0) insertText(indent) selectedRange = NSRange(location: rangeForTextChange.location + 1, length: 0) return } } Χʔιϧ͕ظ଴ͨ͠Ґஔʹ͍ͳ͍ͷͰઌ಄ʹҠಈɺૠೖޙɺ ૠೖޙͷҐஔʹҠಈ͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δɻ