based on QM 2. Unitary designs in Quantum Information 1. “Efficiency” of unitary matrices 2. Constructing “efficient” unitary designs 3. Combinatorial problems 1. Local permutation check 2. Covering hypercube by hyperplane Outline of this talk 物理 数学 4/52
Combinatorial problems Outline of this talk 2 Quantum Information is Fun ☺ “Efficiency” of unitary is very important. More collaboration desired!! (Math & Quantum Information!) 5/52 Mathematics
State (量子状態) ❑ Quantum measurement (量子測定) ❑ Quantum dynamics (時間発展) ❑ Quantum State (量子状態) ➢ Describes all properties of particles. E.g.) energy, position, etc… ➢ A Hilbert space ℋ (dim = ) is attached to a particle. ➢ A quantum state is a unit vector ∈ ℋ. Different vector → e.g. different energy, etc… Particle Energy Position Momentum Charge , etc… ℋ Unit vector ∈ ℋ 8/52
State (量子状態): Unit vector ∈ ℋ ❑ Quantum measurement (量子測定) ❑ Quantum dynamics (時間発展) ❑ Quantum measurement (量子測定) ➢ A Hilbert space ℋ (dim = ) is attached to a particle. ➢ A quantum measurement is described by a basis { }=1,…, ∈ ℋ. Measurement { }=1,…, ∈ ℋ Obtain the result with probability = | ∙ |2 Result Particle Energy Position Momentum Charge , etc… ℋ Unit vector ∈ ℋ 9/52
state Ԧ = 1 2 ( 1 1 ) with prob. 1!! Red ( ) or Blue ( ) ?? Measure Yellow 1 2 ( 1 1 ) or Green 1 2 ( 1 −1 )?? Albert Einstein It’s not a complete theory. 10/52 同じ量子状態(unit vector)でも「量子測定(Basis)の選び方」 によって、結果が変わり、確率的な結果しか得られない。
State (量子状態): Unit vector ∈ ℋ ❑ Quantum measurement (量子測定): Basis { }=1,…, ∈ ℋ ❑ Quantum dynamics (時間発展) ❑ Quantum dynamics (時間発展) ➢ A Hilbert space ℋ (dim = ) is attached to a particle. ➢ A dynamics is a × unitary matrix ∈ () on ℋ. Different energy, position, etc… Unit vector ∈ ℋ Particle Energy Position Momentum Charge , etc… ℋ Unit vector ∈ ℋ Dynamics: 11/52
State (量子状態): Unit vector ∈ ℋ ❑ Quantum measurement (量子測定): Basis { }=1,…, ∈ ℋ ❑ Quantum dynamics (時間発展): A × unitary ∈ () on ℋ Quantum Information Science Information processing based on quantum mechanics ❑ Quantum Information Processing (量子情報処理) should be completely different from the current information processing. Bit = {0,1} Qubit = 2-dim Hilbert space { , } Information processing Quantum information processing 12/52
1 Quantum Information 2 ❑Quantum computation is very powerful!! ❑ Do not expect too much too early. Perhaps, 20 years… ➢ A basic unit is qubit, instead of bit. ➢ Huge investment to the field. ℋ Qubit = 2-dim Hilbert space Quantum analog of bit By google Why unitary designs are important in QIP?
Information Science, 1 qubit < 50 qubits By google ≈ −273℃ ≈ 1 ℋ ➢ Randomness is useful in information processing ➢ Randomness is described by a Haar random unitary. ➢ Approximations suffice in many applications!! Unitary designs By google Randomness in Quantum Infor. Qubit = 2-dim Hilbert space Quantum analog of bit 15/52
indep. of . ❑ Local unitaries (esp. 2-local) are essentially only those we can experimentally implement! Local unitaries and Efficiency 3 Theorem: any unitary { }∈ℕ can be written as a product of sufficiently many 2-local unitaries. ➢ In experiment, shorter products are preferable! 20/52
unique! ❑ Since can be (1010), if the length is (2), we need to use (21010 ) local unitaries…… Local unitaries and Efficiency 4 ➢ If the minimum length is ≤ poly(N), it is efficient. ➢ The minimum length is called an efficiency of the unitary. Efficiency is the most important concept in quantum information!! 21/52
. ❑ Unitary designs on qubits, a family { }∈ℕ of designs, is important. Unitary designs 1 ➢ Efficiency is important b/c we want to use in practice! A distribution of the Haar measure Unitary group () A distribution of a unitary design Unitary group () Simulating th order properties : one unitary 23/52
the Haar measure Unitary group (2) Simulating th order properties Unitary group (2) 25/52 Question: How to construct efficient (as efficient as possible) unitary designs?
extremely inefficient!! ❑ Especially, interested in small t, e.g. t=2,4,8….. ❑ ∃ a “bound” on the efficiency (=the number of local unitaries): ➢ Any family { }∈ℕ of unitary -design contains unitaries that are products of local unitaries with length ≈ . Is it possible to achieve a -design with ≈ local unitaries??? Question: How to construct efficient (as efficient as possible) unitary designs? Open problem 26/52
even for exact ones. ❑ Many efficient constructions are known. Question: How to construct efficient (as efficient as possible) unitary designs? For unitary t-designs (t ≥ 3): ❑ Little is known. ❑ No exact & efficient constructions are known so far. 27/52
t-designs 1 ➢ HL2009 based on quantum version of expander graph & mixing time of a permutation group. ➢ BHH2012 based on a many-body Hamiltonian problem. ➢ NHKW2017 based on a combinatorial problem called local permutation check. BHH12 Googleによる実験 (超伝導qubit:≈ qubits?) [S. Boixo, Nature Physics, 2018] NHKW17 中国・カナダによる実験 (NMR: 12 qubits) [J. Li, arXiv, 2018] 29/52
bases, and : Efficient unitary t-designs 2 Unitary diagonal in the basis , and consists of ( − 1)/2 local unitaries. Unitary diagonal in the basis , and consists of ( − 1)/2 local unitaries. 31/52
➢ Decompose a unitary { } into the products of local unitaries!! ➢ If the length is poly(), the unitary is efficient. Summary of designs in Quantum Information Science By google What is the minimum length of the product? Unitary -design with ≈ local unitaries??? ➢ Especially, small is important. E.g. = 2,4,8… 34/52
, , 0 ? ❑ When is fixed to be non-zero, what is the minimum such that , , , < ∞? ❑ etc….. Local permutation check 4 Remark: ❑ Mostly, interested in ≪ . ❑ When ≫ , the problem is closely related to “Hadamard design”. 39/52
only dependent on ) Local permutation check 4 Various situations can be thought of: ❑ What is , , , 0 ? ❑ When is fixed to be non-zero, what is the minimum such that , , , < ∞? ❑ etc….. 44/52
∵) related to efficient construction of unitary designs! L(t,N,k, − )=? ➢ Is this optimal?? ➢ Does there ∃constant for which , , , 2 −1 ≈ ? Unitary -design with ≈ local unitaries???
Combinatorial problems Summary of the talk = information processing based on quantum mechanics. Local permutation check & covering a hypercube by hyperplanes Local unitaries and efficiency are very important. How to construct efficient unitary designs?? 参考文献:上記シンポジウムの報告書(未アップロード) 中田のHP (Googleで「google site, yoshifumi nakata」で検索!) 51/52