1. Haar random unitary in QI 2. Unitary designs in QI Part II. Symmetric random unitary 1. Symmetric random unitary from the representation theory 2. The information paradox when a black hole has a symmetry Part III. Conclusion As an organizer, to promote discussions b/t math. and Q.I. As a researcher working in the intersection b/t math. and Q.I.
Haar random unitary (Unique unitarily invariant measure) A Haar random untiary is the unique unitarily invariant probability measure H on the unitary group (). Namely, (A) H( ) = 1, (B) for any ∈ () and any (Borel) set ⊆ , H = H = H . 4/32
to communicate in a quantum manner. Application 1. Haar random unitary in Q. communication Haar random unitary Coherent State merging (aka Fully Quantum Slepian-Wolf protocol) Mother protocol Entanglement distillation Noisy Quantum Teleportation Noisy Superdense coding Father protocol Quantum capacity Entanglement-assisted classical capacity Quantum reverse Shannon theory Quantum multiple access capacities Quantum broadcast channels Distributed compression Family tree of information protocols See Hayden’s tutorial talk in QIP2011 6/32
random unitary in Q. computation Quantum computational supremacy [Preskill ‘12]: Can a tiny Q. computer beat the best-available supercomputer? Random unitary on ~100 qubits will do the job [Boixo et.al. ’16: Bouland et.al.‘18]. − Factorization algorithm, Hidden subgroup algorithm etc…. − How can we show Quantum ≫ Classical? Faster than known classical algorithms. v.s. By google ~ 50 qubits ~ 1 peta byte 7/32
is everywhere in QIP and physics. − However, a Haar random unitary is “a pie in the sky”. ▪ The basic unit of QIP is a qubit = a unit vector in ℂ2. – qubits are described by a Hilbert space ℋ = (ℂ2)⨂. – But, Haar random unitaries on (2) are not easy to generate by Q. computers, requiring at least (2) q. gates. ▪ Approximate versions are needed. − Unitary designs come into the play! One qubit by google 8/32
comp. Rand. benchmarking Quantum sensing Quantum randomized algorithm Disordered systems Pre-thermalization Quantum black holes Quantum chaos Quantum duality Quantum information science Unitary designs Mathematics comes into the play. Physics is interested in. Applications Approximation • Necessary and sufficient randomness? • Unified framework? • How to generate by Q. computers? − “Efficiency” • Constructing exact ones? 9/32
black hole science - Randomness meets Black holes!! In collaboration with Eyuri Wakakuwa [1] and Masato Koashi [2] [1] The University of Electro-Communications [2] The University of Tokyo
pre-thermalization, quantum chaos, etc…. ▪ Interesting in Q. information theory. – To “hybrid” quantum and classical information theory. Why symmetric random unitaries? We’ll talk about this, today ;-) = ⨁ ( ⨂ ), where is the Haar random unitary on ℋ . Symmetric random unitary (a group G is given) = 1 To be explored…. 13/32
can we implement by Q. circuit? Q. Circuits for “symmetric unitary designs”? Quantum circuits for symmetric unitary designs? – Applying symmetric gates? – Generators of Lie algebra? – Symmetric Hamiltonian + Suzuki-Trotter decomposition? = ⨁ ( ⨂ ), where is the Haar random unitary on ℋ . Symmetric random unitary (a group G is given) = 1 14/32
radiation Life of a black hole Φ Maximally entangled state What happens to “| ۧ Ψ ” after the black hole is completely evaporated? 1. Completely lost? (natural but not likely…) 2. In the Hawking radiation? 17/32
radiation Life of a black hole Φ Maximally entangled state Bob Can Bob recover from and ?? Quantum information approach by Hayden and Preskill [2007]. 18/32
≫ qubits) qubits qubits Time Assumption: is a Haar random unitary. Question: How large should be for Ψ to be approximately Ψ? is a Haar random unitary. Same situation as “quantum capacity” with random encoding. 19/32
exists a CPTP map 1→, with high probability, such that Ψ − Ψ 1 ≈ (2−). Hayden-Preskill’s toy model (qubit-BH) Alice Reference Bob Black hole ( ≫ qubits) qubits qubits Time If ≫ , Ψ ≈ Ψ. 20/32
random, with high probability, Hayden-Preskill’s toy model (qubit-BH) (evaporated qubits) ( ) 0 BH is completely evaporated. Bob can recover Ψ. (i.e. Ψ ≈ Ψ) Alice Reference Bob Black hole ( ≫ qubits) qubits qubits Time A BH is an “information mirror”… “A black hole is hardly black at all”. 21/32
≫ qubits) qubits qubits Time A HP approach was pioneering, however….. ▪ HP scenario is too naïve b/c is assumed to be Haar random. ▪ What if a BH has a symmetry? ➢ Conserved quantities, e.g., charges, angular momentum, spins, etc… ➢ Symmetric random unitary: = ⨁ ( ⨂ ). ➢ For simplicity, we consider Abelian symmetries: = ⨁ . = 1 = 1 is a Haar random unitary. HP’s scenario: = ⨁ ( are Haar random.) Symmetric case: 22/32 Question: How large should be for Ψ to be approximately Ψ?
unitary . HP approach in detail: 1. Assume that is Haar random. 2. Use the one-shot decoupling theorem. Information paradox of the BH with symmetry: When = ⨁ ( : Haar random), what happens? = 1 Our approach: 1. Assume that = ⨁ ( : Haar random). 2. Use the one-shot partial decoupling theorem. ➢ Non-trivial generalization of the decoupling theorem. 23/32
toy model Our solution (BH with symmetry): Assuming that the dynamics of the BH is = ⨁ , there exists a CPTP map 1→, with high probability, such that Ψ − Ψ.. 1 = 2− , where Ψ.. is a “block-dephased” state. The original state: , = 1 A “block-dephased” state: , where and . 24/32
the BH is = ⨁ , (evaporated qubits) Θ( ) 0 BH is completely evaporated. Bob can recover Ψ.. (≠ Ψ) = 1 “Symmetric” HP’s toy model When can Bob get Ψ recovered??? Alice Reference Bob qubits qubits qubits Black hole 25/32
– Note that it’s not the (3)-symmetry (non-Abelian). Alice Reference Bob qubits qubits qubits Black hole The information paradox when the BH has rotational symmetry: Assuming that the dynamics of the BH is = 0 ⨁ 1 ⨁ 2 ⨁ ⋯ (evaporated qubits) ( ) 0 Θ() Bob can fully recover Ψ. Bob can recover Ψ.. (≠ Ψ) A BH is an “information mirror”… “A black hole is hardly black at all”. 26/32
a symmetry, how does the information leak out from the BH? ▪ Based on the one-shot partial decoupling. ▪ To fully recover Ψ, Θ() qubits should leak out when the BH has a rotational symmetry. Alice Reference Bob qubits qubits qubits Black hole “A symmetric black hole can be black” 27/32
comp. Rand. benchmarking Quantum sensing Quantum randomized algorithm Disordered systems Pre-thermalization Quantum black holes Quantum chaos Quantum duality Quantum information science Unitary designs Mathematics comes into the play. Physics is responsible. Applications Approximation 29/32 Let’s develop quantum information with a mathematical approach!!
unitary . HP approach in detail: 1. Assume that is fully random. 2. Use the one-shot decoupling. 3. A decoder from the Uhlmann’s trick. Information paradox of the BH with symmetry: When = ⨁ ( : Haar random), what happens? = 1 33/32
high probability, where : state representation of → and min ( |)⨂ is the conditional min-entropy. CPTP map S R E Haar random One-shot decoupling theorem [Dupuis et.al. 2014] ▪ If min ( |)⨂ ≫ 1, →(†) ≈ ⨂ with high probability. ▪ When and are fully decoupled, the existence of a perfect decoder follows from the uniqueness of purification (Uhlmann’s theorem). and are “decoupled”. 34/32
partial decoupling theorem with high probability, where : state representation of → and min ( |)∗ is the conditional min-entropy. CPTP map S R E Symmetric random unitary Symmetric random unitary Sum of product states (i.e. (special) separable state) for decoupling Katrhi-Rao product ∗ (“block-wise” tensor product) Tensor product for decoupling 35/32
When = ⨁ ( : Haar random), what happens? = 1 ▪ If min ( |) ∗ ≫ 1, w.h.p. and are “partially” decoupled. Our approach in brief 1. When and are partially decoupled, what can Bob decode? ➢ By Uhlmann’s theorem in a clever way. 2. How to calculate min ( |) ∗ ? min ( |) ∗ ≥ min ( |)⨂ One-shot partial decoupling theorem with high probability, where : state representation of → and min ( |)∗ is the conditional min-entropy. 36/32
(= the # of up spins is even/odd) is conserved. e.g.) Ising model with transversal magnetic field etc. ▪ We can show that no dephasing happen!! Alice Reference Bob qubits qubits qubits Black hole The information paradox when the BH has ℤ -symmetry: Assuming that the dynamics of the BH is = even ⨁ odd , (evaporated qubits) ( ) 0 BH is completely evaporated. Bob can fully recover Ψ!! A ℤ2 -symmetric black hole is hardly black at all. 37/32