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Manufacturing 2.0

Manufacturing 2.0

Natasha Carolan

November 08, 2011

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  1. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0 Manufacturing in the digital economy Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  2. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Hello. I am Natasha. ‘Defining design and manufacture in the digital economy’ - Commodification of the design process - Service dominant logic - Value co creation Today I will talk about how manufacturing business models and strategies are changing in the digital economy. Introduction Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  3. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy PART 1: CONTEXT Historical roadmap Convergence, digitisation & culture PART 2: TYPOLOGY Landscape of manufacturing models Introduction Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  4. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Industrialisation Taylorism Fordism Mass production Mass consumption Design Advertising Marketing Window dressing Department stores Mail order Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  5. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Post fordism UCD Online Agile Lean Market- places P2P Mass Customisation Participatory User led Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  6. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Co creation Digital fabrication Web 2.0 Pro- sumerism Distributed On-demand Service- based Customer facing Post-industrial Collaborative consumption Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  7. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy - Manufacturer consumer convergence - Democratisation of access to manufacturing - Renewed relationships between design and manufacturing activity Part 3: PHD Research !"#$% & ' (&)*(+,)-" !"#$% & ' (&)*(+,)-" +.&#)'"-/+)0,)-" !"#$% & ' (&)*(+,)-" !12131453167 +6789:297;9 Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  8. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  9. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Part 2: Typology Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  10. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy ‘In the past, art became separated from artisans and mass manufacturing turned individuals from creators into consumers. In the future, there will be universal self- reproducing molecular fabricators. In the present, personal fabrication has already arrived.’ Neil Gershenfeld Fab Personal Fabrication Personal Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  11. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Community Centres Part 2.2:Emerging models Community Industry role Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  12. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Vertical integration of production and retail capabilities Designer Manufacturer Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  13. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Retail model built on the capabilities of on demand manufacture. May or may not facilitate consumer/ bespoke design. Retail Manufacturer Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  14. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Service based: Online & Distributed Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  15. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Service based: On/offline. Local & distributed Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  16. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy 1.Personal 2.Community 3.Designer Manufacturer 4.Retail Manufacturer 5.Service Part 2: Typology summary Increasingly consumer facing, offering manufacture as a service, enabling self service economies with a noted focus on service dominant logic and co creation of value. Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  17. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Wednesday, 12 October 2011
  18. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Manufacturing

    2.0: Manufacturing in the digital economy Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Wednesday, 12 October 2011