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Natasha Carolan
November 08, 2011


Natasha Carolan

November 08, 2011

More Decks by Natasha Carolan

Other Decks in Design


  1. Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Digitally

    bespoke Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture
  2. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan PART 1: LANDSCAPE Background, literature and standpoints PART 2: RESEARCH AGENDA Hypothesis and research questions PART 3: RESEARCH DESIGN Methods, data collection and analysis Contents
  3. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Digitisation and convergence of design and manufacture in digital consumer culture is redefining organisation and practice in design and manufacture. Part 1: Landscape
  4. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Digitisation and convergence of design and manufacture in digital consumer culture is redefining organisation and practice in design and manufacture. Part 1: Landscape
  5. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Natasha Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Taylorism Fordism Mass production Consumer Culture Design Advertising Marketing Window dressing Department stores Mail order Manufacture Mass consumption Industrial -isation
  6. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Post fordism UCD Online Agile Lean Market- places P2P Mass Customisation Participatory User led Flexible specialisation
  7. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Digital design tools Digital fabrication Web 2.0 Pro- sumerism Distributed On-demand Service- based Customer facing Post-industrial Collaborative consumption Co-creation of value Service dominant logic Co design Participatory Meta-design User-design Digitisation + Convergence
  8. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan CONSUMER DESIG N M ANUFACTURE Part 1: Landscape
  9. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan
  10. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan social technologies Web 2.0 P2P collaboration participation democratisation peer identity freedom open creative consumers prosumer personalised information driven networked value seeking co creation peer recommendation user generated prosumer capitalism conviviality adaptable value co-creation remix Part 1: Consumer Culture
  11. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan ‘...the consumer’s charmed transformation from a passive recipient of messages and commodities to an active interpreter and maker of both, a transformation often expressed by the neologism prosumer’ (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004; Jenkins, 2006; Tapscott and Williams, 2006; von Hippel, 2005) Part 1: Consumer Culture
  12. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan ‘...the co-creation economy is about experimenting with new possibilities for value creation that are based on the expropriation of free cultural, technological, social, and affective labor of the consumer masses.’ (Zwick, Bonsu, & Darmody, 2008) ‘Self-service economies’ (Gershuny, 1978) Part 1: Consumer Culture
  13. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan social product design Web 2.0 API collaboration participation democratisation toolkits generative design open creative consumers information driven networked co creation co design user generated participatory crowd sourcing computational co-creation user design data driven consumer applications service based Part 1: Design
  14. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan ‘Through the combination of innovative and emerging design and manufacturing technologies, a new bespoke industrial design methodology is emerging whereby there will be the ability for individuals to cost effectively control the design and manufacture of individual customised products. (Campbell, Hague, Sener, Wormald, 2003) Personalised Parameterised Interactive Intuitive Data driven Consumer experience Generative Consumer App Embodied Bounded Spectacle Co-creation Service Commoditsed
  15. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Community Retail Manufacturer Designer Manufacturer Personal Service Part 1: Manufacture
  16. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan 1.Personal 2.Community 3.Designer Manufacturer 4.Retail Manufacturer 5.Service DESIGN PERSONAL FAB CONSUMER CULTURE MANUFACTURE DESIGN STUDIO ADD-ON ON DEMAND DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE RETAIL STORE ADD-ON DESIGN STUDIO ADD-ON SERVICE BASED MANUFACTURE COMMUNITY FAB-LABS Part 1: Manufacture
  17. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Design, manufacturing and consumption of products is changing. Continued digitisation and convergence of design and manufacture Evident through the emergence of customer facing on-demand design and manufacturing approaches Design processes are being commodified • Design, manufacturing and consumption of products is changing • Continued digitisation and convergence of design and manufacture • Development of design tools for consumers • Design/manufacturing, consumer/manufacturer convergence • Enabling on-demand, customer facing design and manufacturing • Situating design and manufacture as both a service and self service • Focus on service dominant logic and co creation of value • Commodification of the design and manufacturing process Part 1: Standpoints
  18. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan It is possible to commoditize processes of design and making. It is possible to create an experience or process of both designing and manufacturing that people will consume as a commodity in itself. Part 2: Research agenda
  19. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan How is the design and manufacturing process commodified? Part 2: Research agenda
  20. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan How do organisations implement design and manufacturing strategies to exploit the commodified experience? Part 2: Research agenda
  21. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan What value do consumers ascribe to the commodified design & manufacture process? Part 2: Research agenda
  22. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan Part 3: Research design Stage one Stage two Stage three Oct - Jan Jan - Jun Jun-Sep Interviews (Industry)* Open ended, semi structured Jan - Jun Jun-Sep Pilot user testing of tools Jan - Jun Jun-Sep Interviews (Industry) Open ended, semi structured Exploratory case studies Jan - Jun Jun-Sep Literature Review Literature Review Literature Review Interviews (Consumer) Online/offline Participation in the development and implementation of on-demand design and manufacturing approaches Secondary intervention Action research Participant Observation In house study of industry practice Usability, Likert scale, probes, inter- views, Vickrey auction, Becker, DeGroot-Marschak method Usability Implenentation of a test case Usability, Likert scale, probes, inter- views, Vickrey auction, Becker, DeGroot-Marschak method
  23. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan
  24. Redefining product design and manufacture in digital consumer culture Natasha

    Carolan | HighWire Doctoral Training Centre | @natashacarolan