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Tag Mixing Kit, avril

April 24, 2014

Tag Mixing Kit, avril


April 24, 2014


  1. trappe-trappe jeu du loup CACHE-CACHE Le facteur n’est pas passé

    DUCK DUCK GOOSE Un, deux, trois, soleil CHAT Glacé CHAT PERCHÉ Octopus tag quatre coins Tague Chocolat ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  2. 6/6 98 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 4 square ( a

    ball bouncing game) Bocce ball Tag Follow the leader Freeze tag ( person who is tagged freezes for the remainder of the game) It No name for it Base, safety Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many pierces do you wish 101 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 104 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 Freeze Tag TV Tag Kitty Corner Red Rover Duck Duck Goose Red Light, Green Light (Stop, Go) You’re It. Victims Safe spot, or free zone. Bubble gum, bubble gum. My mother told me. Eeny, meeny. 105 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 tag, hide-and-seek, smear the queer (one is the «queer», try to tackle them), freeze tag (tagged person has to freeze), TV tag (tagged person has to say a TV show), king of the hill, ghosts in the graveyard (tag at night) it the chased home eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go 110 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 Red Rover: Two teams stand in lines connected by holding hands opposite from each other. Each team takes turns calling some one over (Red Rover, Red Rover, send XX right over). The person called over runs and tries to break through the line by breaking two hands apart. If they succeed, they steal a person from the opposing team, if they fail they join the opposing line. This continues until one line completely absorbs the other line. Tag: One person is it and runs around trying to tag (touch) another person so they become it. There is only one person «it» at a time. Freeze Tag: One (or two) person is it and runs around trying to tag (touch) the others. As they tag people, those people become «frozen» and cannot move. A «frozen» person can be freed if tagged by a non- it person. The game is over when all are frozen. Variation: Toilet tag- instead of frozen, the people tagged become «toilets» and can be freed by a non-it person pretending to use them as a toilet and «flushing». Hide and seek: One person is it. The «it» person closes their eyes and counts to a predetermined number. All other participants hide. Once the «it» person is done counting, they proceed to look for people hiding. Rules are determined prior to start and may include: 1. People may or may not re-hide at their own risk after the «it» per- son begins to look for people. 2. A person must be tagged in order to be out or may just need to be found without tagging. Capture the Flag Ultimate Frisbee It Not it Base Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by its toe, if it hollers make pay, fifty dollars every day. my mother told me this is the one. bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish? (someone says a num- ber) one, two, three, etc 5/6 75 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Cops and robbers, hot chocolate (everyone puts their right hand in the middle of a circle and someone tells a story. When they say hot chocolate during the story it turns into a game of chasing), red rover, mother may I, polio, TV shows It (e.g. he’s it), on (e.g. she’s on), cops (only in cops and robbers) Everyone else or robbers (only in cops and rob- bers) There wasn’t one. Cops and robbers put robbers in jail when they were caught but other robbers could free them by tip- ping them Eeny, meeny, mint, mo. My mother and your mother were hanging out the clothes, my mother gave your mother a box on the nose, what colour was the blood (you then spell the colour selected). One potato, two potato three potato four 85 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 Soccer Tackle football Freeze tag Hide aND seek Tag Keep away - «two teams, the person who has the ball gets tackled. And whoever has the ball at the end of the recess or when we’re going home; that team wins» ‘he or she’ the runners the place ‘123 NOT IT!!!!’ 88 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 tag, red light green light, manhunt, jailbreak, hide and seek, freeze tag, boys vs girls- there was a boys team and a girls team and you had to steal the secret book. you could trap the other team in the bubble gum fence or the spider webs and it was really just making up rules as you went along. it everyone else base eeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny mo. my mother said to pick the very best one and that is you red white and blue bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish 93 2014- 03-10 2014- 03-10 TV tag- when tagged you freeze and say a TV show name, can’t repeat one already said Octopus- when tagged you become a tentacle and freeze in place. Try to tag others without moving it hmmm...not sure. base Inky pinky ponkey, dad- dy had a donkey, donkey died, daddy cried, inky pinky ponkey Eeeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by its toe, if it hollers let it go, eeny meeny miny now. (dirty dirty dish rag you are not it--if doing elimination style) 4/6 48 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 tag, freeze tag, hide and seek, kick the can, spud, red rover, crack the whip, dodge ball, red, white, and blue, sardines, pickle it not it base, or goal no, we always just counted 58 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 home hide and seek tag tug of war red rover 4 square It (English) (Don’t have name for this) Home Stink poop fart out enny meeny miny moe bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, how many pieces do you wish (1,2,3,4 etc) 59 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Tag, hide and seek, hopscotch, red Rover It Not it We never played with a safe zone when I was a kid Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers, let him go, Eeny meeny miny moe. 63 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 tag, stuck-in-the-mud, bingo, 44 in, handstands, grandmother’s footsteps, people knot, red hot letter, over-under, snake, ladders, fishes in the net, dwarves giants and wizards, catch, duck-duck-goose, tadpoles ‘it’, ‘on it’ ‘everyone else’ base, den, safe ickle-ockle-blue-bockle, farmer-wants-a-don- key, 1-2-3-4-someone- knocking-at-the-door, dropping-bombs-sin- ging-songs, 2-6-9-the- goose-drank-wine, yum-yum-bubble-gum, eeny-meeny-miney- moe, c-c-my-playmate, I-went-to-the-chinese- restaurant,1-2-buckle- my-shoe 65 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 tag (one person is «it» if they catch you, you’re it), hide and seek (one person is «it,» everyone else hides while they count, if they catch you, you’re it), red rover (you stand in two lines facing each other and the leader asks you to send someone over and they run and try to break through the line of people on the other side), freeze-tag (like tag except you freeze instead of instantly becoming it and other people can un-freeze you), cops and robbers (groups chasing groups until they’re all on the same side), sharks and minnows (groups chasing groups until they’re all on the same side), box ball (aka four square), dodgeball (don’t get hit by the ball), kickball (like baseball except you kick the ball instead of hitting it with a bat and the ball is bigger) It, sharks, cops minnows, robbers, not- it, everyone else base eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if it hollers let it go, eeny meeny miny moe, my mother told me to pick the very best one and you are not IT. I know I know another one, but at the moment I can’t remember it. :/ 3/6 32 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Tig- one person is «it» and he has to chase everyone else. When he manages to catch someone, that person becomes the new «it». British Bulldogs- There is a field with two safe spaces at each end. One person starts of as it. Everyone else has to run from one safe space to the other without being caught. If they are caught they also become it. The game continues till everyone is it. Sharky- the same as tig, except instead of only one person being it at a time, everyone who is caught becomes it together. The game conti- nues till everyone is it. Hill Tig- the same as tig, except on a hill. Toilet Tig- Like in normal tig, one person is it. However the people that he catches have to stand in one place with their arm sticking out. They can’t move again until someone «flushes» them by pulling their arm down. Chain Tig- The people who are it all stand in a line holding hands. They have to work together to catch people. If someone is caught, they also become it and have to join the line. Octupus Tig- The same as British Bulldogs, except the people who are caught have to stand in one place. They then wave their arms about trying to catch people, which is where the «Octopus» part comes in (they look like octopuses waving their tentacles about). What’s the Time, Mister Wolf?- One person is «the wolf» and stands at the end of a strip of land. The rest of the players stand at the other side. They call out «what’s the time Mr Wolf?» and the wolf will then call out a time (one o’clock, two o’clock, etc.) The players walk forward a number of steps which depends on the time the wolf called out (e.g. if the wolf called out «nine o’clock» the players would walk forward nine steps). Once the players get close enough, the wolf will call out «Dinner time!» and chase the players back to the start. Whoever he catches becomes the wolf for the next game. (N.B.- this game is usual- ly played by younger children.) «It» usually, but it de- pends on the game being played. There is no name for them. Den. «Ip skip, sky blue, all out but you.» «Ibble obble, black bubble, ibble obble out.» «Coconut, coconut, coconut, crack.» «Mickey Mouse is in his house pulling down his trousers. What colour are his pants?» 33 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 ‘Lock ups’/’Cops and robbers’, ‘Bulldog’, ‘Grandma’s footsteps’, ‘Stuck in the mud’, ‘Manhunt’ They are the ones who are ‘up’. As in, ‘who wants to be up this time?’ meaning who wants to be a chaser. Don’t think they had any given name Home No 37 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Tag and hide-and-seek are the two that seem to fit your question/ example. The active player is «it.» At least in the Northeast US. «Players» Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe 2/6 20 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Fangermandl (tag). One person tries to catch everybody else. Once they manage to touch someone, that person must now catch someone else. Versteinern (statues?). One person must try to touch every other player. Whoever gets touched must stop moving until somebody manages to crawl between their legs. Verstecken (hide and seek). One person covers their eyes and counts to an agreed-upon number while everybody else hides. Once the person starts searching you can’t change your hiding spot anymore. any game that involves a ball can be made up on the spot. Wer hat Angst vor’m Schwarzen Mann? You need two walls and a lot of space in the middle. One person is the...well, the black man. He stands against one wall, everybody else against the other one. You say a little chant, then run at each other as fast as you can, trying to get to the opposite wall without getting touched by the black man. If he catches you you’re now on his team. Next round has everyone who got caught trying to catch the rest. Der Fuchs geht um. Everybody stands in a circle facing the middle. The ‘fox’ walks around them and randomly stuffs his ‘tail’ (rope, hat, whatever) down somebody’s back pocket. That person must chase the fox once around the circle and catch him before he manages to take their spot. If he doesn’t catch him, he’s now the fox. German/Bavarian. There is no generic word for the chaser. It all depends on the game. If it specifi- cally involves an animal/ police officer/bad guy/ whatever, that’s what you call them, otherwise you don’t call them anything. Nothing unless the game specifically calls for them to be playing a certain role. Gildi Ene, meme, miste, Es rappelt in ther Kiste Ene, mene muh/meck Und raus bist du/du bist weg. Raus/Weg bist du noch lange nicht, Sag mir erst wie alt du bist, [Zahl] ist keine hohe Zahl, Sag mir erst dein Lieb- gemahl, [Name] hat in’s Bett geschissen, Mitten auf dein Lie- blingskissen, Jemand hat’s geseh’n, und du musst geh’n. Ein Schiff fährt nach Amerika, was hat es denn geladen? Wein, Schnapps oder Bier? Eine kleine Micky Maus, Zog sich mal die Hose aus, Zog sie wieder an, und du bist dran. 28 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Hopscotch. Color ball manhunt freeze tag depends of game. home 129 2014- 03-21 2014- 03-21 tag, all different kinds, that when you’re tagges you need to stand in a certain position, and someone elsa has to make you ‘free’. Jumprope of course :) and we usd to play fatasy games (winx, narnia) ‘jij bent hem’ You are him! or ‘hij bent ‘em’ mesn the same but it is shorter to say :) we dont really have names for them. Some- times they were cats... And when you were tagges usually a toilet. sometimes we used trees, but you could only touch them for a certain amount of seconds. We just said «Im free!» or something. but when the person who had to tag was waiting for you till the time was running out, we called that a «wachtkoe» guadrcow. No idea why. iene miene mutte and ietwietwaait is eerlijk weg and something with a mother who got a child or something.. But usaly you had to duck an the one who touched the ground last was it. 1/6 Id Start Date Sub- mit Date What outdoor games do you know? Can you tell me their rules? How do you call the player(s) that chase(s) the others? How do you call the players that are being chased? How do you call the safe zone? Do you know any coun- ting-out rhymes? 17 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 eec- . It not really a specific name for them Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it. 18 2014- 03-09 2014- 03-09 Police Station One person is the «Warden» and they pick the «criminal» with a counting song. The criminal then says «Who me?» then runs away. The Warden also picks some «cops» to chase after the criminal. If the criminal reaches safe haven before anyone catches him/her, then he/ she picks an accomplice (one of the cops) But if the criminal is caught, then she/he goes to «jail» The game is over when everyone is in jail or an accomplice. Cops Robbers/Criminals Safe- haven If you don’t know your rights, then you better learn it. The court house called and they reached a verdict. You better not run, unless like a snail. But they said guilty and your going to jail. Playground Games Survey #1 March 9–10 https://nclm.typeform.com/to/zoTauW http://www.reddit.com/r/SampleSize/comments/1zyko1/academic_playground_games_and_outdoor_playtime/
  3. suivre pas à pas les règles d’un jeu ajouter/vérifier/adapter les

    modules correspondants recommencer jusqu’à que tous les jeux marchent
  4. Joueurs & équipes question & bugs début du jeu endroits

    sûrs prison & congé- lation terrain de jeu trappe- trappe fin du jeu
  5. > TEXT (e.g. under the legs, flush, …) X Can’t

    be liberated after: > TIME/NUMBER X Then become IT X All freed at the same time X Chained freed together X Freed in order of jailing/freezing - When liberated: - Say: > QUOTE > PLAYER(S) - Go back to: > PLACE X Safe on the way home - Right back in game - While frozen/(jailed?)? [TODO] X Mime melting X Chain to others X Perform other action: > TEXT ----------- End of file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nclm/recreationkit-module... 4 sur 4 22/04/14 23h34 X Different safe zones per persons/teams: - [TODO] Multiple cards, etc. # TAG - A player is tagged when: X Touched X Caught/Grabbed X Seen X Stepped on shadow X Name is said/Hideout is said [TODO] X Seen moving X Chain broken - [TODO] Who then? X Other > TEXT (e.g. touching both shoulders, etc…) - What happened when tagged? X Go back to: > PLACE X Jailed in: > PLACE X Frozen X Eliminated X Become IT X Tagging IT says: > QUOTE X [TODO] meanwhile tagged non-IT can try to escape X Tagged non-IT says: > QUOTE X IT no more IT X And go to: > PLACE X IT frozen ([TODO] ?) X non-IT chained to IT X No tag back X non-IT ‘handicapped’: > TEXT (e.g. move on one leg, close eyes, …) - [TODO] Multitag X All players have to do it X Other: > TEXT - [TODO] Multitag - [TODO] Duel/Extra chance X IT have to re-tag non-IT before access to > PLACE X Race to > PLACE X non-IT escape during > QUOTE or > NUMBER X Other: > TEXT - [TODO] Different tag options according to teams (> PLAYER(S)) - [TODO] Special options for last to be tagged # JAIL / FREEZING - Location of jail: > PLACE - [TODO] More options like safe zones? - Freed when: X non-IT access: > PLACE - [TODO] All, one, etc? X touched ([TODO] tagged?) X [TODO] by: > PLAYER(S) X After: > TIME/NUMBER X Other: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nclm/recreationkit-module... 3 sur 4 22/04/14 23h34 > TEXT > PLAYER(S)? # BEGINNING X Start delay: X Time: > TIME X Count to: > NUMBER X Say/Sing: > QUOTE - Said by: > PLAYER(S) X Until a certain key word/end of sentence [TODO] X Special states of players when starting: - Which players? > PLAYER(S) X Chained X Hidden X Frozen X Jailed X Eyes closed/covered X Opened after start delay X Initial positions: > TEXT > MAP # ENDING - The game stops when: X Time is out: > TIME - [TODO] Can time be "night fall", "dinner time", "end of recess"? X Everyone is IT X Except one (also below) X Everyone is in prison X Everyone is frozen - [TODO] Define everyone ("> PLAYER(S)"?) X Bored/Mutual will X non-IT access: > PLACE - [TODO] or "> PLAYERS"? X All of them X One of them X [TODO] "> NUMBER" of them? X All the free ones among them - [TODO] Others: chain broken, parallel objective ok, etc… # SAFE ZONES - Where/What are they? X Zones drawn on the map: > MAP X Height/Off the ground X Exceptions? > TEXT X Touching: > TEXT (e.g. material) X Shadows X In X Out X Only a certain number of players per safe zone: > NUMBER X Safe only a certain amount of time: > TIME X Safeness extended when holding hands/touching https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nclm/recreationkit-module... 2 sur 4 22/04/14 23h34 Recreation Kit Modules (subset: Basics) # revision 0 This version in entirely unfinished :) The Basics subset does not include balls, hoops or any other material. Legend ------ [TODO] Things to fix, to develop # Main categories of modules, themes - Submodule/Question ([TODO] define more precisely) X Option (checkable) ([TODO] choices/options?) > Variable (one of the different types) TEXT Additional comments, extra modules, prose to interpret MAP Refers/Links to the playground map QUOTE Something to say/sing PLACE Name of location/Reference to the map/ Keyword like "Jail" or "Safe zone"/Generic/? TIME Time in any unit NUMBER Integer number to count PLAYER(S) Roles like "IT" or "non-IT"/Name of teams/? [TODO] Some default cards for PLACE and PLAYER(S) (…?) ? Indentation hierarchizes the modules and their dependencies. Modules ------- # GAME / PLAYGROUND - Name: > TEXT - Map: > MAP - location of jail - location of safe zones - location of players - Going outside the playground? X Unallowed, impossible X As a safe zone X Player is eliminated X Player is frozen X Player goes to jail # PLAYERS - Teaming? X IT and non-IT - How many IT at the beginning? > NUMBER X Teams against each other - How many teams? > NUMBER - IT/non-IT selection? X Counting-out song: > QUOTE (lyrics) - [TODO] Sylabbs separation? X Mutual choice X Other counting-out game: > TEXT X IT from last game are IT in this game X non-IT from last game are IT in this game - [TODO] Make both into one? Choice with ">PLAYER(S)" - Teams/Roles names: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nclm/recreationkit-module... 1 sur 4 22/04/14 23h34 liste des modules version 0 ça
  6. LE forMULAIrE aUStèrE ! EffIcacE ! « MErcI dE rEMPlIr

    lES chaMPS oblIgatoIrES avaNt dE coMMENcEr À joUer » blocS aUtocoPIaNtS : aUtaNt d’ExEMPlaIrES qUe de joUeUrs zoNe PoUr dessiNer lE tErraIN dE JEU coNtractUEl L’AffICHE graNdE taIllE vEllEda (rÉÉcrIvablE) vUE d’ENSEMblE SUr toUS lES ModUlES rÉSolUtIoN/crÉatIoN graPhIQUE dES JEUx (ÉvENtUEllEMENt) déCorative avertissement : cette version de l’affiche a été réalisée en trente secondes. L’INTErfACE LoGICIELLE Créer UN jeU … oU bIdoUIllEr lES JEUx claSSIQUES (“hack thIS gaME”) eNregistrer, PartagEr. ModIfIEr lES JEUx dES aUtrES ! (“fork thIS gaME”)
  7. les? How do you call the player(s) that chase(s) the

    others? How do you call the players that are being chased? How do you call the safe zone? Do you know any coun- ting-out rhymes? It not really a specific name for them Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it. th a away. Cops Robbers/Criminals Safe- haven If you don’t know your rights, then you better learn it. The court house March 9–10
  8. les? How do you call the player(s) that chase(s) the

    others? How do you call the players that are being chased? How do you call the safe zone? Do you know any coun- ting-out rhymes? It not really a specific name for them Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it. th a away. Cops Robbers/Criminals Safe- haven If you don’t know your rights, then you better learn it. The court house March 9–10 it cops ? ? depends hem it up it it it it it it it it sharks it he/she it it
  9. les? How do you call the player(s) that chase(s) the

    others? How do you call the players that are being chased? How do you call the safe zone? Do you know any coun- ting-out rhymes? It not really a specific name for them Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it. th a away. Cops Robbers/Criminals Safe- haven If you don’t know your rights, then you better learn it. The court house March 9–10 ? robbers ? ? ? ? not it ? victims chased not it not it minnows runners ? everyone else ? players catS?
  10. les? How do you call the player(s) that chase(s) the

    others? How do you call the players that are being chased? How do you call the safe zone? Do you know any coun- ting-out rhymes? It not really a specific name for them Base Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it. th a away. Cops Robbers/Criminals Safe- haven If you don’t know your rights, then you better learn it. The court house March 9–10 gildi base den base base base base base safety safe spot free zone the place base safe home home den home home base goal safe-haven
  11. finition modules & tests développement… …du langage graphique design des

    cartes… …cartes autres supports… …autres supports scénographie design du poster ‘MAP’ cartes envoyées à l’impression poster envoyé à l’impression