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Hacktober Fest 2023 - A Journey into creating c...

Hacktober Fest 2023 - A Journey into creating cross-african OSS project

For OSCA Lomé, I gave a talk about the hacktoberfest 2023 and how I experienced it.

Elikem Medehou

April 10, 2024


  1. I am Elikem Medehou I am a full-stack developer focused

    on Flutter and Backend development and an entrepreneur I empower Benin tech community such as The GDG Cotonou, the GDSC Epitech Benin and Flutter Benin
  2. 6 The Project Create an open-source mobile app both for

    Android and iOS to allow people to get in one place information about their favorite theaters' movies without relying on their social media. In record time, it has been developed by a team made up of Cameroonians, Benineses and Togolese.
  3. 4 Where did it start ? A couple of tweets:

    +100k impressions +300 likes
  4. 6 OSS Contribution Some metrics about the backend API :

    13 stars 3 forks 2 contributors 9 pull requests
  5. Software Quality Assurance This project has been powered by strong

    API test and unit testing through GitHub Actions and complete swagger documentation.
  6. Good Communication As for every other project, don’t forget about

    giving feedback and having clear communication with your team members !