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The Developer, the Vagrant and the Chef

The Developer, the Vagrant and the Chef

Presentation given at AtlantaPHP May 2, 2013. Full video and slides at http://vimeo.com/65595627

In this session, we’ll explore what Vagrant and Chef are, how they work together, and what advantages they bring over other methods, both for local development as well as production environments.
We’ll compare Vagrant and Chef to other strategies such as working on remote servers, or using the local stack, and even conventional virtual machines. We’ll explore how to incorporate these tools to our workflow to help us and our teams make infrastructure an asset instead of an obstacle.
Lastly, we’ll go over real world examples that will show in detail the logic behind these systems. During the presentation, attendees will gain enough applicable knowledge to start tailoring solutions to fit their specific use cases and start taking advantage of the latest provisioning strategies.

Nic Rosental

May 02, 2013

More Decks by Nic Rosental

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  1. The Developer, the Vagrant and the Chef A story of

    environments, progress and awesomeness. Wednesday, May 8, 13
  2. What’s Vagrant? • Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and

    portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team. • Translation: Stop fighting against your own and your peers’ environments. Wednesday, May 8, 13
  3. What’s Chef? • Chef is an open-source automation platform built

    to address the hardest infrastructure challenges on the planet. Chef gives you the power and flexibility you need to move faster in a complex world - from rapid provisioning and deployment of servers to the automated delivery of applications and services—at any scale. • Get your machine set up just the whichever way you like it. Rinse. Repeat Wednesday, May 8, 13
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  5. $ vagrant init questions $ vagrant up $vagrant halt $vagrant

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