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Art of the Ancient Near East: Assyrians to Acha...

January 24, 2013

Art of the Ancient Near East: Assyrians to Achaemenid Persians


January 24, 2013


  1. Art  of  the  Ancient  Near  East   Reading   Stokstad,

     39-­‐47     Range:   c.  1500-­‐330  BCE   Assyrian  |  Neo-­‐Babylonian  |   Achaemenid  Persian     Terms/Concepts:   Mesopotamia,  Apadana,  HieraAc   Scale,  Lamassu,  Bent  Axis,   Tribute,  Bas  Relief,     Monument  List     2-­‐17,  Assurnasirpal  II  Killing   Lions,  Assyrian,  875-­‐860  BCE.     2-­‐18,  ReconstrucAon  of  the   Citadel  and  Palace  Complex  of   Sargon  the  II,  Dur  Sharrukin,   Assyrian,  721-­‐706  BCE     2-­‐19,  Lamassu  Figures  at  Gate   A  of  the  Citadel  of  Sargon  II,   721-­‐706  BCE     2-­‐22,    Ishtar  Gate,  Neo-­‐ Babylonian,  6th  Century  BCE     2-­‐25,  Darius  and  Xerxes   Receiving  Tribute,   Achaemenid  Persian,  491-­‐486   BCE  
  2. “I  flayed  as  many  nobles  as  had  rebelled  against  me

      [and]  draped  their  skins  over  the  pile  [of  corpses];   some  I  spread  out  within  the  pile,  some  I  erected   on  stakes  upon  the  pile  ...  I  flayed  many  right   through  my  land  [and]  draped  their  skins  over  the   walls.”  -­‐-­‐Ashurnasirpal  
  3. “I  captured  soldiers  alive  [and]   erected  [them]  on  stakes

     before   their  ciAes.”  –Shalmaneser  III  
  4. Pg.  41,  Enemies  Crossing  the  Euphrates  to  Escape  Assyrian  

    Archers,  from  the  Palace  of  Assurnasirpal  II,  Kalhu  (Nimrud),   Iraq,  875-­‐860  BCE.  
  5. CriAcal  Thinking  QuesAons   1.  How  are  animals  used  to

     convey  power  and   powerlessness  in  Near  Eastern  art?   2.  How  does  the  art/architecture  of  Assyrian  palaces   differ  from  the  Apadana  in  Persepolis?    What  does   this  say  about  their  respecAve  cultures.   3.  What  is  the  funcAon  of  the  ziggurat  in  ancient  Near   Eastern  religion?   4.  What  kind  of  image  do  the  kings  of  the  Near  Eastern   world  culAvate?    Think  of  both  their  physical   representaAons  and  the  representaAons  of  their  lives.   5.  What  are  some  common  arAsAc  themes  that  link  the   art  of  the  Near  Eastern  cultures?