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Art of the Classical World-Greece and Rome.pdf

March 08, 2012

Art of the Classical World-Greece and Rome.pdf


March 08, 2012


  1. !"#$%&$#'($)*+,,-.+*$/%"*01$ !2.-(2#$3"((.($+20$4%5($ !"#$%&'( )*+,*-.6$77897:8$ $ !#&'"( ;<<$=)>9?<<$)>$ )*/0#%/(12*""/"34(56#..%/#6(12*""/"34( 7"66"&%.8/(12*""/"34(!,-#&(!"9:;6%/4( !,-#&(<-9%*"(

    $ ="*-.>5,&/"9?.( @%A"%,$B@%A"%-C6$!".'+-.$D5-*(6$ )+2%2$%&$E"%F%"G%2,6$)%2#"+FF%,#%6$ !".'6$!".+0(6$!HA(0A.#6$ !5F'-#'(+#("6$>2I+I(0$)%*A526$ J%"-.6$K%2-.6$)%"-2#'-+26$L.A*A,6$ )%M("6$$ @"A(B,&:-"&?.( !  N(#"%F%*-#+2$@%A"%,6$!O.+6$ !".'+-.6$.P$8<<$=)>$ !  @"-G%,$=%Q6$>+"*Q$)*+,,-.+*6$.P$?R<$ =)>$ !  E%*QS*(-#%,6$J%"QF'%"%,$BDF(+"$ =(+"("C6$T-I'$)*+,,-.+*$.P$U#'$ )(2#A"Q$)>$ !  V-S($%&$D+5%#'"+.(6$D+2.#A+"Q$%&$ #'($3"(+#$3%0,6$D+5%#'"+.(6$ T(**(2-,G.6$.P$WR<$=)>$$ !  E%2#$0A$3+"06$VX5(,$BY"+2.(CP$$ Z+#($[",#$.(2#A"Q$=)>P$$$ !  Y*+\-+2$!5F'-#'(+#("$B)%*-,(A5C6$ 4%5(6$]79R<$=)>P$$
  2. )%2#"+FF%,#%$ EQ#'+I%"(+2$^+_*($%&$LFF%,-#(,$ $ $Y-2-#( $$ $ $K2[2-#($ $L00 $ $$

    $>\(2$ $L2( $ $ $N+2Q$ $4-I'# $$ $ $Z(g$ $4(,# $ $ $N%G%2$ $D#"+-I'# $ $)"%%S(0$ $Z-I'# $ $ $J+"S2(,,$ $3%%0 $ $ $>\-*$ $DHA+"($ $ $L_*%2I$
  3. Lysippos. Weary Herakles. Roman copy signed by Glykon of Athens

    after bronze original of c. 320 BCE. Lysippos. Man Scraping Himself (Apoxyomenos). Roman copy, after a bronze original of c.350-325 BCE. Praxiteles. Aphrodite of Knidos. Roman marble copy after original of c.350 BCE.
  4. •  Aqueduct: An artificial channel for transporting water from a

    distant source Pont du Gard, Nîmes (France). Late first century BCE.
  5. •  Voussoir: A wedge- shaped block used in the construction

    of an arch •  The central voussoir is the keystone
  6. Diagram of a barrel vault Diagram of a groin vault

  7. "Inaugural festivities by Emperor Titus: 100 days, in which 9,000

    animals and 2,000 gladiators were killed. Y*+\-+2$!5F'-#'(+#("$B)%*-,(A5C6$4%5(6$ ]79R<$=)>P$$
  8. ! Temple dedicated to all the gods (pan=all and theion=gods)

    pediment ?"7&*' -"/+' &8@%4-7%&$@'' -76/' ^'($E+2#'(%26$4%5(6$.P$WWR9W7U$)>P$
  9. Temple, perhaps dedicated to Portunus. In the Cattle Market, Rome.

    Late second century BCE. ^'($E+2#'(%26$4%5(6$.P$WWR9W7U$)>P$